West Virginia Code
Article 4. County and Regional Solid Waste Authorities
§22C-4-20. Indebtedness of Authority

No Constitutional or statutory limitation with respect to the nature or amount of or rate of interest on indebtedness which may be incurred by municipalities, counties or other public or governmental bodies applies to the indebtedness of an authority. No indebtedness of any nature of authority is an indebtedness of the State of West Virginia or any municipality or county therein or a charge against any property of said state of West Virginia or any municipalities or counties. No indebtedness or obligation incurred by any authority gives any right against any member of the governing body of any municipality or any member of the authority of any county or any member of the board of any authority. The rights of creditors of any authority are solely against the authority as a corporate body and shall be satisfied only out of property held by it in its corporate capacity.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 22C. Environmental Resources; Boards, Authorities, Commissions and Compacts

Article 4. County and Regional Solid Waste Authorities

§22C-4-1. Legislative Findings and Purposes

§22C-4-2. Definitions

§22C-4-3. Creation of County Solid Waste Authority; Appointment to Board of Directors; Vacancies

§22C-4-4. Establishment of Regional Solid Waste Authorities Authorized; Successor to County Solid Waste Authorities; Appointments to Board of Directors; Vacancies

§22C-4-5. Authorities as Successor to County Commissions and Former County Solid Waste Authorities

§22C-4-6. Election by County Commission to Assume Powers and Duties of the County Solid Waste Authority

§22C-4-7. Management of Authority Vested in Board of Directors; Expenses Paid by County Commissions, Procedure

§22C-4-8. Authority to Develop Litter and Solid Waste Control Plan; Approval by Solid Waste Management Board; Development of Plan by Director; Advisory Rules

§22C-4-9. Assistance to County or Regional Solid Waste Authorities by the Solid Waste Management Board, Division of Natural Resources, Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Public Health and the Attorney General

§22C-4-9a. Findings, Solid Waste Management Board Performance Reviews and Measures, Legislative Rules, Intervention of Impaired Authorities, Establishment of Uniform Chart of Accounts, Financial Examination Requirements

§22C-4-10. Mandatory Disposal; Proof Required; Penalty Imposed; Requiring Solid Waste Management Board and the Public Service Commission to File Report

§22C-4-11. Acquisition of Land; Operation of Public Solid Waste Landfills and Other Facilities; Restrictions on Solid Wastes Generated Outside Authority Area; Fees

§22C-4-12. Bonds and Notes

§22C-4-13. Items Included in Cost of Properties

§22C-4-14. Bonds or Notes May Be Secured by Trust Indenture

§22C-4-15. Sinking Fund for Bonds or Notes

§22C-4-16. Collection, etc., of Revenues and Funds and Enforcement of Covenants; Default; Suit, etc., by Bondholder or Noteholder or Trustee to Compel Performance of Duties; Appointment and Powers of Receiver

§22C-4-17. Operating Contracts

§22C-4-18. Statutory Mortgage Lien Created Unless Otherwise Provided; Foreclosure Thereof

§22C-4-19. Refunding Bonds or Notes

§22C-4-20. Indebtedness of Authority

§22C-4-21. Property, Bonds or Notes and Obligations of Authority Exempt From Taxation

§22C-4-22. Use of Prisoners for Litter Pickup; Funds Provided From Litter Control Fund; County Commission, Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority and Sheriff to Cooperate With Solid Waste Authority

§22C-4-23. Powers, Duties and Responsibilities of Authority Generally

§22C-4-24. Commercial Solid Waste Facility Siting Plan; Facilities Subject to Plan; Criteria; Approval by Solid Waste Management Board; Effect on Facility Siting; Public Hearings; Rules

§22C-4-25. Siting Approval for Solid Waste Facilities; Effect on Facilities With Prior Approval

§22C-4-26. Approval of New Class a Facilities by Solid Waste Authorities

§22C-4-27. Approval of Conversion From Class B Facility to Class a Facility

§22C-4-28. Approval of Increase in Maximum Allowable Monthly Tonnage of Class a Facilities

§22C-4-29. Judicial Review of Certificate of Site Approval

§22C-4-30. Solid Waste Assessment Interim Fee; Regulated Motor Carriers; Dedication of Proceeds; Criminal Penalties