(a) Every board referred to in this chapter shall elect annually from its members a president and a secretary who shall hold their offices for one year, but shall continue to hold their offices until their successors are elected. However, the state board of law examiners, the state board of examiners for nurses and the state board of dental examiners may each elect a secretary from outside their membership.
(b) The officers of the boards referred to in this chapter shall register annually with the Governor, the secretary of administration, the Legislative Auditor and the Secretary of State.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 30. Professions and Occupations
§30-1-1. Application of Article
§30-1-1a. Legislative Findings and Declaration
§30-1-2a. Required Orientation Session
§30-1-4. Official Seal; Rules and Regulations
§30-1-4a. Lay Members of Professional Boards
§30-1-5. Meetings; Quorum; Investigatory Powers; Duties
§30-1-5a. Reporting of Fraud and Misappropriation of Funds
§30-1-7. Contents of License or Certificate of Registration
§30-1-7a. Continuing Education
§30-1-8a. Reinstatement of License
§30-1-8b. Mediation of Complaints
§30-1-10. Disposition of Money Fines; Legislative Audit; Review of Board"s Fee Structure
§30-1-11. Compensation of Members; Expenses
§30-1-13. Roster of Licensed or Registered Practitioners
§30-1-14. Remission of Certain Fees
§30-1-18. Retired, Volunteer and Inactive Status Licenses
§30-1-19. Combining Board Staff Functions
§30-1-21. Exemption From Licensure for Professional Practice for a Charitable Function
§30-1-23. Waiver of Initial Licensing Fees for Certain Individuals; Definitions
§30-1-24. Use of Criminal Records as Disqualification From Authorization to Practice
§30-1-25. Primacy of State Regulation of Occupational Practice