Wyoming Statutes
Article 1 - Arson and Related Offenses
Section 6-3-101 - Arson; First Degree; Aggravated Arson; Penalties.

6-3-101. Arson; first degree; aggravated arson; penalties.
(a) A person is guilty of first-degree arson if he maliciously starts a fire or causes an explosion with intent to destroy or damage an occupied structure.
(b) First-degree arson is a felony punishable by:
(i) Imprisonment for not more than twenty (20) years;
(ii) A fine of not more than the greater of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) or two (2) times the face amount of the insurance if the fire was started to cause collection of insurance for the loss; or
(iii) Both fine and imprisonment.
(c) A person is guilty of aggravated arson if he maliciously starts a fire or causes an explosion with intent to destroy an occupied structure, under circumstances evidencing reckless disregard for human life, and serious bodily injury or death occurs to another person, either at the scene or while in emergency response to the incident.
(d) Aggravated arson is a felony punishable by:
(i) Imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) years;
(ii) A fine of not more than the greater of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) or two (2) times the face amount of the insurance if the fire was started to cause collection of insurance for the loss; or
(iii) Both fine and imprisonment.