West Virginia Code
Article 1. General Provisions Applicable to All State Boards of Examination or Registration Referred to in Chapter
§30-1-19. Combining Board Staff Functions

(a) Any board referred to in this chapter may combine administrative staff functions with any other board or boards referred to in this chapter, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (b) of this section, to carry out the administrative duties of the boards as set forth in this article, the practice acts of each board set forth in this chapter and the legislative rules of each board: Provided, That each board retains responsibility for fulfilling its statutory duties.
(b) Before combining administrative staff functions pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the boards shall, in consultation with the office of the Attorney General, enter into a memorandum of understanding with the following provisions:
(1) The names of the boards combining administrative staff functions;
(2) The administrative staff functions being combined, including the staffs' titles and duties relative to each board;
(3) The prorata share of expenses that each board will be responsible for paying, including salaries, office rent, office supplies, telephone, fax and computer services, travel expenses and any other expenses anticipated by the boards;
(4) A description of how decisions will be made by the boards, including employment of staff, the staff's functions and duties, and any other necessary decisions;
(5) A description of how modifications may be made to the terms of the agreement; and
(6) Any other provisions necessary to set forth the agreement of the boards.
(c) The boards that combine administrative staff functions pursuant to this section, may promulgate rules in accordance with the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, to make any necessary changes to facilitate the combining of administrative staff functions. The boards may also promulgate emergency rules pursuant to the provisions of section fifteen, article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, to correct any conflicts with a board's current rules.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 30. Professions and Occupations

Article 1. General Provisions Applicable to All State Boards of Examination or Registration Referred to in Chapter

§30-1-1. Application of Article

§30-1-1a. Legislative Findings and Declaration

§30-1-2. Oath

§30-1-2a. Required Orientation Session

§30-1-3. Officers

§30-1-4. Official Seal; Rules and Regulations

§30-1-4a. Lay Members of Professional Boards

§30-1-5. Meetings; Quorum; Investigatory Powers; Duties

§30-1-5a. Reporting of Fraud and Misappropriation of Funds

§30-1-6. Application for License or Registration; Examination Fee; Establishment of Application Deadline and Fees by Legislative Rule; Prohibiting Discrimination

§30-1-7. Contents of License or Certificate of Registration

§30-1-7a. Continuing Education

§30-1-8. Denial, Suspension or Revocation of a License or Registration; Probation; Proceedings; Effect of Suspension or Revocation; Transcript; Report; Judicial Review

§30-1-8a. Reinstatement of License

§30-1-8b. Mediation of Complaints

§30-1-9. Review by Circuit Court and Supreme Court of Board's Refusal to Issue; Suspension or Revocation of License or Registration

§30-1-10. Disposition of Money Fines; Legislative Audit; Review of Board"s Fee Structure

§30-1-11. Compensation of Members; Expenses

§30-1-12. Record of Proceedings; Register of Applicants; Certified Copies of Records Prima Facie Evidence; Report to Governor and Legislature; Public Access

§30-1-13. Roster of Licensed or Registered Practitioners

§30-1-14. Remission of Certain Fees

§30-1-15. Office of Executive Secretary of the Health Profession Licensing Boards; Appointment of Executive Secretary; Duties

§30-1-16. Liability Limitations of Peer Review Committees and Professional Standards Review Committees

§30-1-17. Annual Reports

§30-1-18. Retired, Volunteer and Inactive Status Licenses

§30-1-19. Combining Board Staff Functions

§30-1-20. Certain Boards to Regulating Health Care Professions to Gather Retirement Information and Include in Annual Reports

§30-1-21. Exemption From Licensure for Professional Practice for a Charitable Function

§30-1-22. Lobbying

§30-1-23. Waiver of Initial Licensing Fees for Certain Individuals; Definitions

§30-1-24. Use of Criminal Records as Disqualification From Authorization to Practice

§30-1-25. Primacy of State Regulation of Occupational Practice

§30-1-26. Telehealth Practice