Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 19 - General duties of public officials.
19.06 - Sureties, how relieved.

19.06 Sureties, how relieved. Whenever several judgments shall be recovered against the sureties on any official bond in actions which shall have been commenced before the date of the entry of the last of such judgments the aggregate of which, exclusive of costs, shall exceed the sum for which such sureties remain liable at the time of the commencement of such actions, they may discharge themselves from all further liability upon such judgments by paying into court the sum for which they are then liable, together with the costs recovered on such judgments; or the court may, upon motion supported by affidavit, order that no execution for more than a proportional share of such judgments shall be issued thereon against the property of such sureties or either of them and that upon payment or collection of such proportional share they shall be discharged from the judgment or judgments upon which such proportional share shall be paid or collected. When the money is paid into court by the sureties as above specified the same, exclusive of the costs so paid in, shall be distributed by an order of the court to the several plaintiffs in such judgments in proportion to the amount of their respective judgments. But every judgment shall have precedence of payment over all judgments in other actions commenced after the date of the recovery of such judgment.
History: 1979 c. 110 s. 60 (11).

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 19 - General duties of public officials.

19.01 - Oaths and bonds.

19.015 - Actions by the state, municipality or district.

19.02 - Actions by individuals.

19.03 - Security for costs; notice of action.

19.04 - Other actions on same bond.

19.05 - Execution; lien of judgment.

19.06 - Sureties, how relieved.

19.07 - Bonds of public officers and employees.

19.10 - Oaths.

19.11 - Official bonds.

19.12 - Bond premiums payable from public funds.

19.21 - Custody and delivery of official property and records.

19.22 - Proceedings to compel the delivery of official property.

19.23 - Transfer of records or materials to historical society.

19.24 - Refusal to deliver money, etc., to successor.

19.25 - State officers may require searches, etc., without fees.

19.31 - Declaration of policy.

19.32 - Definitions.

19.33 - Legal custodians.

19.34 - Procedural information; access times and locations.

19.345 - Time computation.

19.35 - Access to records; fees.

19.356 - Notice to record subject; right of action.

19.36 - Limitations upon access and withholding.

19.37 - Enforcement and penalties.

19.39 - Interpretation by attorney general.

19.41 - Declaration of policy.

19.42 - Definitions.

19.43 - Financial disclosure.

19.44 - Form of statement.

19.45 - Standards of conduct; state public officials.

19.451 - Discounts at certain stadiums.

19.46 - Conflict of interest prohibited; exception.

19.47 - Operation.

19.48 - Duties of the ethics commission.

19.49 - Administration; enforcement.

19.50 - Unauthorized release of records or information.

19.55 - Public inspection of records.

19.552 - Action to compel compliance.

19.554 - Petition for enforcement.

19.56 - Honorariums, fees and expenses.

19.57 - Conferences, visits and economic development activities.

19.575 - Tourism activities.

19.579 - Civil penalties.

19.58 - Criminal penalties.

19.59 - Codes of ethics for local government officials, employees and candidates.

19.62 - Definitions.

19.65 - Rules of conduct; employee training; and security.

19.67 - Data collection.

19.68 - Collection of personally identifiable information from Internet users.

19.69 - Computer matching.

19.70 - Rights of data subject to challenge; authority corrections.

19.71 - Sale of names or addresses.

19.77 - Summary of case law and attorney general opinions.

19.80 - Penalties.

19.81 - Declaration of policy.

19.82 - Definitions.

19.83 - Meetings of governmental bodies.

19.84 - Public notice.

19.85 - Exemptions.

19.851 - Closed sessions by ethics or elections commission.

19.86 - Notice of collective bargaining negotiations.

19.87 - Legislative meetings.

19.88 - Ballots, votes and records.

19.89 - Exclusion of members.

19.90 - Use of equipment in open session.

19.96 - Penalty.

19.97 - Enforcement.

19.98 - Interpretation by attorney general.