West Virginia Code
Article 7. Claim Procedure
§21A-7-10. Review by Board

The board may, on its own motion, after notice to the claimant, last employer, and the commissioner, eight days in advance of the date set for hearing, affirm, modify, or reverse and set aside a decision of an appeal tribunal. Any appeal from a decision of an appeal tribunal allowing benefits in a case relating to a labor dispute or to a disqualification under subdivision four, section three, article six of this chapter, shall be heard as expeditiously as possible and given priority over all other cases and shall be decided by the board within ten days after the hearing before the board.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 21A. Unemployment Compensation

Article 7. Claim Procedure

§21A-7-1. Claims

§21A-7-2. Display of Regulations

§21A-7-3. Deputies

§21A-7-4. Investigation by Deputy; Notice and Hearing Before Deputy; Referral of Labor Dispute Claims for Hearing and Determination by Appeal Tribunal; Initial Determination of Other Claims by Deputy; Notice of Findings and Decision

§21A-7-7. Appeal Tribunals

§21A-7-7a. Hearings and Determinations by Appeal Tribunal in Labor Dispute Cases

§21A-7-8. Appeal From Deputy's Decision

§21A-7-9. Appeal From Appeal Tribunal's Decision; Finality of Decision

§21A-7-10. Review by Board

§21A-7-11. Benefits Pending Appeal

§21A-7-12. Quorum

§21A-7-13. Board to Establish Regulations for Procedure

§21A-7-14. Records

§21A-7-15. Notice of Decision

§21A-7-16. Interested Parties Not to Decide Disputed Claims

§21A-7-17. Finality of Board's Decision -- Judicial Review

§21A-7-18. Claim Procedure Costs

§21A-7-19. Administrative Procedure to Be Exhausted

§21A-7-20. Board a Necessary Party to Judicial Action; Legal Counsel

§21A-7-21. Weight Accorded Board's Findings of Fact

§21A-7-23. Trial; Preference on Calendar

§21A-7-24. Exceptions; Appeal Bond

§21A-7-25. Service of Process

§21A-7-26. Certification and Filing of Record; Certification of Questions of Law

§21A-7-27. Appeal to Supreme Court of Appeals

§21A-7-28. Effect of Judicial Decision

§21A-7-29. Supersedeas

§21A-7-30. Appeals From Administrative Decisions Relative to Chargeability of Benefits