Wyoming Statutes
Article 2 - Inspection for Brands
Section 11-20-204 - Inspector Not to Inspect His Own Livestock; Penalty.

11-20-204. Inspector not to inspect his own livestock; penalty.
It is unlawful for any inspector to issue a certificate of inspection covering livestock owned by him or in which he has any financial interest, and any violation of this provision is punishable as a misdemeanor.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals

Chapter 20 - Brands

Article 2 - Inspection for Brands

Section 11-20-201 - Designation of Contract Services to Implement Brand Inspection Laws; Bond Required; Bond of Inspectors; Interstate Cooperative Agreements.

Section 11-20-202 - Duties of Board; Enforcement of Provisions.

Section 11-20-203 - Inspection of Brands at Time of Delivery or Removal; Certificate Required; Lack Thereof; Emergency Movement of Livestock.

Section 11-20-204 - Inspector Not to Inspect His Own Livestock; Penalty.

Section 11-20-205 - Procedures Generally; Estrays.

Section 11-20-206 - Certificate of Inspection Generally; Distribution of Copies; Failure to Exhibit; Justification to Hold Vehicle and Livestock.

Section 11-20-208 - Proof of Prior Ownership; Penalties for Furnishing False Proof.

Section 11-20-209 - When Inspection Not Required.

Section 11-20-210 - When Inspection Not Required; Certain Importations; Compliance With Health and Quarantine Regulations Required.

Section 11-20-211 - When Inspection Not Required; Contiguous Range.

Section 11-20-212 - In-State Range Movement Permits.

Section 11-20-214 - Brand Inspector May Inspect at His Discretion; Voluntary Inspections.

Section 11-20-216 - Procurement, Form, Contents and Validity of Truck-Fleet Shipment Permit.

Section 11-20-217 - Certificates and Agreements in Lieu of Inspection; Generally; Shipper's Demand for Inspection; Penalty.

Section 11-20-219 - Certificates and Agreements in Lieu of Inspection; Filing and Distribution of Copies.

Section 11-20-220 - Diverted Shipments; Notice Thereof.

Section 11-20-221 - Common Carriers Not to Receive Livestock for Transportation Without Certificate.

Section 11-20-222 - Unbranded Calves; Inspection at Request of Stockman; Fee.

Section 11-20-223 - Out-of-State Accustomed Range Permits.

Section 11-20-224 - Permanent Brand Inspection Certificate; Application; Surrender to Board.

Section 11-20-225 - Annual Horse Brand Inspection Certificate; Surrender to Board; Fee.

Section 11-20-226 - Certificates to Be Signed and in Possession.

Section 11-20-227 - Fraudulent Use of Inspection Certificate and Movement Permit; Penalties.

Section 11-20-228 - Impounding of Vehicles; Lien.

Section 11-20-229 - Penalties for Violation of Certain Provisions.

Section 11-20-230 - Livestock Seed Stock and Exhibitors Permit; Fees; Transfers; Reports; Enforcement.