Wyoming Statutes
Article 4 - Assessments and Bonds Generally
Section 15-6-435 - Bonds; Payment of Principal and Interest; Redemption Call.

15-6-435. Bonds; payment of principal and interest; redemption call.
The city or town treasurer shall pay the principal and interest on bonds issued out of the respective local improvement funds from which they are payable. If there is sufficient money in any local improvement fund over the amount required for the payment of maturing principal and interest to pay the principal of one (1) or more bonds, which are subject to redemption on the next interest payment date, the treasurer shall call in and pay those bonds in numerical order. Notice of the call shall be made by publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the city or town, or by mail to the holder, if known, not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of call and shall state that bonds no. .... (giving the serial number or numbers of the bonds called) will be paid on the call day, and interest on those bonds shall cease upon that date.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 15 - Cities and Towns

Chapter 6 - Local Improvements

Article 4 - Assessments and Bonds Generally

Section 15-6-401 - How Grades Established or Altered; Cost.

Section 15-6-402 - Assessments; When Levied; What to Be Included Generally.

Section 15-6-403 - Assessments; Included Costs.

Section 15-6-404 - Assessments; Property Included in District; Methods of Computation; Combining Improvements; Ordinances and Resolutions.

Section 15-6-405 - Assessments; Roll; Preparation and Filing; Hearing; Notice; Action by Governing Body; Objections; Amendments; Certification.

Section 15-6-406 - Lien Created; Priority; Filing.

Section 15-6-407 - Assessments; Review of Decisions.

Section 15-6-408 - Assessments; When Proceedings Conclusive; When Sale Enjoinable.

Section 15-6-409 - Assessments; When Paid; Interest; Penalty; Collection and Enforcement of Liens Generally.

Section 15-6-410 - Assessments; Sale of Property for Delinquency; Generally.

Section 15-6-411 - Assessments; Sale of Property; Statement Returned.

Section 15-6-412 - Assessments; Sale of Property; Certificates; Private Purchaser; Contents; City or Town; Sale.

Section 15-6-413 - Assessments; Fund Created; Use.

Section 15-6-414 - Assessments; Liability of Treasurer for Error.

Section 15-6-415 - Assessments; Record of Payment or Redemption.

Section 15-6-416 - Assessments; Property Held in Trust; Creation and Discharge Thereof.

Section 15-6-417 - Assessments; Property Held in Trust; Sale Thereof; Procedure; Notice.

Section 15-6-418 - Assessments; Redemption of Sold Property; Procedure; Notice; Deed; Results Therefrom.

Section 15-6-419 - Assessments; Foreclosure Action for Delinquency.

Section 15-6-420 - Assessments; Enforcement of Installment Liens.

Section 15-6-421 - Assessments; Certificates of Delinquency; Issuance, Sale; Evidence Therefrom; Restriction.

Section 15-6-422 - Assessments; Omitted Property; When Assessed; Resolution; Notice and Hearing; Results Therefrom.

Section 15-6-423 - Assessments; Fees.

Section 15-6-424 - Assessments; Purchaser's Lien; Interest.

Section 15-6-425 - Assessments; General Tax Certificates Subject Thereto; Foreclosure; Interest.

Section 15-6-426 - Assessments; Limitation of Actions.

Section 15-6-427 - Reassessments; When Authorized or Required; Property Included.

Section 15-6-428 - Reassessments; Ordinance; Roll; Effect of Contracts or Irregularities; Limitation; Payment.

Section 15-6-429 - Reassessments; Assessment Provisions Applicable.

Section 15-6-430 - Reassessments or Supplemental Assessments; Time Limitations; Use of Fund.

Section 15-6-431 - Bonds; Authorization; General Requirements; Signatures; Limitation on Amount.

Section 15-6-432 - Bonds; Cost Assessment; Payments; Interest.

Section 15-6-433 - Bonds; Action for Nonpayment.

Section 15-6-434 - Bonds; Remedy for Nonpayment.

Section 15-6-435 - Bonds; Payment of Principal and Interest; Redemption Call.

Section 15-6-436 - Bonds; Indebtedness.

Section 15-6-437 - Bonds; Revolving Fund Authorized; Source of Monies; Limitation.

Section 15-6-438 - Bonds; Transfer to and Between Funds.

Section 15-6-439 - Payment of Assessments; Redemption From Liability; Notice; Bonds; Use of Sums.

Section 15-6-440 - Payment of Assessments; Installment Collection.

Section 15-6-441 - Assessments and Contracts; When Valid and Enforceable.

Section 15-6-442 - Right of Paying Joint Owner to Contribution; Lien Created.

Section 15-6-443 - When Paid Assessment Recoverable.

Section 15-6-444 - Correction of Mistakes; Payment of Contractor.

Section 15-6-445 - Governing Body; Hearing Continuance; Jurisdiction Retained.

Section 15-6-446 - Extra Work; Performance; Cost; Payment.

Section 15-6-447 - Property Description; Proportional Payment; Notice to Purchasers.

Section 15-6-448 - Work on Railways and Streets Along Railways.