11-5-105. Duties; powers; supervisor compensation.
(a) The district board shall:
(i) Implement and pursue an effective program for the control of designated weeds and pests;
(ii) Fix the time and place of regular meetings, which shall occur at least once each month and shall be open to the public;
(iii) Keep minutes of all meetings and a complete record of all official acts, including all warrants issued against monies belonging to the district, which are open for public inspection during regular office hours;
(iv) Employ certified district supervisors and if certified personnel are not available, employ an acting district supervisor who shall become certified within twenty-four (24) months from the initial date of employment;
(v) Make at least one (1) annual inspection to determine the progress of weed and pest activities within a district;
(vi) Obtain competitive bids for any purchase costing more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00);
(vii) Control and disburse all monies received from any source;
(viii) Render technical assistance to any city or town with a population of five thousand (5,000) or more which establishes a program as provided in W.S. 11-5-115;
(ix) Share data with the Wyoming weed and pest council and take other actions to support the coordinated and comprehensive invasive plant species control authorized in W.S. 11-5-120.
(b) The district board of each district may:
(i) Sue and be sued;
(ii) Employ personnel and determine duties and conditions of employment;
(iii) Coordinate activities with the department and enter into cooperative agreements with other agencies;
(iv) Secure and maintain bond or liability insurance, when deemed feasible by the district board;
(v) Submit to the department reports required by the board;
(vi) Participate in programs for the control of declared weeds and declared pests not included on the designated list;
(vii) Buy and sell real property, personal property and equipment as needed to carry out district programs.
(c) The district supervisor shall receive a salary and expenses as approved by the district board.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals
Chapter 5 - Weed and Pest Control
Section 11-5-101 - Short Title; Purpose of Provisions.
Section 11-5-102 - Definitions.
Section 11-5-103 - Composition of Districts.
Section 11-5-105 - Duties; Powers; Supervisor Compensation.
Section 11-5-106 - Board of Certification; Duties.
Section 11-5-107 - Purchase and Sale of Pesticides; Cost Share With Landowner.
Section 11-5-108 - Rates and Application of Pesticides; Payment by Landowner; Bidding Restriction.
Section 11-5-109 - Inspection of Land; Remedial Requirements; Cost to Landowner.
Section 11-5-110 - Appraisal of Damage to Landowner; Hearing.
Section 11-5-111 - Tax Levied on Property in District; Maximum Amount; Weed and Pest Control Fund.
Section 11-5-113 - Allocation of Funds; Formula; Special Funding.
Section 11-5-114 - Allocated Funds; Procedure to Disburse.
Section 11-5-115 - Program in Cities and Towns Authorized; Funding; Use of Monies.
Section 11-5-116 - Quarantine by Director; Request by District.
Section 11-5-117 - Criminal Provision; Penalty; Civil Penalties; Limitations; Necessary Proof.
Section 11-5-118 - Inspection for Contamination.