Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 196 - Regulation of public utilities.
196.595 - Utility advertising practices.

196.595 Utility advertising practices.
(1) In this section:
(a) “Advertising" means:
1. Printed and published material and descriptive literature of a utility used in newspapers, magazines, radio and TV scripts, billboards and similar displays.
1m. Any material which provides information favorable to a public utility on any issue about which the utility is attempting to influence legislative or administrative action by direct oral or written communication with any elective state official, agency official or legislative employee if the practice is regulated under subch. III of ch. 13.
2. Descriptive literature and sales aids of all kinds issued by a utility for presentation to utility consumers and other members of the public, including but not limited to any material enclosed with or added to a utility billing statement, circulars, leaflets, booklets, depictions, illustrations and form letters.
3. Prepared sales talks to the public and public informational facilities.
4. Other materials and procedures enumerated by rule of the commission which promote or provide information to the public about a public utility.
(b) “Expenditure" means any cost of advertising directly incurred by a utility and any cost of advertising incurred by contribution to parent or affiliated companies or to trade associations.
(c) “Public utility" in this section means any public utility, as defined in s. 196.01, engaged in the transmission, delivery, or furnishing of natural gas by means of pipes or mains, heat, light, water, or power. “Public utility" does not include any cooperative association organized under ch. 185.
(2) A public utility may not charge its ratepayers for any expenditure for advertising unless the advertising:
(b) Produces a demonstrated, direct and substantial benefit for ratepayers. Advertising which produces a direct and substantial benefit for ratepayers is limited to advertising which does any of the following:
1. Demonstrates energy or water conservation methods.
2. Conveys safety information on the use of energy.
2g. Conveys health or safety information related to a water system or the use of water, including information on preventing frozen water laterals.
2r. Identifies the public utility on public utility property or the location of public utility property.
3. Demonstrates methods of reducing ratepayer costs.
4. Otherwise directly and substantially benefits ratepayers.
5. Is required by law, administrative rule, or permit.
(2m) Notwithstanding sub. (2), a public utility may charge its ratepayers for expenditures for reasonable direct communication to ratepayers that will be directly and substantially impacted by ongoing or future water public utility operations or construction.
(3) The commission shall make rules to carry out the purposes of and to enforce this section.
History: 1983 a. 27, 235; 1985 a. 297; 1989 a. 338; 1993 a. 496; 2017 a. 136.

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 196 - Regulation of public utilities.

196.01 - Definitions.

196.012 - Interstate commerce.

196.015 - Total service long-run incremental cost.

196.016 - Relationship to certain federal telecommunications law.

196.02 - Commission's powers.

196.025 - Duties of the commission.

196.026 - Settlements.

196.027 - Environmental trust financing.

196.029 - Energy administration.

196.03 - Utility charges and service; reasonable and adequate.

196.04 - Facilities granted other utilities; physical telecommunications connections; petition; investigation.

196.05 - Public utility property; valuation; revaluation.

196.06 - Uniform accounting; forms; books; office.

196.07 - Balance sheet filed annually.

196.08 - Audit and inspection.

196.09 - Depreciation rates and practices; findings by commission; dividends from reserves; retirements.

196.10 - Construction; accounting.

196.11 - Profit sharing and sliding scales.

196.12 - Report by public utilities; items.

196.13 - Commission's report.

196.135 - Confidential handling of records.

196.137 - Municipal utility customer information.

196.14 - Public record exception.

196.15 - Units of product or service.

196.16 - Standard measurements; accurate appliances.

196.17 - Tests of meters; fees.

196.171 - Examination of meters, pipes, fittings, wires and works; entering buildings for.

196.175 - Construction and occupancy standards.

196.18 - Entry upon premises.

196.19 - Publish schedules; regulations; files; joint rates.

196.191 - Telecommunications utility and alternative telecommunications utility tariffs.

196.192 - Market-based compensation, rates and contracts.

196.193 - Water and sewer rate increases without hearings.

196.194 - Gas utility individual contracts.

196.195 - Alternative telecommunications regulation plans.

196.197 - Unbundled network elements.

196.198 - Local measured telecommunications service.

196.199 - Interconnection agreements.

196.20 - Rules on service; changes in rates.

196.201 - Regulation of private shared telecommunications systems.

196.202 - Exemption of commercial mobile radio service providers.

196.203 - Exemption of alternative telecommunications utilities.

196.204 - Local government telecommunications utilities.

196.205 - Election of rate regulation.

196.206 - Interconnected voice over Internet protocol service.

196.207 - Telephone caller identification services.

196.208 - Telecommunications pay-per-call and toll-free services.

196.212 - Switched access rates.

196.216 - Small telecommunications utilities as small businesses.

196.217 - Average toll rates.

196.218 - Universal service fund.

196.219 - Protection of telecommunications consumers.

196.22 - Discrimination forbidden.

196.23 - Utility service for victims of misappropriated identifying information.

196.24 - Agents of commission; powers.

196.25 - Questionnaires.

196.26 - Complaint by consumers; hearing; notice; order; costs.

196.28 - Summary investigations.

196.30 - Utilities may complain.

196.31 - Intervenor financing.

196.315 - Consumer advocate funding.

196.32 - Witness fees and mileage.

196.33 - Depositions.

196.34 - Commission records.

196.36 - Transcripts and tapes.

196.37 - Lawful rates; reasonable service.

196.371 - Rate-making principles for electric generation facilities.

196.372 - Financial assistance for lead-containing customer-side water service lines.

196.373 - Water heater thermostat settings.

196.374 - Energy efficiency and renewable resource programs.

196.375 - Adequate service; reasonable rates.

196.377 - Renewable energy sources.

196.378 - Renewable resources.

196.39 - Change, amendment and rescission of orders; reopening cases.

196.395 - Test, conditional, emergency and supplemental orders; order conditions.

196.40 - Orders and determinations; time of taking effect.

196.41 - Court review.

196.43 - Injunction procedure.

196.44 - Law enforcement.

196.48 - Incriminating evidence.

196.485 - Transmission system requirements.

196.487 - Reliability of electric service.

196.49 - Authorization from commission before transacting business; extensions and improvements to be approved; enforcement of orders; natural gas.

196.491 - Strategic energy assessment; electric generating facilities and transmission lines; natural gas lines.

196.494 - Regional transmission planning.

196.495 - Avoidance of duplication in electric facilities.

196.496 - Distributed generation facilities.

196.497 - State policy regarding the long-term disposal of high-level radioactive waste and transuranic waste.

196.499 - Regulation of telecommunications carriers.

196.50 - Competing public utilities; indeterminate permits; telecommunications utility certification.

196.503 - Telecommunications provider of last-resort obligations.

196.504 - Broadband expansion grant program; Broadband Forward! community certification.

196.5045 - Telecommuter Forward! certification.

196.505 - Construction of chapter.

196.51 - Prior permits and franchises validated.

196.52 - Relations with affiliated interests; definition; contracts with affiliates filed and subject to commission control.

196.525 - Loans to officers or directors and loans to and investments in securities of holding companies; penalty.

196.53 - Franchise, foreign corporation not to have.

196.54 - Indeterminate permits.

196.58 - Municipality to regulate utilities; appeal.

196.59 - Merchandising by utilities.

196.595 - Utility advertising practices.

196.60 - Discrimination prohibited; penalty.

196.604 - Rebates, concessions and discriminations unlawful.

196.605 - Telecommunications cooperatives with federal loans.

196.61 - Facilities in exchange for compensation prohibited.

196.625 - Discrimination by telecommunications utilities.

196.63 - Telecommunications interruption in crisis situation.

196.635 - Unbilled utility service.

196.64 - Public utilities, liability for treble damages.

196.642 - Customer liability for treble damages.

196.643 - Public utility service to rental dwelling unit.

196.645 - Rate changes.

196.65 - Penalties relating to information and records.

196.66 - General forfeiture provisions.

196.665 - Unlawful combinations, trusts.

196.67 - Warning signs.

196.675 - Unlawful for carriers and public utilities to employ assistant district attorneys or judicial officers.

196.68 - Municipal officers, malfeasance.

196.69 - Interference with commission's equipment.

196.70 - Temporary alteration or suspension of rates.

196.71 - Municipal public utility contracts.

196.72 - Accidents; public utility report; investigation.

196.74 - Electric lines; safety and interference.

196.745 - Construction and operation; safety; commission orders.

196.76 - Other rights of action; penalties cumulative.

196.78 - Voluntary dissolution.

196.79 - Reorganization subject to commission approval.

196.795 - Public utility holding companies.

196.796 - Real estate activities.

196.80 - Consolidation or merger of utilities.

196.807 - Energy affiliate and utility employees.

196.81 - Abandonment; commission approval required.

196.84 - Commission's holding company and nonutility affiliate regulation costs.

196.85 - Payment of commission's expenditures.

196.855 - Assessment of costs against municipalities.

196.857 - Stray voltage program.

196.858 - Assessment for telephone relay service.

196.859 - Assessment for telecommunications utility trade practices.

196.86 - Assessments for air quality improvement program.

196.91 - Acquisition of existing dams.

196.92 - Procedure for acquiring dams.