Vermont Statutes
Chapter 101 - Town of Barre
App § 32. Tax rate

§ 32. Tax rate
(a) If the municipal and school budgets have been adopted by July 1, then as soon as practicable after the final adoption of the last budget and the filing by the listers of the grand list, the Selectboard shall annually vote a uniform rate of tax sufficient to raise the amount of revenue voted by the Town and Town School District for the support of the Town and Town School District government for the ensuing fiscal year. In setting the rate, the Board shall consider all other sources of revenue available to the Town and Town School District, including any surplus carried over from the previous year, and shall also make such allowance for delinquent taxes as they may think proper.
(b) If the final municipal and school budgets have not been adopted by July 1, then as soon as practicable thereafter the Selectboard shall set an interim rate of tax. The interim tax rate shall be sufficient to raise the amount of tax revenue in any budget that has been adopted, plus an amount sufficient to raise 100 percent of the last adopted budget of the same type as that budget that has not yet been adopted. Once the final budgets have been adopted, the Selectboard shall proceed to set a rate of tax as set forth in subsection (a) of this section.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters

Chapter 101 - Town of Barre

App § 1. Authority of citizens

App § 2. Meetings and elections

App § 3. Warnings

App § 4. Conduct

App § 5. Reconsideration of actions taken

App § 6. Board of Civil Authority

App § 7. Nomination of candidates

App § 8. General powers

App § 9. Intergovernmental relations

App § 10. Elected officers; general

App § 11. Selectboard

App § 12. Auditors

App § 13. Board of Listers

App § 14. Moderator

App § 15. Constable

App § 16. Clerk

App § 17. Town manager; appointment; term

App § 18. Removal of the Town Manager

App § 19. Oath and bond

App § 20. Responsibilities of the Town Manager in general

App § 21. Powers and duties in particular

App § 22. Noninterference with administration

App § 23. Filling of a vacancy

App § 24. Compensation of the Town Manager

App § 25. Administrative Code

App § 26. Fiscal year

App § 27. Committee of Five

App § 28. Budget preparation

App § 29. Appropriation

App § 30. Budget control

App § 31. Purchasing policy

App § 32. Tax rate

App § 33. Collection of taxes

App § 34. Board of Abatement

App § 35. Bonded indebtedness

App § 35a. Bonding; Aldrich Public Library

App § 36. Meetings; open government

App § 37. Ordinances

App § 38. Appointed officers

App § 39. Compensation and fees

App § 40. Conflict of interest

App § 41. Public lands

App § 42. Mergers and consolidation of municipalities

App § 43. Application of general law

App § 44. Definitions

App § 45. Offices abolished

App § 46. Separability

App § 47. Construction

App § 49. Amendment or repeal