Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 551 - Wisconsin uniform securities law.
551.611 - Service of process.

551.611 Service of process.
(1) Signed consent to service of process. A consent to service of process complying with this section required by this chapter must be signed and filed in the form required by a rule or order under this chapter. A consent appointing the administrator the person's agent for service of process in a noncriminal action or proceeding against the person, or the person's successor or personal representative under this chapter or a rule adopted or order issued under this chapter after the consent is filed, has the same force and validity as if the service were made personally on the person filing the consent. A person that has filed a consent complying with this subsection in connection with a previous application for registration or notice filing need not file an additional consent.
(2) Conduct constituting appointment of agent for service. If a person, including a nonresident of this state, engages in an act, practice, or course of business prohibited or made actionable by this chapter or a rule adopted or order issued under this chapter and the person has not filed a consent to service of process under sub. (1), the act, practice, or course of business constitutes the appointment of the administrator as the person's agent for service of process in a noncriminal action or proceeding against the person or the person's successor or personal representative.
(3) Procedure for service of process. Service under sub. (1) or (2) may be made by providing a copy of the process to the office of the administrator, but it is not effective unless all of the following apply:
(a) The plaintiff, which may be the administrator, promptly sends notice of the service and a copy of the process, return receipt requested, to the defendant or respondent at the address set forth in the consent to service of process or, if a consent to service of process has not been filed, at the last known address, or takes other reasonable steps to give notice.
(b) The plaintiff files an affidavit of compliance with this subsection in the action or proceeding on or before the return day of the process, if any, or within the time that the court, or the administrator in a proceeding before the administrator, allows.
(4) Service in administrative proceedings or civil actions by administrator. Service pursuant to sub. (3) may be used in a proceeding before the administrator or by the administrator in a civil action in which the administrator is the moving party.
(5) Opportunity to defend. If process is served under sub. (3), the court, or the administrator in a proceeding before the administrator, shall order continuances as are necessary or appropriate to afford the defendant or respondent reasonable opportunity to defend.
History: 2007 a. 196.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 551 - Wisconsin uniform securities law.

551.101 - Short title.

551.102 - Definitions.

551.103 - References to federal statutes.

551.104 - References to federal agencies.

551.105 - Electronic records and signatures.

551.201 - Exempt securities.

551.202 - Exempt transactions.

551.203 - Additional exemptions and waivers.

551.204 - Denial, suspension, revocation, condition, or limitation of exemptions; burden of proof; additional information.

551.205 - Additional provisions related to crowdfunding exemption for intrastate offerings through Internet sites.

551.206 - Adjustments.

551.301 - Securities registration requirement.

551.302 - Notice filing.

551.303 - Securities registration by coordination.

551.304 - Securities registration by qualification.

551.305 - Securities registration filings.

551.306 - Denial, suspension, and revocation of securities registration.

551.307 - Waiver and modification.

551.401 - Broker-dealer registration requirement and exemptions.

551.402 - Agent registration requirement and exemptions.

551.403 - Investment adviser registration requirement and exemptions.

551.404 - Investment adviser representative registration requirement and exemptions.

551.405 - Federal covered investment adviser notice filing requirement.

551.406 - Registration by broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, and investment adviser representative.

551.407 - Succession and change in registration of broker-dealer or investment adviser.

551.408 - Termination of employment or association of agent and investment adviser representative and transfer of employment or association.

551.409 - Withdrawal of registration of broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, and investment adviser representative.

551.411 - Postregistration requirements.

551.412 - Denial, revocation, suspension, censure, withdrawal, restriction, condition, or limitation of registration.

551.501 - General fraud.

551.502 - Prohibited conduct in providing investment advice.

551.503 - Evidentiary burden.

551.504 - Filing of sales and advertising literature.

551.505 - Misleading filings.

551.506 - Misrepresentations concerning registration or exemption.

551.507 - Qualified immunity.

551.508 - Criminal penalties.

551.509 - Civil liability.

551.511 - Rescission offers.

551.601 - Administration.

551.602 - Investigations and subpoenas.

551.603 - Civil enforcement.

551.604 - Administrative enforcement.

551.605 - Rules, forms, orders, interpretative opinions, and hearings.

551.606 - Administrative files and opinions.

551.607 - Public records; confidentiality.

551.608 - Uniformity and cooperation with other agencies.

551.609 - Judicial review.

551.611 - Service of process.

551.613 - Jurisdiction.

551.614 - Fees and expenses.

551.615 - Statutory policy.

551.701 - Effective date.

551.703 - Application of act to existing proceeding and existing rights and duties.