Vermont Statutes
Chapter 261 - Village of Orleans
App § 48. Present Village officers to hold office until their successors are chosen

§ 48. Present Village officers to hold office until their successors are chosen
[Excluded transitional provision related to Village officers elected on the first Tuesday of January of 1892] (Added 1892, No. 114, § 48.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 261 - Village of Orleans

App § 1. Boundaries; corporate names; powers

App § 2. Alteration of bounds; requisites

App § 3. Territory embraced within; corporation limits constituted a highway district; assessment and collection of highway taxes

App § 4. Annual Village meeting; when held

App § 5. Special meetings on failure to warn annual meetings

App § 6. Checklist of voters; power of trustees in respect thereto

App § 7. Qualification of voters in Village meeting

App § 8. Officers, how elected, terms of office

App § 9. Duties of the Moderator

App § 10. Duties of the Clerk

App § 11. Special meetings; how called

App § 12. General powers and duties of trustees

App § 13. Duties of Treasurer and Collector

App § 14. Duties of Auditors

App § 15. Further duties of auditor; police officers, how appointed and removed; their powers and duties

App § 16. Powers and duties of the Board of Fire Wardens

App § 17. Ordinances, regulations, and bylaws

App § 18. Bylaws, rules, and ordinances, when recorded to be the prima facie evidence

App § 19. Power of trustees in laying out streets, sidewalks, etc.; damages therefor, how recovered

App § 20. Power of trustees in laying sewers; proceedings by persons dissatisfied

App § 21. Assessment and collection of taxes

App § 22. Power of trustees in granting licenses

App § 23. Grand list, how composed

App § 24. Residents of Village not incompetent to hold Town offices

App § 25. Corporation empowered to borrow money and issue bonds and notes therefor

App § 26. Duties of listers of Town of Barton respecting real estate within Village limits

App § 27. Powers of trustees respecting water

App § 28. Further powers of trustees respecting water

App § 29. Damages; how fixed

App § 30. Proceedings by persons dissatisfied with award of trustees related to water

App § 31. Bylaws and regulations concerning the Water Department

App § 32. Power of Village to dispose of water rights

App § 33. Duties of Village in taking water or land

App § 34. Trustees; general control of water system

App § 35. Further duties of the trustees relating to water

App § 36. Power of trustees in lighting streets

App § 37. Village may issue bonds for purpose of lighting streets; duties of Village Treasurer in respect thereto

App § 38. Corporation may purchase franchise, property, and privileges of Barton Landing Water Company

App § 39. Village may establish water rents and regulate the mode of payment

App § 40. Application of water rents

App § 41. Trustees to make list of water rents; list, how composed

App § 42. Disposition of water rents

App § 43. Injuries to water rights; penalties

App § 44. Power of Village in acquiring land for public parks

App § 45. Duties of trustees respecting moneys received and disbursed

App § 46. Abatement of highway and Village taxes

App § 48. Present Village officers to hold office until their successors are chosen

App § 49. Subject to future legislation; when to take effect

App § 50. Authority of Village to buy and sell electric current

App § 51. Licensing and activities of itinerant street vendors and peddlers