Wyoming Statutes
Article 1 - General Provisions
Section 5-9-149 - Bank Accounts.

5-9-149. Bank accounts.
The accounting system established by the Wyoming supreme court may provide for bank accounts for each circuit court in which money received by the circuit court may be deposited and disbursed as provided therein, and for such records, reports and procedures as the supreme court requires. If a bank account is established into which fines, costs or forfeitures are deposited, the accounting system established by the supreme court shall require, where available, the use of accounts in a financial institution authorized by W.S. 9-4-803(a) which may earn interest, in which the deposits are subject to payment upon demand and which are insured or secured as provided in W.S. 9-4-817(c). Interest earned on deposits of fines and forfeitures in such accounts shall be forwarded monthly to the county treasurer and credited to the county public school fund. Interest earned on all other deposits in such accounts shall be forwarded to the state treasurer quarterly and credited to the victim's compensation account created by W.S. 1-40-114(a).

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 5 - Courts

Chapter 9 - Circuit Courts

Article 1 - General Provisions

Section 5-9-101 - Definitions; Construction of Provisions.

Section 5-9-102 - Circuit Court Established; Funding.

Section 5-9-103 - Number and Location of Judges.

Section 5-9-105 - Extending Jurisdiction to Try Misdemeanors Committed in Violation of City or Town Ordinances.

Section 5-9-106 - Disposition of Money Collected for Violations of City or Town Ordinances; Disposition of Fines and Penalties Under General State Laws.

Section 5-9-107 - Supreme Court to Adopt Rules; Establish Fees and Court Costs; Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure to Govern Courts.

Section 5-9-108 - Name of Court; Presider.

Section 5-9-109 - Term of Judges.

Section 5-9-110 - Judges to Be Nonpartisan; Nomination and Appointment.

Section 5-9-111 - Qualifications for Appointment.

Section 5-9-112 - Appointment to Fill Vacancies in Office.

Section 5-9-113 - Delivery of Official Records and Papers to Successor in Office.

Section 5-9-114 - Jurisdiction of Successor Is Same as That of Predecessor in Office.

Section 5-9-116 - Salaries of Judges; Traveling Expenses.

Section 5-9-117 - Oath.

Section 5-9-118 - Judge May Be District Court Commissioner; Private Practice of Law Prohibited; Magistrate of Circuit Court Permitted to Practice Law.

Section 5-9-119 - Judges May Hold Court for Each Other; Expenses of Judge Holding Court in Another Circuit or District; Disqualification of Judge; Change of Venue Prohibited; Assignment of Retired Judges.

Section 5-9-120 - Judicial Robe.

Section 5-9-121 - Seal of Court.

Section 5-9-122 - Budget.

Section 5-9-123 - Clerical Assistants.

Section 5-9-124 - County to Provide Quarters and Equipment; State to Furnish Certain Property for Judges.

Section 5-9-125 - Court Continuously in Session.

Section 5-9-126 - Business Hours; Judge to Be Always Available for Criminal Matters.

Section 5-9-127 - Process Extends Throughout State.

Section 5-9-128 - Civil Jurisdiction.

Section 5-9-129 - Criminal Jurisdiction.

Section 5-9-130 - Concurrent Jurisdiction.

Section 5-9-131 - Assignment to District Court Judge.

Section 5-9-132 - Authority to Set Bail; Preliminary Examinations.

Section 5-9-133 - Powers Generally.

Section 5-9-134 - Probation; Correction and Reduction of Sentence.

Section 5-9-135 - Filing Fee.

Section 5-9-136 - Request for Jury in Civil Actions; Fee; Right to Jury in Criminal Actions.

Section 5-9-137 - Jury Lists.

Section 5-9-138 - Abstract of Judgment; Lien of Judgment on Real Estate; Lien on Real Estate in Another County.

Section 5-9-139 - Reporting of Proceedings; Preservation Thereof.

Section 5-9-140 - Appointment of Special Reporters; Certification of Transcript.

Section 5-9-141 - Civil and Criminal Cases Reviewed on Record.

Section 5-9-142 - Stay of Execution on Judgment; Bond.

Section 5-9-143 - Security on Appeal.

Section 5-9-144 - Receipts for Money Paid Into Court.

Section 5-9-145 - Failure of Judge to Give Receipt Constitutes Cause for Removal From Office.

Section 5-9-146 - Deposit of Money With County or State Treasurer.

Section 5-9-147 - Supreme Court to Establish Uniform Accounting System.

Section 5-9-148 - Failure to Keep Accounts or Account for Money.

Section 5-9-149 - Bank Accounts.

Section 5-9-150 - Examination of Accounts.

Section 5-9-151 - Annual Accounts Submitted to State Auditor and Supreme Court.

Section 5-9-152 - Suit to Enforce Collection or Transmittal of Fines; Failure to Transmit Constitutes Cause for Removal From Office; Liability on Judge's Bond.

Section 5-9-153 - Examination of Court Records by Public, Department of Audit, Attorney General and County Attorneys Permitted.

Section 5-9-154 - Electronic Submittal of Fees, Fines, Bonds and Penalties.