6-3-108. Definitions for W.S. 6-3-108 through 6-3-110.
(a) As used in W.S. 6-3-108 through 6-3-110:
(i) "Authorized agency" means any of the following agencies or officials when authorized or required to investigate or prosecute alleged arson:
(A) The state fire marshal or his designee;
(B) A county and prosecuting or district attorney;
(C) The attorney general or his designee;
(D) A fire department;
(E) A county sheriff's department, the Wyoming state highway patrol or municipal police department;
(F) The federal bureau of investigation or any other federal agency;
(G) The United States attorney's office; and
(H) The state insurance commissioner or his designee.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Chapter 3 - Offenses Against Property
Article 1 - Arson and Related Offenses
Section 6-3-101 - Arson; First Degree; Aggravated Arson; Penalties.
Section 6-3-102 - Arson; Second Degree; Penalties.
Section 6-3-103 - Arson; Third Degree; Penalties.
Section 6-3-104 - Arson; Fourth Degree; Penalties.
Section 6-3-105 - Negligently Burning Grounds; Penalties.
Section 6-3-106 - Failure to Extinguish or Contain Fire Outside; Penalty.
Section 6-3-107 - Throwing Burning Substance From Vehicle; Penalties.
Section 6-3-108 - Definitions for w.s. 6-3-108 Through 6-3-110.