Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 344 - Vehicles — financial responsibility.
344.02 - Hearing on suspension or impoundment.

344.02 Hearing on suspension or impoundment.
(1) Whenever the department under s. 344.13 gives notice of the amount of security required to be deposited and that an order of suspension or impoundment will be made if such security is not deposited, it shall afford the person so notified an opportunity for a hearing on the proposed action, if written request for a hearing is received by the department prior to the date specified in the notice, or prior to the postponed effective date of suspension if postponement has been granted under s. 344.14 (1). Upon receipt of timely request for hearing, the department shall fix the time and place of the hearing and give notice thereof to such person by regular mail. The scope of the hearing is limited to the matter set forth in s. 344.14 (2) (k) and, subject to s. 344.14 (2m), to whether or not the person is the owner of the motor vehicle to be impounded. Any person who fails without reasonable cause to appear at the time and place specified in the notice shall forfeit the right to a hearing.
(2) No law enforcement officer or other witness called by the person who has requested a hearing to testify on his or her behalf may be paid a witness fee by the department. No law enforcement officer called as a witness for the department may be paid any witness fee.
(3) Upon completion of the hearing, the department shall make findings of fact, conclusions of law, and a decision, and shall either proceed to order suspension of the person's operating privilege, or registrations, or both, and may also order the impoundment of the person's motor vehicle, in accordance with s. 344.14, or upon good cause appearing therefor, shall terminate the proceedings.
(4) The time during which enforcement of an order of suspension or impoundment is stayed pending completion of court review thereof shall not be included as part of the one-year period fixed by s. 344.18 (1) (d) for suspension or the period fixed under s. 344.185 (2) (a) or (b) for impoundment.
History: 1971 c. 253; 1977 c. 29 ss. 1462, 1654 (7) (a), (c); 1977 c. 418; 1979 c. 258; 1981 c. 347 s. 80 (2); 1981 c. 363, 391; 1991 a. 269; 1993 a. 16; 1997 a. 27, 84.
The hearing procedures under this section satisfy due process. A person's minimal property interest is balanced by the state's interest in the procedures, which carry little risk of an erroneous deprivation of property. Kopf v. State, 158 Wis. 2d 208, 461 N.W.2d 813 (Ct. App. 1990).

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 344 - Vehicles — financial responsibility.

344.01 - Words and phrases defined.

344.02 - Hearing on suspension or impoundment.

344.03 - Judicial review.

344.04 - Power of court to stay suspension of registration or impoundment of vehicles.

344.05 - Courts to report nonpayment of certain judgments.

344.07 - Responsibility law not to prevent other process.

344.08 - Suspension for failure to report accident.

344.09 - Reinstatement of operating privilege and registration.

344.12 - Applicability of provisions relating to deposit of security for past accidents.

344.13 - Secretary to determine amount of security required following accident and to give notice thereof.

344.14 - Suspension for failure to deposit security; impoundment of vehicle; exceptions.

344.15 - Requirements as to policy or bond.

344.16 - Requirements as to self-insurers.

344.17 - Requirements as to form and amount of security.

344.18 - Duration of suspension for failure to deposit security.

344.185 - Duration of impoundment of motor vehicle; disposition.

344.19 - Applicability to nonresidents, unlicensed drivers, unregistered motor vehicles and accidents in other states.

344.20 - Custody, disposition and return of security.

344.21 - Matters not to be evidence in civil suits.

344.22 - Short title.

344.24 - Applicability of sections relating to proof of financial responsibility for the future.

344.25 - Suspension for nonpayment of judgment; exceptions.

344.26 - Suspension after judgment for money damages.

344.27 - Installment payment of judgments; suspension upon default.

344.29 - Proof of financial responsibility for the future required.

344.30 - Methods of giving proof of financial responsibility.

344.31 - Certification of insurance as proof.

344.33 - “ Motor vehicle liability policy" defined.

344.34 - Notice of cancellation or termination of certified policy.

344.35 - This chapter not to affect other policies.

344.36 - Bond as proof.

344.37 - Money or securities as proof.

344.38 - Owner and leasing company may give proof for others.

344.39 - Substitution of proof.

344.40 - Revocation or suspension for failure to maintain proof; other proof may be required.

344.41 - Duration of proof; when proof may be canceled or returned.

344.42 - Submission of certifications and recertifications by insurers.

344.45 - Surrender of license and registration upon suspension.

344.46 - Transfer of vehicle ownership to defeat purpose of chapter.

344.48 - Forged proof.

344.51 - Financial responsibility for domestic rented or leased vehicles.

344.52 - Financial responsibility for foreign rented vehicles.

344.55 - Insurance for human service vehicles.

344.57 - Definitions applicable to ss. 344.57 to 344.579.

344.572 - Applicability to rental agreements.

344.574 - Limited liability for damage.

344.576 - Damage waivers.

344.577 - Advertisement or representation.

344.578 - Credit card for deposit or damages.

344.579 - Violations.

344.61 - Definitions.

344.62 - Motor vehicle liability insurance required.

344.63 - Exceptions to motor vehicle liability insurance requirement.

344.64 - Fraudulent, false, or invalid proof of insurance.

344.65 - Violations.

344.66 - Rules.

344.67 - Notice.