West Virginia Code
Article 7. Actions for Injuries
§55-7-4. Action of Replevin Abolished

No action of replevin shall be hereafter brought.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 55. Actions, Suits and Arbitration; Judicial Sale

Article 7. Actions for Injuries

§55-7-1. Seduction

§55-7-2. Insulting Words

§55-7-3. Unlawful Seizure or Attachment

§55-7-4. Action of Replevin Abolished

§55-7-5. Action for Death by Wrongful Act

§55-7-6. By Whom Action for Wrongful Death to Be Brought; Amount and Distribution of Damages; Period of Limitation

§55-7-7. Compromise of Claim for Death by Wrongful Act

§55-7-8. Personal Injury Action Where Injuries Result in Death

§55-7-8a. Actions Which Survive; Limitations; Law Governing Such Actions

§55-7-9. Violation of Statutes

§55-7-10. Trespass Abolished; Trespass on the Case to Lie in Lieu Thereof

§55-7-11. Suits Against Unincorporated Common Carriers

§55-7-11a. Settlement, Release or Statement Within Twenty Days After Personal Injury; Disavowal; Certain Expressions of Sympathy Inadmissible as Evidence

§55-7-12. Liability of One Joint Tort-Feasor Not Affected by Release To, or Accord and Satisfaction With, Another

§55-7-13a. Modified Comparative Fault Standard Established

§55-7-13b. Definitions

§55-7-13c. Liability to Be Several; Amount of Judgment; Allocation of Fault

§55-7-13d. Determination of Fault; Imputed Fault; When Plaintiff’s Criminal Conduct Bars Recovery; Burden of Proof; Damages; Stay of Action; Limitations; Applicability; Severability

§55-7-14. Liability of Visual or Sound Broadcasting Stations for Defamatory Statements

§55-7-15. Aid to Victim of Accident and Victim of Crime; Immunity From Civil Liability

§55-7-16. Immunity From Liability for Ski Patrol Rendering Emergency Care

§55-7-17. Aid by Trained Hazardous Substance Response Personnel; Immunity From Civil Liability; Definitions

§55-7-18. Limiting Liability of Home Care Service Providers, Daycare Centers and Residential Care Facilities Disclosing Certain Employment Information

§55-7-18a. Employer Immunity From Liability; Disclosure of Information Regarding Former Employees

§55-7-19. Liability of Health Care Providers Who Render Services at School Athletic Events; Limiting Liability; Exceptions

§55-7-20. Limiting Civil Liability of Nonprofits for Arranging Passage on Excursion Trains

§55-7-21. Creating Presumption of Good Faith for Court-Appointed Licensed Psychologists and Psychiatrists Conducting a Child Custody Evaluation; Method for Assigning Court and Legal Fees

§55-7-22. Civil Relief for Persons Resisting Certain Criminal Activities

§55-7-23. Prescription Drugs and Medical Devices; Limiting Health Care Providers' Liability Exposure

§55-7-25. Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Actions; Complaint; Specific Amount of Damages Not to Be Stated

§55-7-26. First Responders Who Use Forced Entry in Response to 911 Call; Limited Immunity From Civil and Criminal Liability

§55-7-27. Liability of Possessor of Real Property for Harm to a Trespasser

§55-7-28. Limiting Civil Liability of a Possessor of Real Property for Injuries Caused by Open and Obvious Hazards

§55-7-29. Limitations on Punitive Damages

§55-7-30. Adequate Pharmaceutical Warnings; Limiting Civil Liability for Manufacturers or Sellers Who Provide Warning to a Learned Intermediary

§55-7-31. Limitation on Products Liability Actions; Innocent Seller