West Virginia Code
Article 1. General Provisions Applicable to All State Boards of Examination or Registration Referred to in Chapter
§30-1-12. Record of Proceedings; Register of Applicants; Certified Copies of Records Prima Facie Evidence; Report to Governor and Legislature; Public Access

(a) The secretary of every board shall keep a record of its proceedings and a register of all applicants for license or registration, showing for each the date of his or her application, his or her name, age, educational and other qualifications, place of residence, whether an examination was required, whether the applicant was rejected or a certificate of license or registration granted, the date of this action, the license or registration number, all renewals of the license or registration, if required, and any suspension or revocation thereof. The books and register of the board shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable times, and the books and register, or a copy of any part thereof, certified by the secretary and attested by the seal of the board, shall be prima facie evidence of all matters recorded therein.
(b) On or before January 1, of each year in which the Legislature meets in regular session, the board shall submit to the Governor and to the Legislature a report of its activities for the preceding two years, containing the following information for that period:
(1) The total receipts and disbursements for each year;
(2) A list of amounts received in each year for the following categories of receipts:
(A) License applications, registrations and renewals;
(B) Examination fees, if applicable;
(C) Other fees, including late fees, copying charges and fees for printed certificates;
(D) Fines or penalties;
(E) Expense reimbursements from disciplinary actions; and
(F) Grants, special appropriations or other sources of revenue not from fees;
(3) A list of amounts spent in each year for the following categories of expenditures:
(A) Personal services;
(B) Board member per diem compensation;
(C) Travel expenses and automobile mileage;
(D) Professional contracts;
(E) Rent;
(F) Office supplies;
(G) Postage;
(H) Entertainment and hosting;
(I) Insurance; and
(J) Bank costs;
(4) A complete list of the names of all persons newly licensed or registered;
(5) A table or list showing numbers of licensees or registrants by West Virginia county of practice or, for out-of-state licensees or registrants, by state of residence, and by specialty, if appropriate to the particular profession;
(6) Complaints filed and investigations opened by the board, with a brief classification of the nature of the complaint, together with the dates of compliance with the time requirements of subsection (c), section five of this article, and the disposition, if any;
(7) In addition to complaints reported under the preceding subsection, complaints resolved and investigations closed by the board, with a brief classification of the nature of the complaint, together with the dates of compliance with the time requirements of subsection (c), section five of this article, and the disposition, if any; and
(8) Copies of the agendas for, and minutes of, board and committee or subcommittee meetings.
The report shall be certified by the president and the secretary of the board, and a copy of the report shall be filed with the Secretary of State and with the legislative librarian.
(c) To promote public access, the secretary of every board shall ensure that the address and telephone number of the board are included every year in the state government listings of the Charleston area telephone directory. Every board shall regularly evaluate the feasibility of adopting additional methods of providing public access, including, but not limited to, listings in additional telephone directories, toll-free telephone numbers, facsimile and computer-based communications.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 30. Professions and Occupations

Article 1. General Provisions Applicable to All State Boards of Examination or Registration Referred to in Chapter

§30-1-1. Application of Article

§30-1-1a. Legislative Findings and Declaration

§30-1-2. Oath

§30-1-2a. Required Orientation Session

§30-1-3. Officers

§30-1-4. Official Seal; Rules and Regulations

§30-1-4a. Lay Members of Professional Boards

§30-1-5. Meetings; Quorum; Investigatory Powers; Duties

§30-1-5a. Reporting of Fraud and Misappropriation of Funds

§30-1-6. Application for License or Registration; Examination Fee; Establishment of Application Deadline and Fees by Legislative Rule; Prohibiting Discrimination

§30-1-7. Contents of License or Certificate of Registration

§30-1-7a. Continuing Education

§30-1-8. Denial, Suspension or Revocation of a License or Registration; Probation; Proceedings; Effect of Suspension or Revocation; Transcript; Report; Judicial Review

§30-1-8a. Reinstatement of License

§30-1-8b. Mediation of Complaints

§30-1-9. Review by Circuit Court and Supreme Court of Board's Refusal to Issue; Suspension or Revocation of License or Registration

§30-1-10. Disposition of Money Fines; Legislative Audit; Review of Board"s Fee Structure

§30-1-11. Compensation of Members; Expenses

§30-1-12. Record of Proceedings; Register of Applicants; Certified Copies of Records Prima Facie Evidence; Report to Governor and Legislature; Public Access

§30-1-13. Roster of Licensed or Registered Practitioners

§30-1-14. Remission of Certain Fees

§30-1-15. Office of Executive Secretary of the Health Profession Licensing Boards; Appointment of Executive Secretary; Duties

§30-1-16. Liability Limitations of Peer Review Committees and Professional Standards Review Committees

§30-1-17. Annual Reports

§30-1-18. Retired, Volunteer and Inactive Status Licenses

§30-1-19. Combining Board Staff Functions

§30-1-20. Certain Boards to Regulating Health Care Professions to Gather Retirement Information and Include in Annual Reports

§30-1-21. Exemption From Licensure for Professional Practice for a Charitable Function

§30-1-22. Lobbying

§30-1-23. Waiver of Initial Licensing Fees for Certain Individuals; Definitions

§30-1-24. Use of Criminal Records as Disqualification From Authorization to Practice

§30-1-25. Primacy of State Regulation of Occupational Practice

§30-1-26. Telehealth Practice