11-5-120. Wyoming weed and pest council duties.
(a) In addition to other duties prescribed by law, the Wyoming weed and pest council shall aid county weed and pest control districts in creating, managing and enhancing coordinated and comprehensive invasive plant species control programs by:
(i) Developing and implementing data systems to support each district in making invasive plant species management decisions informed by accurate, timely data, local experts, cultural practices and best available science;
(ii) Coordinating with the University of Wyoming and community colleges to assess, to the extent practicable, the impacts that invasive plant species can have on socio-ecological systems. As used in this paragraph, "socio-ecological system" means a dynamic system encompassing interactions between people and nature within a defined geographical area;
(iii) Coordinating with the University of Wyoming, community colleges and government agencies to support and expand outreach and provide applied research on the best use of existing tools to control invasive plant species and the development of new invasive plant species management methods;
(iv) Working with federal partners to reduce barriers to timely, effective invasive plant species management on federal lands and adjoining nonfederal lands;
(v) On a biennial basis, reporting to the joint agriculture, state and public lands and water resources interim committee on the status of current funding models, existing or new funding challenges and opportunities to improve funding for designated or declared invasive plant species;
(vi) Encouraging and incentivizing cooperative, landscape-scale projects to control invasive plant species that include multi-jurisdictional partnerships with clear, long-term strategies;
(vii) Coordinating with other state and federal agencies to increase public awareness of the challenges presented by invasive plant species and to encourage prevention and mitigation practices.
(b) The Wyoming weed and pest council may, with the approval of the majority of the board, adopt and publish rules in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, W.S. 16-3-101 et seq. to carry out the purposes of this act.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals
Chapter 5 - Weed and Pest Control
Section 11-5-101 - Short Title; Purpose of Provisions.
Section 11-5-102 - Definitions.
Section 11-5-103 - Composition of Districts.
Section 11-5-105 - Duties; Powers; Supervisor Compensation.
Section 11-5-106 - Board of Certification; Duties.
Section 11-5-107 - Purchase and Sale of Pesticides; Cost Share With Landowner.
Section 11-5-108 - Rates and Application of Pesticides; Payment by Landowner; Bidding Restriction.
Section 11-5-109 - Inspection of Land; Remedial Requirements; Cost to Landowner.
Section 11-5-110 - Appraisal of Damage to Landowner; Hearing.
Section 11-5-111 - Tax Levied on Property in District; Maximum Amount; Weed and Pest Control Fund.
Section 11-5-113 - Allocation of Funds; Formula; Special Funding.
Section 11-5-114 - Allocated Funds; Procedure to Disburse.
Section 11-5-115 - Program in Cities and Towns Authorized; Funding; Use of Monies.
Section 11-5-116 - Quarantine by Director; Request by District.
Section 11-5-117 - Criminal Provision; Penalty; Civil Penalties; Limitations; Necessary Proof.
Section 11-5-118 - Inspection for Contamination.