(a) The Department of Health and Human Resources and the Division of Juvenile Services shall annually review its programs and services and submit a report by December 31, of each year to the Governor, the Legislature and the Supreme Court of Appeals. This report shall analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the programs and services being carried out by the Department of Health and Human Resources or the Division of Juvenile Services. That report shall include, but is not limited to:
(1) An analysis and evaluation of programs and services continued, established and discontinued during the period covered by the report;
(2) A description of programs and services which should be implemented to further the purposes of this article;
(3) Relevant information concerning the number of juveniles comprising the population of any rehabilitative facility during the period covered by the report;
(4) The length of residence, the nature of the problems of each juvenile, the juvenile's response to programs and services; and
(5) Any other information as will enable a user of the report to ascertain the effectiveness of the facility as a rehabilitative facility.
(b) The Department of Health and Human Resources and the Division of Juvenile Services shall prepare a descriptive catalogue of its juvenile programs and services available in local communities throughout this state and shall distribute copies of the same to every juvenile court in the state and, at the direction of the juvenile court, the catalogue shall be distributed to attorneys practicing before the court. The catalogue shall:
(1) Be made available to members of the general public upon request:
(2) Contain sufficient information as to particular programs and services so as to enable a user of the catalogue to make inquiries and referrals; and
(3) Be constructed so as to meaningfully identify and describe programs and services.
(c) The requirements of this section are not satisfied by a simple listing of specific agencies or the individuals in charge of programs at a given time. The catalogue shall be updated and republished or supplemented from time to time as may be required to maintain its usefulness as a resource manual.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 2. State Responsibilities for Children
§49-2-101. Authorization and Responsibility
§49-2-102. Minimum Staffing Complement for Child Protective Services
§49-2-103. Proceedings by the State Department
§49-2-104. Education of the Public
§49-2-105. Administrative and Judicial Review
§49-2-106. Department Responsibility for Foster Care Homes
§49-2-107. Foster-Home Care; Minimum Standards; Certificate of Operation; Inspection
§49-2-108. Visits and Inspections; Records
§49-2-109. Placing Children From Other States in Private Homes of State
§49-2-110. Development of Standards of Child Care
§49-2-111. Supervision of Child Welfare Agencies by the Department; Records and Reports
§49-2-111a. Performance Based Contracting for Child Placing Agencies
§49-2-111b. Study of Kinship Foster Care Families
§49-2-111c. Priorities for Use of Funds
§49-2-114. Application for License or Approval
§49-2-115. Conditions of Licensure, Approval and Registration
§49-2-115a. Head Start Program Licenses
§49-2-116. Investigative Authority; Evaluation; Complaint
§49-2-117. Revocation; Provisional Licensure and Approval
§49-2-118. Closing of Facilities by the Secretary; Placement of Children
§49-2-119. Supervision; Consultation; State Fire Marshall to Cooperate
§49-2-120. Penalties; Injunctions; Venue
§49-2-122. Waivers and Variances to Rules
§49-2-123. Annual Reports; Directory; Licensing Reports and Recommendations
§49-2-124. Certificate of Need Not Required; Conditions; Review
§49-2-126. The Foster Child Bill of Rights
§49-2-127. The Foster and Kinship Parent Bill of Rights
§49-2-127a. Foster and Kinship Parent Duties; Foster Parent and Kinship Parent Agreements
§49-2-128. Reasonable and Prudent Foster Parent Standard
§49-2-201. Findings and Purpose
§49-2-202. When Family Preservation Services Required
§49-2-203. Caseload Limits for Home-Based Preservation Services
§49-2-204. Situational Criteria Requiring Service
§49-2-205. Service Delivery Through Service Contracts; Accountability
§49-2-206. Special Services to Be Provided
§49-2-207. Development of Home-Based Family Preservation Services
§49-2-301. Findings and Intent; Advisory Council
§49-2-302. Creation of Statewide Quality Rating System; Rule-Making; Minimum Requirements
§49-2-401. Continuation, Transfer and Renaming of Trust Fund; Funding
§49-2-501. Children to Whom Article Applies; Intent
§49-2-502. Powers of the Secretary
§49-2-503. Report of Birth of Special Health Care Needs Child
§49-2-504. Assistance by Other Agencies
§49-2-603. Eligibility; Primary Focus
§49-2-701. Caregiver Consent for Minor's Health Care; Treatment
§49-2-702. Duty of Health Care Facility or Practitioner
§49-2-703. Affidavit of Caregiver Consent; Requirements
§49-2-704. Revocation and Termination of Consent; Written Notice; Validity
§49-2-705. Good Faith Reliance on Affidavit; Applicability
§49-2-706. Exceptions to Applicability
§49-2-707. Penalty for False Statement
§49-2-708. Rule-Making Authority
§49-2-803. Persons Mandated to Report Suspected Abuse and Neglect; Requirements
§49-2-804. Notification of Disposition of Reports
§49-2-805. Educational Programs; Requirements
§49-2-806. Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Animal Cruelty by Child Protective Service Workers
§49-2-807. Mandatory Reporting to Medical Examiner or Coroner; Postmortem Investigation
§49-2-808. Photographs and X Rays
§49-2-809. Reporting Procedures
§49-2-810. Immunity From Liability
§49-2-811. Abrogation of Privileged Communications; Exception
§49-2-812. Failure to Report; Penalty
§49-2-813. Statistical Index; Reports
§49-2-814. Task Force on Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children
§49-2-901. Policy; Cooperation
§49-2-902. Division of Juvenile Services; Transfer of Functions; Juvenile Placement
§49-2-903. Powers and Duties; Comprehensive Strategy; Cooperation
§49-2-905. Juvenile Detention and Corrections Facility Personnel
§49-2-907. Examination, Diagnosis Classification and Treatment; Period of Custody
§49-2-909. Arrest Authority of Juvenile Correctional and Detention Officers
§49-2-911. Juvenile Benefit Funds; Uses; Reports
§49-2-912. Youth Reporting Centers
§49-2-913. Juvenile Justice Reform Oversight Committee
§49-2-1003. Rehabilitative Facilities for Status Offenders; Requirements; Educational Instruction
§49-2-1004. The Juvenile Services Reimbursement Offender Fund; Use; Expenditures
§49-2-1005. Legal Custody; Law-Enforcement Agencies
§49-2-1006. Reporting Requirements; Cataloguing of Services