Vermont Statutes
Chapter 261 - Village of Orleans
App § 41. Trustees to make list of water rents; list, how composed

§ 41. Trustees to make list of water rents; list, how composed
(a) The trustees of said Village shall between the 20th day of July and the first day of August each year make out a list of the water rents due said Village, with five percent thereof added thereto, in which list they shall set down in three separate columns, according to the best information in their power.
(1) In the first column, the name of the owner of the real estate chargeable with water rents under the provisions of this charter.
(2) In the second column, the name of the street or avenue and the number or some other brief description of the tenement, building, or lots chargeable with water rents as aforesaid.
(3) In the third column, the amount of water rent due for water used or to be used in such tenement, building or lot.
(b) And the trustees or a majority of them, shall certify that the same is a true list of the water rents due said Village at the date thereof, and shall attach thereto a warrant for the collection of said water rents, signed by a justice of the peace in and for the County of Orleans, which shall be in the same form as is now prescribed by statute for warrants for the collection of town and other taxes, and shall be directed to the Collector of Taxes for said Village and the trustees shall deliver such list of water rents, with the warrant for the collection of the same thereto attached, to such Collector of Taxes, who shall collect the same as provided in this charter. (Added 1892, No. 114, § 41; amended 1933, No. 193, § 2.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 261 - Village of Orleans

App § 1. Boundaries; corporate names; powers

App § 2. Alteration of bounds; requisites

App § 3. Territory embraced within; corporation limits constituted a highway district; assessment and collection of highway taxes

App § 4. Annual Village meeting; when held

App § 5. Special meetings on failure to warn annual meetings

App § 6. Checklist of voters; power of trustees in respect thereto

App § 7. Qualification of voters in Village meeting

App § 8. Officers, how elected, terms of office

App § 9. Duties of the Moderator

App § 10. Duties of the Clerk

App § 11. Special meetings; how called

App § 12. General powers and duties of trustees

App § 13. Duties of Treasurer and Collector

App § 14. Duties of Auditors

App § 15. Further duties of auditor; police officers, how appointed and removed; their powers and duties

App § 16. Powers and duties of the Board of Fire Wardens

App § 17. Ordinances, regulations, and bylaws

App § 18. Bylaws, rules, and ordinances, when recorded to be the prima facie evidence

App § 19. Power of trustees in laying out streets, sidewalks, etc.; damages therefor, how recovered

App § 20. Power of trustees in laying sewers; proceedings by persons dissatisfied

App § 21. Assessment and collection of taxes

App § 22. Power of trustees in granting licenses

App § 23. Grand list, how composed

App § 24. Residents of Village not incompetent to hold Town offices

App § 25. Corporation empowered to borrow money and issue bonds and notes therefor

App § 26. Duties of listers of Town of Barton respecting real estate within Village limits

App § 27. Powers of trustees respecting water

App § 28. Further powers of trustees respecting water

App § 29. Damages; how fixed

App § 30. Proceedings by persons dissatisfied with award of trustees related to water

App § 31. Bylaws and regulations concerning the Water Department

App § 32. Power of Village to dispose of water rights

App § 33. Duties of Village in taking water or land

App § 34. Trustees; general control of water system

App § 35. Further duties of the trustees relating to water

App § 36. Power of trustees in lighting streets

App § 37. Village may issue bonds for purpose of lighting streets; duties of Village Treasurer in respect thereto

App § 38. Corporation may purchase franchise, property, and privileges of Barton Landing Water Company

App § 39. Village may establish water rents and regulate the mode of payment

App § 40. Application of water rents

App § 41. Trustees to make list of water rents; list, how composed

App § 42. Disposition of water rents

App § 43. Injuries to water rights; penalties

App § 44. Power of Village in acquiring land for public parks

App § 45. Duties of trustees respecting moneys received and disbursed

App § 46. Abatement of highway and Village taxes

App § 48. Present Village officers to hold office until their successors are chosen

App § 49. Subject to future legislation; when to take effect

App § 50. Authority of Village to buy and sell electric current

App § 51. Licensing and activities of itinerant street vendors and peddlers