Wyoming Statutes
Article 1 - In General
Section 11-19-104 - Slaughter of Diseased Animals; Authority of Veterinarian; Slaughtering Order; When Consent of Owner Required.

11-19-104. Slaughter of diseased animals; authority of veterinarian; slaughtering order; when consent of owner required.
(a) In any case of epizootic disease where premises have been previously quarantined by the state veterinarian, he may order the slaughter of any diseased animals upon the premises and all animals that have been exposed to contagion or infection under the following restrictions:
(i) The order shall be in writing with a duplicate for each owner of the animals condemned;
(ii) The original of each order shall be filed by the veterinarian with the governor and a duplicate given to the owner; and
(iii) Before slaughtering any animal that has been exposed only and does not show disease, the veterinarian shall have the consent of the owner or person in charge of the animal to be slaughtered.