West Virginia Code
Article 7. Actions for Injuries
§55-7-21. Creating Presumption of Good Faith for Court-Appointed Licensed Psychologists and Psychiatrists Conducting a Child Custody Evaluation; Method for Assigning Court and Legal Fees

(a) A licensed psychologist or licensed psychiatrist who has been appointed by a court to conduct a child custody evaluation in a judicial proceeding shall be presumed to be acting in good faith if the evaluation has been conducted consistent with standards established by the American psychological association's guidelines for child custody evaluations in divorce proceedings.
(b) No complaint to a licensing or accrediting entity against a court-appointed licensed psychologist or psychiatrist relating to a child custody evaluation shall be considered if it is filed anonymously and does not include the full name, address and telephone number of the complainant.
(c) Any action filed against a licensed psychologist or licensed psychiatrist alleging tortious conduct related to evidence provided while acting as a court-appointed expert in a child custody matter shall contain a recitation of a specific allegation of breaches of American psychological association's guidelines for child custody evaluations in divorce proceedings. Failure to specifically plead such violations shall be cause for dismissal of the action.
(d) Any licensed psychologist or licensed psychiatrist who is named in a civil action as a defendant because of his or her performance of a child custody evaluation while acting as a court-appointed expert and who prevails due to a finding that he or she acted consistently with the American psychological association's guidelines shall be entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable costs and attorneys fees expended.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 55. Actions, Suits and Arbitration; Judicial Sale

Article 7. Actions for Injuries

§55-7-1. Seduction

§55-7-2. Insulting Words

§55-7-3. Unlawful Seizure or Attachment

§55-7-4. Action of Replevin Abolished

§55-7-5. Action for Death by Wrongful Act

§55-7-6. By Whom Action for Wrongful Death to Be Brought; Amount and Distribution of Damages; Period of Limitation

§55-7-7. Compromise of Claim for Death by Wrongful Act

§55-7-8. Personal Injury Action Where Injuries Result in Death

§55-7-8a. Actions Which Survive; Limitations; Law Governing Such Actions

§55-7-9. Violation of Statutes

§55-7-10. Trespass Abolished; Trespass on the Case to Lie in Lieu Thereof

§55-7-11. Suits Against Unincorporated Common Carriers

§55-7-11a. Settlement, Release or Statement Within Twenty Days After Personal Injury; Disavowal; Certain Expressions of Sympathy Inadmissible as Evidence

§55-7-12. Liability of One Joint Tort-Feasor Not Affected by Release To, or Accord and Satisfaction With, Another

§55-7-13a. Modified Comparative Fault Standard Established

§55-7-13b. Definitions

§55-7-13c. Liability to Be Several; Amount of Judgment; Allocation of Fault

§55-7-13d. Determination of Fault; Imputed Fault; When Plaintiff’s Criminal Conduct Bars Recovery; Burden of Proof; Damages; Stay of Action; Limitations; Applicability; Severability

§55-7-14. Liability of Visual or Sound Broadcasting Stations for Defamatory Statements

§55-7-15. Aid to Victim of Accident and Victim of Crime; Immunity From Civil Liability

§55-7-16. Immunity From Liability for Ski Patrol Rendering Emergency Care

§55-7-17. Aid by Trained Hazardous Substance Response Personnel; Immunity From Civil Liability; Definitions

§55-7-18. Limiting Liability of Home Care Service Providers, Daycare Centers and Residential Care Facilities Disclosing Certain Employment Information

§55-7-18a. Employer Immunity From Liability; Disclosure of Information Regarding Former Employees

§55-7-19. Liability of Health Care Providers Who Render Services at School Athletic Events; Limiting Liability; Exceptions

§55-7-20. Limiting Civil Liability of Nonprofits for Arranging Passage on Excursion Trains

§55-7-21. Creating Presumption of Good Faith for Court-Appointed Licensed Psychologists and Psychiatrists Conducting a Child Custody Evaluation; Method for Assigning Court and Legal Fees

§55-7-22. Civil Relief for Persons Resisting Certain Criminal Activities

§55-7-23. Prescription Drugs and Medical Devices; Limiting Health Care Providers' Liability Exposure

§55-7-25. Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Actions; Complaint; Specific Amount of Damages Not to Be Stated

§55-7-26. First Responders Who Use Forced Entry in Response to 911 Call; Limited Immunity From Civil and Criminal Liability

§55-7-27. Liability of Possessor of Real Property for Harm to a Trespasser

§55-7-28. Limiting Civil Liability of a Possessor of Real Property for Injuries Caused by Open and Obvious Hazards

§55-7-29. Limitations on Punitive Damages

§55-7-30. Adequate Pharmaceutical Warnings; Limiting Civil Liability for Manufacturers or Sellers Who Provide Warning to a Learned Intermediary

§55-7-31. Limitation on Products Liability Actions; Innocent Seller