Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 551 - Wisconsin uniform securities law.
551.302 - Notice filing.

551.302 Notice filing.
(1) Required filing of records. With respect to a federal covered security, as defined in section 18 (b) (2) of the Securities Act of 1933 (15 USC 77r (b) (2), that is not otherwise exempt under ss. 551.201 to 551.203, a rule adopted by the administrator or an order issued under this chapter may require the filing of any or all of the following records:
(a) Prior to offer. Not later than the initial offer of the federal covered security in this state, a copy of each document that is part of its registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act of 1933, which may, at the option of the issuer, be accompanied by a form containing the information specified by the administrator by rule. If a filing is required under this paragraph, the filing shall be accompanied by a consent to service of process signed by the issuer and a notice filing fee under s. 551.614. Any notice filing required under this paragraph is effective upon receipt by the administrator of the documents and fees required under this paragraph, or upon the effectiveness of the registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933, whichever is later.
(b) After offer. After the initial offer of the federal covered security in this state, a copy of each document that is part of an amendment to its registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act of 1933, concurrent with the federal filing, which may, at the option of the issuer, be accompanied by a form containing the information specified by the administrator by rule. If a filing is required under this paragraph and the amendment relates either to a name change of the issuer or a change in the designation of the federal covered security, the filing shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount prescribed by the rule or order requiring the filing. Unless the issuer requests a later effective date, an amendment filing required under this paragraph is effective upon receipt by the administrator of the documents and fees required under this paragraph.
(c) Unit trust or investment company. For a unit investment trust or closed-end investment company to extend its offering beyond a one-year period, a notice of extension, together with any filing fee prescribed by rule or order, at the time prescribed by rule or order.
(3) Notice filings for certain federal covered securities. With respect to a security that is a federal covered security under section 18 (b) (4) (D) of the Securities Act of 1933 (15 USC 77r (b) (4) (D)), a rule under this chapter may require a notice filing by or on behalf of an issuer to include a copy of Form D, including the Appendix, as promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and a consent to service of process complying with s. 551.611 signed by the issuer not later than 15 days after the first sale of the federal covered security in this state and the payment of a fee as provided in s. 551.614 or by rule of the administrator; and the payment of a fee as provided in s. 551.614 or by rule of the administrator for any late filing.
(4) Stop orders. Except with respect to a federal covered security under section 18 (b) (1) of the Securities Act of 1933 (15 USC 77r (b) (1)), if the administrator finds that there is a failure to comply with a notice or fee requirement of this section, the administrator may issue a stop order suspending the offer and sale of a federal covered security in this state. If the deficiency is corrected, the stop order is void as of the time of its issuance and no penalty may be imposed by the administrator.
(5) Waiver. The administrator may, by rule or order, waive or further condition any waiver of a requirement under this section or under any rule promulgated by the administrator, or order issued, under this section.
History: 2007 a. 196.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 551 - Wisconsin uniform securities law.

551.101 - Short title.

551.102 - Definitions.

551.103 - References to federal statutes.

551.104 - References to federal agencies.

551.105 - Electronic records and signatures.

551.201 - Exempt securities.

551.202 - Exempt transactions.

551.203 - Additional exemptions and waivers.

551.204 - Denial, suspension, revocation, condition, or limitation of exemptions; burden of proof; additional information.

551.205 - Additional provisions related to crowdfunding exemption for intrastate offerings through Internet sites.

551.206 - Adjustments.

551.301 - Securities registration requirement.

551.302 - Notice filing.

551.303 - Securities registration by coordination.

551.304 - Securities registration by qualification.

551.305 - Securities registration filings.

551.306 - Denial, suspension, and revocation of securities registration.

551.307 - Waiver and modification.

551.401 - Broker-dealer registration requirement and exemptions.

551.402 - Agent registration requirement and exemptions.

551.403 - Investment adviser registration requirement and exemptions.

551.404 - Investment adviser representative registration requirement and exemptions.

551.405 - Federal covered investment adviser notice filing requirement.

551.406 - Registration by broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, and investment adviser representative.

551.407 - Succession and change in registration of broker-dealer or investment adviser.

551.408 - Termination of employment or association of agent and investment adviser representative and transfer of employment or association.

551.409 - Withdrawal of registration of broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser, and investment adviser representative.

551.411 - Postregistration requirements.

551.412 - Denial, revocation, suspension, censure, withdrawal, restriction, condition, or limitation of registration.

551.501 - General fraud.

551.502 - Prohibited conduct in providing investment advice.

551.503 - Evidentiary burden.

551.504 - Filing of sales and advertising literature.

551.505 - Misleading filings.

551.506 - Misrepresentations concerning registration or exemption.

551.507 - Qualified immunity.

551.508 - Criminal penalties.

551.509 - Civil liability.

551.511 - Rescission offers.

551.601 - Administration.

551.602 - Investigations and subpoenas.

551.603 - Civil enforcement.

551.604 - Administrative enforcement.

551.605 - Rules, forms, orders, interpretative opinions, and hearings.

551.606 - Administrative files and opinions.

551.607 - Public records; confidentiality.

551.608 - Uniformity and cooperation with other agencies.

551.609 - Judicial review.

551.611 - Service of process.

551.613 - Jurisdiction.

551.614 - Fees and expenses.

551.615 - Statutory policy.

551.701 - Effective date.

551.703 - Application of act to existing proceeding and existing rights and duties.