20.005 State budget.
(1) Summary of all funds. The budget governing fiscal operations for the state of Wisconsin for all funds beginning on July 1, 2019, and ending on June 30, 2021, is summarized as follows: [See Figure 20.005 (1) following]
NOTE: Pursuant to s. 20.004, the schedule and summaries contained in s. 20.005 are compiled by the Department of Administration for approval by the Joint Committee on Finance at the end of each biennial session of the legislature. The final 2021-2023 schedule and summaries, as approved by the Joint Committee on Finance, are published here. - See PDF for table
2021-22 2022-23
Opening Balance, July 1 $ 2,581,053,000 $ 2,828,524,000
Taxes 18,927,695,800 20,872,749,400
Departmental Revenues
Tribal Gaming Revenues 0 21,729,300
Other 481,661,900 486,219,400
Total Available $ 21,990,410,700 $ 24,209,222,100
Appropriations, Transfers, and Reserves
Gross Appropriations $ 19,284,768,700 $ 19,731,372,000
MA Biennial Adjustment -360,000,000 360,000,000
Transfers to:
Transportation Fund 178,869,600 97,289,300
Building Trust Fund 15,000,000 0
MA Trust Fund 174,665,900 527,783,700
UI Trust Fund 60,000,000 60,000,000
Compensation Reserves 41,929,200 105,951,600
Less Lapses -233,346,700 -553,041,400
Net Appropriations $ 19,161,886,700 $ 20,329,355,200
Gross Balance $ 2,828,524,000 $ 3,879,866,900
Less Required Statutory Balance -90,000,000 -95,000,000
Net Balance $ 2,738,524,000 $ 3,784,866,900
2021-22 2022-23
General Purpose Revenue $ 19,284,768,700 $ 19,731,372,000
Federal Revenue $ 12,905,013,700 $ 12,704,641,400
Program (11,943,494,500) (11,727,336,200)
Segregated (961,519,200) (977,305,200)
Program Revenue $ 6,837,622,300 $ 6,850,180,200
State (5,858,329,700) (5,891,327,600)
Service (979,292,600) (958,852,600)
Segregated Revenue $ 4,417,989,200 $ 4,547,174,500
State (4,185,899,000) (4,317,084,300)
Local (115,325,600) (115,325,600)
Service (116,764,600) (114,764,600)
GRAND TOTAL $ 43,445,393,900 $ 43,833,368,100
2021-22 2022-23
General Purpose Revenue $ 41,929,200 $ 105,951,600
Federal Revenue 6,627,800 16,346,500
Program Revenue 11,024,200 27,189,100
Segregated Revenue 6,704,600 16,535,500
TOTAL $ 66,285,800 $ 166,022,700
2021-22 2022-23
Opening Balance and Reserve $ 80,466,600 $ 16,625,900
Gross Revenue
Ticket Sales $ 831,011,700 $ 831,011,700
Miscellaneous Revenue 283,400 283,400
Total Gross Revenue $ 831,295,100 $ 831,295,100
Expenses - SEG
Prizes $ 520,332,100 $ 520,332,100
Administrative Expenses 30,492,100 29,038,100
Total SEG Expenses $ 550,824,200 $ 549,370,200
Expenses - GPR
Administrative Expenses $ 72,875,000 $ 72,875,000
Net SEG Proceeds $ 280,470,900 $ 281,924,900
Total Available for Property Tax Relief
Opening Balance $ 80,466,600 $ 16,625,900
Net SEG Proceeds 280,470,900 281,924,900
Interest Earnings 60,400 18,600
Gaming-Related Revenue 0 0
Total Available for Tax Relief $ 360,997,900 $ 298,569,400
Property Tax Relief $ 344,371,900 $ 281,943,500
Gross Closing Balance $ 16,625,900 $ 16,625,900
Reserve $ 16,625,900 $ 16,625,900
Net Balance $ 0 $ 0
(2) State borrowing program summary. The following schedule sets forth the state borrowing program summary: [See Figures 20.005 (2) (a) and (b) following] - See PDF for table
2021-23 BIENNIUM
Agency and Purpose Amount
Energy conservation projects $ 25,000,000
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Soil and water 7,000,000
Building Commission
Other public purposes (all agency projects) 232,987,700
Housing state agencies 24,086,000
Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Treatment Beds—Marathon County 5,000,000
WisCraft, Inc.—Beyond Vision Center—Milwaukee 5,000,000
Museum of Nature and Culture—Milwaukee 40,000,000
Correctional facilities 37,821,900
Juvenile correctional facilities 45,791,000
Health Services
Mental health facilities 60,367,400
Historical Society
Historic sites 8,321,000
Military Affairs
Armories and military facilities 21,825,300
Natural Resources
Contaminated sediment removal 4,000,000
Dam safety projects 10,000,000
Nonpoint source 6,500,000
Urban nonpoint source cost*sharing 4,000,000
Knowles*Nelson stewardship 90,000,000
Recreation development 13,261,700
SEG revenue supported facilities 33,583,500
Public Instruction
State School, State Center, and Library Facilities 17,611,700
Public Service Commission
Broadband grants 125,000,000
Freight rail 20,000,000
Interstate 94 East*West 40,000,000
Alternative contracting—design* build 20,000,000
Harbor improvements 15,300,000
University of Wisconsin System
Academic facilities 540,612,000
Self*amortizing facilities 83,875,000
Veterans Affairs
Veterans facilities 7,190,900
Self*amortizing facilities 10,752,300
TOTAL General Obligation Bonds $ 1,554,887,400*
*Excludes $2,000,000,000 of economic refunding bonds.
Agency and Purpose Amount
Environmental Improvement Program
Clean water and safe drinking water $ 24,700,000
Transportation facilities and major highway projects 128,258,200
TOTAL Revenue Obligation Bonds $ 152,958,200
GRAND TOTAL $ 1,707,845,600 - See PDF for table
FISCAL YEARS 2021-22 AND 2022-23
Statute, Agency And Purpose Source 2021-22 2022-23
20.115 Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department of
(2)(d) Principal repayment and interest GPR $1,800 $800
(7)(b) Principal repayment and interest, conservation reserve
enhancement GPR 1,146 ,200 999,000
20.190 State fair park board
(1)(c) Housing facilities principal repayment, interest and rebates GPR 210,900 115,7 00
(1)(d) Principal repayment and interest GPR 1,850, 100 1,544 ,600
20.225 Educational communications board
(1)(c) Principal repayment and interest GPR 2,361,100 1 ,949,500
20.245 Historical society
(1)(e) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates GPR 4,327,6 00 4,613,500
20.250 Medical College of Wisconsin
(1)(c) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; biomedical research
and technology incubator GPR 2,849,900 2,880,000
(1)(e) Principal repayment and interest GPR 463,700 450,400
20.255 Public instruction, department of
(1)(d) Principal repayment and interest GPR 1,027,400 904 ,700
20.285 University of Wisconsin System
(1)(d) Principal repayment and interest GPR 203,026,300 209, 471,500
20.320 Environmental improvement program
(1)(c) Principal repayment and interest * clean water fund program GPR 3,953,800 2 ,756,600
(2)(c) Principal repayment and interest * safe drinking water loan
program GPR 4,33 0,900 3, 730,400
20.370 Natural resources, department of
(7)(aa) Resource acquisition and development * principal repayment
and interest GPR 6 0,456,400 52,670,000
(7)(cb) Principal repayment and interest * pollution abatement bonds GPR 0 0
(7)(cc) Principal repayment and interest * combined sewer overflow;
pollution abatement bonds GPR 653,500 278,500
Statute, Agency And Purpose Source 2021-22 2022-23
(7)(cd) Principal repayment and interest * municipal clean drinking
water grants GPR 5 ,800 2, 300
(7)(ea) Administrative facilities * principal repayment and interest GPR 661 ,300 537, 200
20.395 Transportation, department of
(6)(ad) Principal repayment and interest, contingent funding of southeast
Wisconsin freeway megaprojects, state funds GPR 15, 750,100 16 ,293,800
(6)(ae) Principal repayment and interest, contingent funding of major
highway and rehabilitation projects, state funds GPR 13 ,292,100 13,533,500
(6)(af) Principal repayment and interest, local roads for job preservation
program, major highway and rehabilitation projects, southeast
megaprojects, state funds GPR 69,582,100 57,732,6 00
20.410 Corrections, department of
(1)(e) Principal repayment and interest GPR $49,783,300 $37, 439,200
(1)(ec) Prison industries principal, interest and rebates GPR 0 0
(3)(e) Principal repayment and interest GPR 2,685,500 2,352 ,800
(3)(fm) Secured residential care centers for children and youth GPR 17,100 298,600
20.435 Health services, department of
(2)(ee) Principal repayment and interest GPR 17,673,600 16,583, 400
20.465 Military affairs, department of
(1)(d) Principal repayment and interest GPR 6,587,500 6,487,900
20.485 Veterans affairs, department of
(1)(f) Principal repayment and interest GPR 2,218, 800 1,301 ,000
20.505 Administration, department of
(4)(es) Principal, interest, and rebates; general purpose revenue * schools GPR 749,500 325,500
(4)(et) Principal, interest, and rebates; general purpose revenue * public
library boards GPR 6 ,600 3,400
(5)(c) Principal repayment and interest; Black Point Estate GPR 226,700 192,9 00
20.855 Miscellaneous appropriations
(8)(a) Dental clinic and education facility; principal repayment,
interest and rebates GPR 1,998,700 912,700
20.867 Building commission
(1)(a) Principal repayment and interest; housing of state agencies GPR 0 0
(1)(b) Principal repayment and interest; capitol and executive residence GPR 4, 198,200 2 ,520,600
(3)(a) Principal repayment and interest GPR 21,411,000 30,182, 500
(3)(b) Principal repayment and interest GPR 1,212,500 1,418,800
(3)(bb) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; AIDS Network, Inc. GPR 8, 600 11,100
(3)(bc) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Grand Opera House
in Oshkosh GPR 51 ,900 43, 300
(3)(bd) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Aldo Leopold climate
change classroom and interactive laboratory GPR 36,900 36,500
(3)(be) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Bradley Center
Sports and Entertainment Corporation GPR 543,300 528,800
(3)(bf) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; AIDS Resource
Center of Wisconsin, Inc. GPR 22,800 29 ,500
(3)(bg) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Madison Children's
Museum GPR 7,200 9, 300
(3)(bh) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Myrick Hixon
EcoPark, Inc. GPR 36 ,700 42,300
Statute, Agency And Purpose Source 2021-22 2022-23
(3)(bj) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Lac du Flambeau
Indian Tribal Cultural Center GPR 16,000 16,000
(3)(bL) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; family justice center GPR 649,800 667,800
(3)(bm) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; HR Academy, Inc. GPR 120, 300 97,000
(3)(bn) Principal repayment, interest and rebates; Hmong cultural center GPR 22,100 19,900
(3)(bo) Principal repayment, interest and rebates; psychiatric and
behavioral health treatment beds; Marathon County GPR 0 52,000
(3)(bq) Principal repayment, interest and rebates; children's research
institute GPR 900 ,400 848, 600
(3)(br) Principal repayment, interest and rebates GPR 70,400 15,200
(3)(bt) Principal repayment, interest and rebates; Wisconsin Agriculture
Education Center, Inc. GPR 305, 600 305,5 00
(3)(bu) Principal repayment, interest and rebates; Civil War exhibit at
the Kenosha Public Museum GPR $30,900 $3 0,300
(3)(bv) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Bond Health Center GPR 50,100 61,700
(3)(bw) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Eau Claire
Confluence Arts, Inc. GPR 937,000 935,000
(3)(bx) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Carroll University GPR 157,400 162, 100
(3)(cb) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Domestic Abuse
Intervention Services, Inc. GPR 33,600 34 ,300
(3)(cd) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; K I Convention Center GPR 108,500 113,700
(3)(cf) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Dane County;
livestock facilities GPR 573,400 574,9 00
(3)(ch) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Wisconsin Maritime
Center of Excellence GPR 344,200 342,400
(3)(cj) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Norskedalen Nature
and Heritage Center GPR 0 8,800
(3)(cq) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; La Crosse Center GPR 306,900 327,800
(3)(cr) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; St. Ann Center for
Intergenerational Care, Inc; Bucyrus Campus GPR 342 ,700 338, 100
(3)(cs) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Brown County
innovation center GPR 326,800 322 ,400
(3)(cv) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; Beyond Vision;
VisABILITY Center GPR 0 52,000
(3)(cw) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; projects GPR 0 0
(3)(cx) Principal repayment, interest, and rebates; center GPR 0 0
(3)(cz) Museum of nature and culture GPR 0 0
(3)(e) Principal repayment, interest and rebates; parking ramp GPR 0 0
TOTAL General Purpose Revenue Debt Service $500,723 ,500 $476, 510,200
20.190 State fair park board
(1)(j) State fair principal repayment, interest and rebates PR $1,931,000 $1,939,400
20.225 Educational communications board
(1)(i) Program revenue facilities; principal repayment,
interest, and rebates PR 0 0
20.245 Historical society
(1)(j) Self*amortizing facilities; principal
repayment, interest, and rebates PR 7,700 9,800
20.285 University of Wisconsin System
(1)(gj) Self* amortizing facilities principal
and interest PR 148,028,100 155,039,400
Statute, Agency And Purpose Source 2021-22 2022-23
20.370 Natural resources, department of
(7)(ad) Land sales — principal repayment PR 0 0
(7)(ag) Land acquisition — principal repayment and interest PR 0 0
(7)(cg) Principal repayment and interest — nonpoint repayments PR 0 0
20.410 Corrections, department of
(1)(ko) Prison industries principal repayment, interest and rebates PR 53,700 45,200
20.485 Veterans affairs, department of
(1)(go) Self* amortizing facilities; principal repayment and interest PR 3,308,000 4,162,200
20.505 Administration, department of
(4)(ha) Principal, interest, and rebates; program revenue — schools PR $0 $0
(4)(hb) Principal, interest, and rebates; program revenue — public
library boards PR 0 0
(5)(g) Principal repayment, interest and rebates; parking PR 2,889,500 2,116,800
(5)(kc) Principal repayment, interest and rebates PR 27,948,800 22,068,200
20.867 Building commission
(3)(g) Principal repayment, interest and rebates; program revenues PR 0 0
(3)(h) Principal repayment, interest and rebates PR 0 0
(3)(i) Principal repayment, interest and rebates; capital equipment PR 0 0
(3)(kd) Energy conservation construction projects; principal
repayment, interest and rebates PR 43,300 375,800
(3)(km) Aquaculture demonstration facility; principal repayment
and interest PR 245,700 185,600
TOTAL Program Revenue Debt Service $184,455,800 $185,942,400
20.115 Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department of
(7)(s) Principal repayment and interest; soil
and water, environmental fund SEG $4,409,600 $4,740,300
20.320 Environmental improvement program
(1)(t) Principal repayment and interest — clean water fund
program bonds SEG 8,000,000 7,000,000
20.370 Natural resources, department of
(7)(aq) Resource acquisition and development — principal repayment
and interest SEG 100 100
(7)(ar) Dam repair and removal — principal repayment and interest SEG 218,400 135,100
(7)(at) Recreation development — principal repayment and interest SEG 0 0
(7)(au) State forest acquisition and development — principal repayment
and interest SEG 13,500,000 13,500,000
(7)(bq) Principal repayment and interest — remedial action SEG 1,660,900 1,346,900
(7)(br) Principal repayment and interest — contaminated sediment SEG 2,198,800 1,955,200
(7)(cq) Principal repayment and interest — nonpoint source grants SEG 3,858,300 3,473,300
(7)(cr) Principal repayment and interest — nonpoint source SEG 2,216,800 2,676,600
(7)(cs) Principal repayment and interest — urban nonpoint source
cost*sharing SEG 3,011,400 3,219,800
(7)(ct) Principal repayment and interest — pollution abatement,
environmental fund SEG 3,147,700 1,504,100
(7)(eq) Administrative facilities — principal repayment and interest SEG 5,999,100 6,511,400
(7)(er) Administrative facilities — principal
repayment and interest; environmental fund SEG 1,154,400 1,199,800
Statute, Agency And Purpose Source 2021-22 2022-23
20.395 Transportation, department of
(6)(aq) Principal repayment and interest, transportation facilities,
state highway rehabilitation, major highway projects,
state funds SEG 46,545,000 56,870,200
(6)(ar) Principal repayment and interest, buildings, state funds SEG 21,800 28,000
(6)(au) Principal repayment and interest, southeast rehabilitation
projects, southeast megaprojects, and high*cost bridge
projects, state funds SEG 84,655,700 90,814,900
(6)(av) Principal repayment and interest, contingent funding of major
highway and rehabilitation projects, state funds SEG 12,225,600 12,129,200
20.485 Veterans affairs, department of
(4)(qm) Repayment of principal and interest SEG $800 $200
20.867 Building commission
(3)(q) Principal repayment and interest; segregated revenues SEG 0 0
TOTAL Segregated Revenue Debt Service $192,824,400 $207,105,100
GRAND TOTAL All Debt Service $878,003,700 $869,557,700
(3) Appropriations. The following schedule sets forth all annual, biennial, and sum certain continuing appropriations and anticipated expenditures from other appropriations for the programs and other purposes indicated. All appropriations are made from the general fund unless otherwise indicated. The letter abbreviations shown designating the type of appropriation apply to both fiscal years in the schedule unless otherwise indicated. [See Figure 20.005 (3) following] - See PDF for table - See PDF for table
History: 2021 a. 58; 2021 a. 176 s. 18; 2021 a. 234.
Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 20 - Appropriations and budget management.
20.001 - Definitions and abbreviations.
20.002 - General appropriation provisions.
20.003 - Appropriation acts and bills.
20.004 - Revising schedule and summaries.
20.115 - Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department of.
20.144 - Financial institutions, department of.
20.145 - Insurance, office of the commissioner of.
20.155 - Public service commission.
20.165 - Safety and professional services, department of.
20.190 - State fair park board.
20.192 - Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
20.220 - Wisconsin Artistic Endowment Foundation.
20.225 - Educational communications board.
20.235 - Higher educational aids board.
20.250 - Medical College of Wisconsin.
20.255 - Public instruction, department of.
20.285 - University of Wisconsin System.
20.292 - Technical college system board.
20.320 - Environmental improvement program.
20.360 - Lower Wisconsin state riverway board.
20.370 - Natural resources, department of.
20.373 - Fox River Navigational System Authority.
20.375 - Lower Fox River Remediation Authority.
20.380 - Tourism, department of.
20.385 - Kickapoo reserve management board.
20.395 - Transportation, department of.
20.410 - Corrections, department of.
20.425 - Employment relations commission.
20.427 - Labor and industry review commission.
20.432 - Board on aging and long-term care.
20.433 - Child abuse and neglect prevention board.
20.435 - Health services, department of.
20.437 - Children and families, department of.
20.438 - Board for people with developmental disabilities.
20.440 - Health and Educational Facilities Authority.
20.445 - Workforce development, department of.
20.455 - Justice, department of.
20.465 - Military affairs, department of.
20.485 - Veterans affairs, department of.
20.490 - Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority.
20.505 - Administration, department of.
20.507 - Board of commissioners of public lands.
20.510 - Elections commission.
20.515 - Employee trust funds, department of.
20.525 - Office of the governor.
20.540 - Office of the lieutenant governor.
20.550 - Public defender board.
20.566 - Revenue, department of.
20.835 - Shared revenue and tax relief.
20.855 - Miscellaneous appropriations.
20.875 - Budget stabilization fund.
20.901 - Departmental cooperation.
20.903 - Forestalling appropriations.
20.904 - Transfer of appropriation charges.
20.9045 - Department of natural resources; appropriations; program balances; revenues.
20.906 - Receipts and deposits of money.
20.907 - Receipts from gifts and other outside sources.
20.908 - Charges for printed material.
20.909 - Abandoned, lost or escheated property.
20.910 - State percentage; notice of default.
20.912 - Cancellation and reissue of checks and share drafts.
20.914 - Acquisition of land and buildings.
20.915 - State motor vehicles and aircraft.
20.917 - Moving expenses; temporary lodging allowance.
20.918 - Damaged personal articles.
20.921 - Deductions from salaries.
20.922 - Appointment of subordinates.
20.924 - Building program execution.
20.925 - Salary of temporary successors.
20.927 - Subsidy of abortions prohibited.
20.9275 - Prohibitions on funding for abortion-related activities.
20.928 - Supplementation procedure for compensation and fringe benefits.
20.929 - Agency drafts or warrants.
20.9305 - Contracting for legal services on a contingent fee basis.
20.940 - Legislative authorization and oversight of requests to federal government.