Vermont Statutes
Chapter 261 - Village of Orleans
App § 1. Boundaries; corporate names; powers

§ 1. Boundaries; corporate names; powers
All that part of Barton in the County of Orleans enclosed within the following boundaries, to wit, Beginning at the northwesterly corner of the highway bridge on the highway leading from Orleans Village to Coventry, near the junction of the Barton and Willoughby Rivers; thence north 47 1-2 degrees west across said highway to an iron stake on the westerly side of said highway at the southeasterly corner of land owned by Daniel Buchanan five rods: thence north 77 3-4 degrees west on the division line between said Daniel Buchanan land and land belonging to J.H. Clark and O.H. Austin, (crossing the railroad track) to an iron stake on the easterly line of the town of Irasburg 25 rods: thence south 41 degrees west along said easterly line of Irasburg to the center of the highway leading from Orleans Village to Irasburg Village 196 rods: thence south 41 degrees west on said Irasburg line to an iron stake on said town line at the northwest corner of land owned by H.R. Hall 41 rods: thence south 47 degrees east, on the division line between land owned by H.R. Hall and land owned by E.L. Chandler to an iron stake on the highway leading from Orleans Village to Barton Village 90 rods: thence south 47 degrees east through land owned by H.R. Hall and across the railroad track and Barton River and on the division line between said H.R. Hall land and lands owned by the estate of the late Hiram Blaisdell and by E.L. Chandler, O.H. Austin, C.S. Skinner and P. Guild to an iron stake on said division line at the southeasterly corner of said Chandler, Austin, Skinner and Guild land 78 1-5 rods: thence north 66 1-2 degrees east through land owned by H.C. Dudley to the center of the highway leading from Orleans Village to Barton Village 81 rods: thence north 66 1-2 degrees east across said highway and on the division between land owned by O.H. Austin and land owned by Geo. W. Peavey to an iron stake at the southeasterly corner of said Geo. W. Peavey’s land 13 1-2 rods: thence north 79 degrees east through land owned by O.H. Austin to an iron stake on the division line between said O.H. Austin’s land and land owned by Cynthia E. Webster 55 1-2 rods: thence south 86 degrees east on the division line between the land owned by said Cynthia E. Webster and lands owned by O.H. Austin and L.W. Stimpson to an iron stake on the northerly side of the highway leading from Orleans Village to Brownington Centre 47 1-2 rods: thence north 75 1-2 degrees east through lands owned by L.W. Stimpson and Carrie B. Hyde to an iron stake at the southwesterly corner of the cemetery 80 rods: thence north 30 1-2 degrees east along the division line between the cemetery and land owned by L.W. Stimpson to an iron stake at the southeasterly corner of the cemetery 16 rods and eight links: thence north 18 degrees east, through land owned by L.W. Stimpson to an iron stake at the northwesterly corner of land purchased of the estate of the late Timothy Dudley by O.H. Austin, 16 rods and 23 links: thence north 39 degrees east along the division line between land owned by L.W. Stimpson and said land purchased of the Dudley estate by O.H. Austin to an iron stake at the northeasterly corner of L.W. Stimpson’s land 23 rods: thence north 53 degrees west along the line between land owned by L. W. Stimpson and John Tripp to the northeast corner of land owned by H.R. Smith 11 rods and 4 links: thence north 53 degrees west along the division line between land owned by H.R. Smith and John Tripp and the estate of the late F.A. Stafford to an iron stake on the westerly side of the highway leading from Orleans Village to Brownington Village 69 rods and 17 links: thence south 50 1-2 degrees west, along the division line between said highway and land owned by Joseph Bartlett, to the southerly corner of said Bartlett’s land 10 rods and 10 links: thence north 54 degrees west along the line between the slaughter house and land owned by L.W. Stimpson and land owned by Joseph Bartlett to an iron stake at the north corner of said Stimpson’s land 69 rods and 10 links: thence south 39 1-4 degrees west along the line between the land owned by J. Bartlett and land owned by L.W. Stimpson to an iron stake at the west corner of L.W. Stimpson’s land 16 1-2 rods: thence north 41 1-2 degrees west, on the line between land owned by Joseph Bartlett, and land owned by A.D. Mathews to an iron stake at the north corner of A.D. Mathews’ land 40 rods: thence south 40 1-2 degrees west, on the line between land owned by Joseph Bartlett and land owned by A.D. Mathews to an iron stake on the west corner of A.D. Mathews’ land, and on the easterly bank of Willoughby River 32 rods: thence north 27 degrees west, through land owned by Joseph Bartlett, to the northeasterly corner of the highway bridge at the junction of Barton and Willoughby rivers 170 rods: thence along the northerly side of said bridge to the northwesterly corner thereof and to the bound begun at two rods and eight links, is hereby incorporated and shall hereafter be known by the name of the Village of Orleans and the inhabitants of said Village are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, with all the usual powers and privileges incident to public corporations to be known by the name of the Village of Orleans and by that name, they and their successors shall and may have perpetual succession, and be capable in law of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, and answering and being answered unto, defending and being defended in all courts and places whatever; and may have a common seal and the same change and alter at pleasure, and shall be capable in law of purchasing, holding, and conveying estate and property, both real and personal, for the use of said Village, and for supporting a fire department; may tax themselves and levy and collect such taxes for the purpose aforesaid, or to carry into effect any legal vote or bylaw of said corporation, providing that no tax shall be laid or collected without the consent or approbation of a major part of the legal voters of said Village present in open meeting duly warned and held agreeably to the provisions of this charter. (Added 1878, No. 196, § 1; amended 1892, No. 114, § 1; 1908, No. 256, § 1; 1927, No. 173, § 1.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 261 - Village of Orleans

App § 1. Boundaries; corporate names; powers

App § 2. Alteration of bounds; requisites

App § 3. Territory embraced within; corporation limits constituted a highway district; assessment and collection of highway taxes

App § 4. Annual Village meeting; when held

App § 5. Special meetings on failure to warn annual meetings

App § 6. Checklist of voters; power of trustees in respect thereto

App § 7. Qualification of voters in Village meeting

App § 8. Officers, how elected, terms of office

App § 9. Duties of the Moderator

App § 10. Duties of the Clerk

App § 11. Special meetings; how called

App § 12. General powers and duties of trustees

App § 13. Duties of Treasurer and Collector

App § 14. Duties of Auditors

App § 15. Further duties of auditor; police officers, how appointed and removed; their powers and duties

App § 16. Powers and duties of the Board of Fire Wardens

App § 17. Ordinances, regulations, and bylaws

App § 18. Bylaws, rules, and ordinances, when recorded to be the prima facie evidence

App § 19. Power of trustees in laying out streets, sidewalks, etc.; damages therefor, how recovered

App § 20. Power of trustees in laying sewers; proceedings by persons dissatisfied

App § 21. Assessment and collection of taxes

App § 22. Power of trustees in granting licenses

App § 23. Grand list, how composed

App § 24. Residents of Village not incompetent to hold Town offices

App § 25. Corporation empowered to borrow money and issue bonds and notes therefor

App § 26. Duties of listers of Town of Barton respecting real estate within Village limits

App § 27. Powers of trustees respecting water

App § 28. Further powers of trustees respecting water

App § 29. Damages; how fixed

App § 30. Proceedings by persons dissatisfied with award of trustees related to water

App § 31. Bylaws and regulations concerning the Water Department

App § 32. Power of Village to dispose of water rights

App § 33. Duties of Village in taking water or land

App § 34. Trustees; general control of water system

App § 35. Further duties of the trustees relating to water

App § 36. Power of trustees in lighting streets

App § 37. Village may issue bonds for purpose of lighting streets; duties of Village Treasurer in respect thereto

App § 38. Corporation may purchase franchise, property, and privileges of Barton Landing Water Company

App § 39. Village may establish water rents and regulate the mode of payment

App § 40. Application of water rents

App § 41. Trustees to make list of water rents; list, how composed

App § 42. Disposition of water rents

App § 43. Injuries to water rights; penalties

App § 44. Power of Village in acquiring land for public parks

App § 45. Duties of trustees respecting moneys received and disbursed

App § 46. Abatement of highway and Village taxes

App § 48. Present Village officers to hold office until their successors are chosen

App § 49. Subject to future legislation; when to take effect

App § 50. Authority of Village to buy and sell electric current

App § 51. Licensing and activities of itinerant street vendors and peddlers