§ 28. Budget preparation
(a) At such time as may be prescribed by the Selectboard, the Town Manager shall propose a budget and submit a line itemized estimate of the income and expenditures required for the operation of the Town government for the next ensuing fiscal year.
(b) The Selectboard, with the Committee of Five, shall review and finalize the proposed Town budget publicly and prepare it for submission to the voters at the annual Town election. Sufficient copies shall be available to the voters not less than 10 days prior to the election at the five public places required by section 3 of this charter, and the warning shall state the availability of said proposed budget. (Amended 2011, No. M-3, § 2, eff. April 4, 2011.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 24 Appendix - Municipal Charters
App § 1. Authority of citizens
App § 2. Meetings and elections
App § 5. Reconsideration of actions taken
App § 6. Board of Civil Authority
App § 7. Nomination of candidates
App § 9. Intergovernmental relations
App § 10. Elected officers; general
App § 17. Town manager; appointment; term
App § 18. Removal of the Town Manager
App § 20. Responsibilities of the Town Manager in general
App § 21. Powers and duties in particular
App § 22. Noninterference with administration
App § 23. Filling of a vacancy
App § 24. Compensation of the Town Manager
App § 35a. Bonding; Aldrich Public Library
App § 36. Meetings; open government
App § 39. Compensation and fees
App § 40. Conflict of interest
App § 42. Mergers and consolidation of municipalities