West Virginia Code
Article 14. Remedies for the Enforcement of Support Obligations
§48-14-211. Release of Lien

Upon satisfaction of the overdue support obligation, the obligee shall issue a release to the obligor and file a copy thereof with the clerk of the county commission in the county in which the lien arose pursuant to this section. The Bureau for Child Support enforcement shall issue a release in the same manner and with the same effect as liens taken by the Tax Commissioner pursuant to section twelve, article ten, chapter eleven of this code.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 48. Domestic Relations

Article 14. Remedies for the Enforcement of Support Obligations

§48-14-101. When Action May Be Brought for Child Support Order

§48-14-102. Who May Bring Action for Child Support Order

§48-14-103. Venue for Action for Child Support Order

§48-14-104. Obligee May Seek Spousal Support in Addition to Child Support

§48-14-105. Mandatory Provision for Wage Withholding

§48-14-106.Modification. Of Support Order

§48-14-107. Modification of Support Order With the Assistance of Bureau for Child Support Enforcement

§48-14-108. Deceased Parties in Support Cases

§48-14-201. Arrearages Stand by Operation of Law as Judgment Against Support Obligor

§48-14-202. Registration of Foreign Order

§48-14-203. Affidavit of Accrued Support

§48-14-204. Execution and Notice

§48-14-205. Circuit Clerk to Provide Form Affidavits

§48-14-206. Priority Over Other Legal Process

§48-14-207. Amount to Be Withheld From Income

§48-14-208. Filing of False Affidavit Constitutes False Swearing

§48-14-209. Application to Support Orders of Another State

§48-14-210. Application to Income Withholding

§48-14-211. Release of Lien

§48-14-301. Liens Against Real Property by Operation of Law

§48-14-302. Affidavit of Accrued Support

§48-14-303. Registration of Foreign Order

§48-14-304. Full Faith and Credit to Liens Arising in Another State

§48-14-305. Release of Lien

§48-14-306. Filing of False Affidavit Constitutes False Swearing

§48-14-307. Application to Support Orders of Another State

§48-14-308. Enforcement by the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement of Lien on Real Property

§48-14-401. Support Orders to Provide for Withholding From Income

§48-14-402. Commencement of Withholding From Income Without Further Court Action

§48-14-403. Exception to Requirement for Automatic Withholding From Income

§48-14-404. Enforcement of Withholding by Bureau for Child Support Enforcement

§48-14-405. Information Required in Notice to Obligor

§48-14-406. Notice to Source of Income; Withholding in Compliance With Order

§48-14-407. Contents of Notice to Source of Income

§48-14-408. Determination of Amounts to Be Withheld

§48-14-409. Time for Implementing Withholding

§48-14-410. Sending Amounts Withheld to Bureau; Notice

§48-14-411. Time Withholding Is to Stay in Effect

§48-14-412. Notice of Termination of Employment or Receipt of Income

§48-14-413. Combining Withheld Amounts

§48-14-414. Sending Amounts Withheld to Division; Notice

§48-14-415. Misdemeanor Offense of Concealing Payment of Income to Obligor; Penalty

§48-14-416. Request to Source of Income for Information Regarding Payment of Income

§48-14-417. Priority of Support Collection Over Other Legal Process

§48-14-418. Misdemeanor Offense for Source of Income's Action Against an Obligor; Penalty

§48-14-501. Commencement of Contempt Action

§48-14-502. Willful Failure or Refusal to Comply With Order to Pay Support

§48-14-503. Limitation on Length of Commitment

§48-14-504. Violation of Work Release Conditions

§48-14-505. Misdemeanor Offense of Escape From Custody; Penalty

§48-14-601. Definitions

§48-14-602. Use of Automated Administrative Enforcement

§48-14-603. Enforcing Support Orders Through Automated Administrative Enforcement

§48-14-701. Posting of Bonds or Giving Security to Guarantee Payment of Overdue Support

§48-14-801. When Monthly Payments May Be Increased to Satisfy Overdue Support

§48-14-802. Notice of Increase in Monthly Payments to Satisfy Overdue Support

§48-14-803. Application to Support Orders of Courts of Competent Jurisdiction

§48-14-901. Procedure When Person Contests Action Proposed to Be Taken Against Him

§48-14-1001. Misrepresentation of Delinquent Support Payments; Penalty