West Virginia Code
Article 14. Remedies for the Enforcement of Support Obligations
§48-14-418. Misdemeanor Offense for Source of Income's Action Against an Obligor; Penalty

Any source of income who discharges from employment, refuses to employ, or takes disciplinary action against any obligor subject to income withholding required by this part 4 because of the existence of such withholding and the obligations or additional obligations which it imposes on the source of income, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 48. Domestic Relations

Article 14. Remedies for the Enforcement of Support Obligations

§48-14-101. When Action May Be Brought for Child Support Order

§48-14-102. Who May Bring Action for Child Support Order

§48-14-103. Venue for Action for Child Support Order

§48-14-104. Obligee May Seek Spousal Support in Addition to Child Support

§48-14-105. Mandatory Provision for Wage Withholding

§48-14-106.Modification. Of Support Order

§48-14-107. Modification of Support Order With the Assistance of Bureau for Child Support Enforcement

§48-14-108. Deceased Parties in Support Cases

§48-14-201. Arrearages Stand by Operation of Law as Judgment Against Support Obligor

§48-14-202. Registration of Foreign Order

§48-14-203. Affidavit of Accrued Support

§48-14-204. Execution and Notice

§48-14-205. Circuit Clerk to Provide Form Affidavits

§48-14-206. Priority Over Other Legal Process

§48-14-207. Amount to Be Withheld From Income

§48-14-208. Filing of False Affidavit Constitutes False Swearing

§48-14-209. Application to Support Orders of Another State

§48-14-210. Application to Income Withholding

§48-14-211. Release of Lien

§48-14-301. Liens Against Real Property by Operation of Law

§48-14-302. Affidavit of Accrued Support

§48-14-303. Registration of Foreign Order

§48-14-304. Full Faith and Credit to Liens Arising in Another State

§48-14-305. Release of Lien

§48-14-306. Filing of False Affidavit Constitutes False Swearing

§48-14-307. Application to Support Orders of Another State

§48-14-308. Enforcement by the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement of Lien on Real Property

§48-14-401. Support Orders to Provide for Withholding From Income

§48-14-402. Commencement of Withholding From Income Without Further Court Action

§48-14-403. Exception to Requirement for Automatic Withholding From Income

§48-14-404. Enforcement of Withholding by Bureau for Child Support Enforcement

§48-14-405. Information Required in Notice to Obligor

§48-14-406. Notice to Source of Income; Withholding in Compliance With Order

§48-14-407. Contents of Notice to Source of Income

§48-14-408. Determination of Amounts to Be Withheld

§48-14-409. Time for Implementing Withholding

§48-14-410. Sending Amounts Withheld to Bureau; Notice

§48-14-411. Time Withholding Is to Stay in Effect

§48-14-412. Notice of Termination of Employment or Receipt of Income

§48-14-413. Combining Withheld Amounts

§48-14-414. Sending Amounts Withheld to Division; Notice

§48-14-415. Misdemeanor Offense of Concealing Payment of Income to Obligor; Penalty

§48-14-416. Request to Source of Income for Information Regarding Payment of Income

§48-14-417. Priority of Support Collection Over Other Legal Process

§48-14-418. Misdemeanor Offense for Source of Income's Action Against an Obligor; Penalty

§48-14-501. Commencement of Contempt Action

§48-14-502. Willful Failure or Refusal to Comply With Order to Pay Support

§48-14-503. Limitation on Length of Commitment

§48-14-504. Violation of Work Release Conditions

§48-14-505. Misdemeanor Offense of Escape From Custody; Penalty

§48-14-601. Definitions

§48-14-602. Use of Automated Administrative Enforcement

§48-14-603. Enforcing Support Orders Through Automated Administrative Enforcement

§48-14-701. Posting of Bonds or Giving Security to Guarantee Payment of Overdue Support

§48-14-801. When Monthly Payments May Be Increased to Satisfy Overdue Support

§48-14-802. Notice of Increase in Monthly Payments to Satisfy Overdue Support

§48-14-803. Application to Support Orders of Courts of Competent Jurisdiction

§48-14-901. Procedure When Person Contests Action Proposed to Be Taken Against Him

§48-14-1001. Misrepresentation of Delinquent Support Payments; Penalty