West Virginia Code
Article 3. Sales by Commissioner
§60-3-15. Amount of Operating Fund and Value of Inventory Stock Allowed; Contract for Manufacture of State Brand; Ordering Listed and Unlisted Brands

In order to avoid the accumulation of excessive stocks in warehouses and stores, the commissioner shall so plan his purchases of alcoholic liquors for sale in state stores and agencies that none of the stock on hand be on a consignment basis and that the amount of operating fund and the value of inventory stock shall not exceed $20 million.
The commissioner may, with the consent of the Governor, contract for the manufacture of alcoholic liquors for sale in state stores and agencies. Such liquors shall bear a special designation as "state brand."
Listed brands and sizes of spirituous liquors shall not be reordered in quantities greater than at the rate of comparative gross sales as determined by the last three monthly reports published prior to each reorder: Provided, That to take advantage of price discounts or to anticipate price increases listed brands may be reordered upon the basis of anticipated needs to be determined by projecting adjusted sales records; but in no event shall the amount of operating fund and the value of inventory stock exceed the limit provided in the first paragraph of this section.
The initial order of any new or unlisted brand of spirituous liquor, excepting wine, shall not exceed five hundred cases. The initial order of new or unlisted wine brands shall not exceed fifteen hundred cases.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 60. State Control of Alcoholic Liquors

Article 3. Sales by Commissioner

§60-3-1. Sales at Retail and Wholesale

§60-3-2. Establishment and Discontinuance of Stores and Agencies; Location

§60-3-3. Warehouses

§60-3-4. Managers and Employees of Stores

§60-3-5. Rules and Regulations to Govern Stores and Agencies

§60-3-6. Agencies to Procure Stocks; Sales at Retail

§60-3-7. Compensation and Bond of Agent

§60-3-8. Agent to Make No Profit From Sales

§60-3-9. Uniform Prices; Posting and Distribution of Price Lists; Continuation of Price Increase on Alcoholic Liquors

§60-3-9d. Tax on Purchases of Intoxicating Liquors Inside and Outside Corporate Limits of Municipalities

§60-3-10. Records and Accounts for Stores and Agencies; Reports and Audits

§60-3-11. Stock or Inventory Control

§60-3-12. Days and Hours State Stores and Agencies May Open

§60-3-13. Advertising or Recommendation of Brands Prohibited

§60-3-14. Acquisition of Equipment, etc.; Analysis of Liquors

§60-3-15. Amount of Operating Fund and Value of Inventory Stock Allowed; Contract for Manufacture of State Brand; Ordering Listed and Unlisted Brands

§60-3-16. Sale in Sealed Packages; Manufacturer's Label

§60-3-17. Regulations as to Handling and Depositing of Moneys Collected; Monthly Remittances; Penalty

§60-3-18. Operating Fund Continued; Use; Maximum Amount

§60-3-20. Sales, Mode of Payment

§60-3-21. Limitation on Amount to Be Sold

§60-3-22. Sales to Certain Persons Prohibited

§60-3-22a. Unlawful Acts by Persons

§60-3-23. Conduct of Purchasers Upon Premises of State Store

§60-3-24. Authority of Employees to Make Arrests; Penalty for Resisting or Assaulting Employee; Enforcement of Chapter

§60-3-25. Permit for Farm Winery to Import Produce in Excess of Established Limits

§60-3-26. Sale of Certain Liquors Prohibited