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Article 1 - General Provisions
Section 5-9-101 - Definitions; Construction of Provisions. - 5-9-101. Definitions; construction of provisions. (a) As used in this...
Section 5-9-102 - Circuit Court Established; Funding. - 5-9-102. Circuit court established; funding. (a) Pursuant to the provisions...
Section 5-9-103 - Number and Location of Judges. - 5-9-103. Number and location of judges. (a) The legislature shall...
Section 5-9-105 - Extending Jurisdiction to Try Misdemeanors Committed in Violation of City or Town Ordinances. - 5-9-105. Extending jurisdiction to try misdemeanors committed in violation of...
Section 5-9-106 - Disposition of Money Collected for Violations of City or Town Ordinances; Disposition of Fines and Penalties Under General State Laws. - 5-9-106. Disposition of money collected for violations of city or...
Section 5-9-107 - Supreme Court to Adopt Rules; Establish Fees and Court Costs; Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure to Govern Courts. - 5-9-107. Supreme court to adopt rules; establish fees and court...
Section 5-9-108 - Name of Court; Presider. - 5-9-108. Name of court; presider. The circuit court shall be...
Section 5-9-109 - Term of Judges. - 5-9-109. Term of judges. The terms of circuit court judges...
Section 5-9-110 - Judges to Be Nonpartisan; Nomination and Appointment. - 5-9-110. Judges to be nonpartisan; nomination and appointment. Judges of...
Section 5-9-111 - Qualifications for Appointment. - 5-9-111. Qualifications for appointment. (a) To be eligible for appointment...
Section 5-9-112 - Appointment to Fill Vacancies in Office. - 5-9-112. Appointment to fill vacancies in office. Vacancies occurring in...
Section 5-9-113 - Delivery of Official Records and Papers to Successor in Office. - 5-9-113. Delivery of official records and papers to successor in...
Section 5-9-114 - Jurisdiction of Successor Is Same as That of Predecessor in Office. - 5-9-114. Jurisdiction of successor is same as that of predecessor...
Section 5-9-116 - Salaries of Judges; Traveling Expenses. - 5-9-116. Salaries of judges; traveling expenses. Circuit court judges shall...
Section 5-9-117 - Oath. - 5-9-117. Oath. Before assuming the duties of his office, a...
Section 5-9-118 - Judge May Be District Court Commissioner; Private Practice of Law Prohibited; Magistrate of Circuit Court Permitted to Practice Law. - 5-9-118. Judge may be district court commissioner; private practice of...
Section 5-9-119 - Judges May Hold Court for Each Other; Expenses of Judge Holding Court in Another Circuit or District; Disqualification of Judge; Change of Venue Prohibited; Assignment of Retired Judges. - 5-9-119. Judges may hold court for each other; expenses of...
Section 5-9-120 - Judicial Robe. - 5-9-120. Judicial robe. While holding court, judges of a circuit...
Section 5-9-121 - Seal of Court. - 5-9-121. Seal of court. Each circuit court shall have a...
Section 5-9-122 - Budget. - 5-9-122. Budget. The supreme court shall submit one (1) budget...
Section 5-9-123 - Clerical Assistants. - 5-9-123. Clerical assistants. A judge of a circuit court may...
Section 5-9-124 - County to Provide Quarters and Equipment; State to Furnish Certain Property for Judges. - 5-9-124. County to provide quarters and equipment; state to furnish...
Section 5-9-125 - Court Continuously in Session. - 5-9-125. Court continuously in session. The circuit court shall be...
Section 5-9-126 - Business Hours; Judge to Be Always Available for Criminal Matters. - 5-9-126. Business hours; judge to be always available for criminal...
Section 5-9-127 - Process Extends Throughout State. - 5-9-127. Process extends throughout state. The process of a circuit...
Section 5-9-128 - Civil Jurisdiction. - 5-9-128. Civil jurisdiction. (a) Each circuit court has exclusive original...
Section 5-9-129 - Criminal Jurisdiction. - 5-9-129. Criminal jurisdiction. Circuit courts have original jurisdiction in all...
Section 5-9-130 - Concurrent Jurisdiction. - 5-9-130. Concurrent jurisdiction. For purposes of assignment, all circuit court...
Section 5-9-131 - Assignment to District Court Judge. - 5-9-131. Assignment to district court judge. (a) A circuit court...
Section 5-9-132 - Authority to Set Bail; Preliminary Examinations. - 5-9-132. Authority to set bail; preliminary examinations. (a) Judges and...
Section 5-9-133 - Powers Generally. - 5-9-133. Powers generally. (a) A circuit court may: (i) Preserve...
Section 5-9-134 - Probation; Correction and Reduction of Sentence. - 5-9-134. Probation; correction and reduction of sentence. The circuit court...
Section 5-9-135 - Filing Fee. - 5-9-135. Filing fee. For all civil matters the circuit court...
Section 5-9-136 - Request for Jury in Civil Actions; Fee; Right to Jury in Criminal Actions. - 5-9-136. Request for jury in civil actions; fee; right to...
Section 5-9-137 - Jury Lists. - 5-9-137. Jury lists. Jurors shall be selected from the jury...
Section 5-9-138 - Abstract of Judgment; Lien of Judgment on Real Estate; Lien on Real Estate in Another County. - 5-9-138. Abstract of judgment; lien of judgment on real estate;...
Section 5-9-139 - Reporting of Proceedings; Preservation Thereof. - 5-9-139. Reporting of proceedings; preservation thereof. (a) In any judicial...
Section 5-9-140 - Appointment of Special Reporters; Certification of Transcript. - 5-9-140. Appointment of special reporters; certification of transcript. If the...
Section 5-9-141 - Civil and Criminal Cases Reviewed on Record. - 5-9-141. Civil and criminal cases reviewed on record. In civil...
Section 5-9-142 - Stay of Execution on Judgment; Bond. - 5-9-142. Stay of execution on judgment; bond. In a civil...
Section 5-9-143 - Security on Appeal. - 5-9-143. Security on appeal. The district court to which an...
Section 5-9-144 - Receipts for Money Paid Into Court. - 5-9-144. Receipts for money paid into court. When any money...
Section 5-9-145 - Failure of Judge to Give Receipt Constitutes Cause for Removal From Office. - 5-9-145. Failure of judge to give receipt constitutes cause for...
Section 5-9-146 - Deposit of Money With County or State Treasurer. - 5-9-146. Deposit of money with county or state treasurer. When...
Section 5-9-147 - Supreme Court to Establish Uniform Accounting System. - 5-9-147. Supreme court to establish uniform accounting system. The Wyoming...
Section 5-9-148 - Failure to Keep Accounts or Account for Money. - 5-9-148. Failure to keep accounts or account for money. Failure...
Section 5-9-149 - Bank Accounts. - 5-9-149. Bank accounts. The accounting system established by the Wyoming...
Section 5-9-150 - Examination of Accounts. - 5-9-150. Examination of accounts. The accounts of each circuit court...
Section 5-9-151 - Annual Accounts Submitted to State Auditor and Supreme Court. - 5-9-151. Annual accounts submitted to state auditor and supreme court....
Section 5-9-152 - Suit to Enforce Collection or Transmittal of Fines; Failure to Transmit Constitutes Cause for Removal From Office; Liability on Judge's Bond. - 5-9-152. Suit to enforce collection or transmittal of fines; failure...
Section 5-9-153 - Examination of Court Records by Public, Department of Audit, Attorney General and County Attorneys Permitted. - 5-9-153. Examination of court records by public, department of audit,...
Section 5-9-154 - Electronic Submittal of Fees, Fines, Bonds and Penalties. - 5-9-154. Electronic submittal of fees, fines, bonds and penalties. (a)...
Article 2 - Magistrates of the Circuit Court
Section 5-9-201 - Qualifications for Magistrates. - 5-9-201. Qualifications for magistrates. (a) A full-time magistrate of the...
Section 5-9-202 - Circuit Court to Enter Order Appointing Magistrates. - 5-9-202. Circuit court to enter order appointing magistrates. The circuit...
Section 5-9-203 - Oath. - 5-9-203. Oath. Magistrates of the circuit court, before entering upon...
Section 5-9-204 - Record of Official Actions. - 5-9-204. Record of official actions. Each magistrate of the circuit...
Section 5-9-206 - Full-Time Magistrates; Selection. - 5-9-206. Full-time magistrates; selection. (a) In every county receiving the...
Section 5-9-207 - Full-Time Magistrates; Term of Office; Retention; Removal. - 5-9-207. Full-time magistrates; term of office; retention; removal. (a) The...
Section 5-9-208 - Full-Time Magistrates; Powers of Magistrates Who Are Authorized to Practice Law; Powers of Magistrates Who Are Not Authorized to Practice Law. - 5-9-208. Full-time magistrates; powers of magistrates who are authorized to...
Section 5-9-209 - Full-Time Magistrates; Salary. - 5-9-209. Full-time magistrates; salary. A full-time magistrate of the circuit...
Section 5-9-210 - Part-Time Magistrates; Selection. - 5-9-210. Part-time magistrates; selection. (a) In a county receiving the...
Section 5-9-211 - Part-Time Magistrates; Tenure. - 5-9-211. Part-time magistrates; tenure. Each part-time magistrate appointed under W.S....
Section 5-9-212 - Part-Time Magistrates; Powers. - 5-9-212. Part-time magistrates; powers. (a) At the direction of the...
Section 5-9-213 - Part-Time Magistrates; Pay. - 5-9-213. Part-time magistrates; pay. A part-time magistrate of the circuit...
Section 5-9-214 - Circuit Court to Review Orders; Approval or Disapproval. - 5-9-214. Circuit court to review orders; approval or disapproval. The...