Vermont Statutes
Chapter 3 - Executive
App 3-95 (No. 02-22) [Solidarity with the Ukrainian People]

Executive Order No. 3-95 (No. 02-22) [Solidarity with the Ukrainian People]
WHEREAS, on February 24, 2022, the Russian President Vladimir Putin launched an unprovoked, unjustified assault on the peaceful sovereign nation of Ukraine and its people; and
WHEREAS, I join leaders across the nation and around the world in condemning these attacks and express my support for Ukraine and its people, its democracy and its right to self-determination; and
WHEREAS, I know there is little Vermont, 4,500 miles away from Kyiv, can do or say to impact the horror that has been unleashed against the people of Ukraine by the regime in Moscow, but we must be ready to assist, provide humanitarian aid and stand firmly and resolutely with our Allies against this brazen attempt to weaken democracy everywhere; and
WHEREAS, Vermont stands ready to welcome and accept any Ukrainians who need refuge while their nation fights for its freedom; and
WHEREAS, the State cannot permit its purchasing and investment activity to aid Russia as it commits atrocities against the Ukrainian people; and
WHEREAS, the State Treasurer has taken swift action and directed the review of Russian investments and the Vermont Pension Investment Committee is working with investment managers as these holdings are liquidated; and
WHEREAS, Vermont shall take additional actions described in this Executive Order to, among other things, cease the State sale of Russian spirits, cease the State purchase of Russian products, rescind the dormant relationship of the State with a Russian Republic and ask the Legislature to take swift action to appropriate $1.00 per Vermonter to assist with humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Philip B. Scott, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Governor of Vermont by the Constitution of the State of Vermont hereby order as follows:
1. I hereby direct the Commissioner of the Department of Liquor and Lottery (DLL) to:
a. Conduct the due diligence necessary to identify Russian-sourced products (produced or manufactured in Russia as opposed to being Russian themed but produced elsewhere) currently stocked at 802Spirits stores in the State or available by special order (identified as Russian Standard, Green Mark, Hammer & Sickle and Beluga).
b. Immediately cease the sale of Russian-sourced products and products produced by Russian entities (institutions or companies that are headquartered in Russia or have their principal place of business in Russia) from the stock in Vermont802 stores.
c. Immediately cease the purchase of any Russian-sourced products and products produced by Russian entities.
d. Immediately cease delivery of Russian-sourced products and products produced by Russian entities from the DLL warehouse to Vermont802 stores.
2. I hereby direct the Secretary of the Agency of Administration and the Commissioner of the Department of Buildings and General Services (BGS) to review all contracts for the purchase of goods and immediately cease purchases and terminate contracts for the purchase of Russian-sourced goods and goods produced by Russian entities.
3. I further direct the Secretaries and Commissioners of the Executive Branch to review all contracts for the purchase of goods and immediately cease purchases and terminate contracts for the purchase of Russian-sourced goods and goods produced by Russian entities.
4. I ask the Vermont House of Representatives to immediately, upon its convening on March 8, 2022, return H. 679, an act relating to fiscal year 2022 budget adjustments, to the Committee of Conference, for appropriation of (a) $1.00 per Vermonter, or $643,077, and (b) all funds collected by the Department of Liquor and Lottery through sales of Russian-sourced vodka from February 24, 2022 through February 28, 2022, for distribution as agreed by the Emergency Board for humanitarian efforts needed to support the people of Ukraine.
5. I hereby rescind Executive Order 100-91 (codified as Executive Order 09-01), issued by Governor Madeline Kunin on January 7, 1991, which authorizes a sister-state relationship with the Republic of Karelia in Russia (formerly the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). And I hereby withdraw Vermont from the Joint Statement of Intentions executed by Governor Kunin and Kuzma F. Filatov, then Chief of Staff to the Kremlin.
This agreement was reached at a time of mutual belief in constructive dialogue and openness following the 1985 summit meeting of President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary Mikael S. Gorbachev but has been dormant for many years. Russian government actions in Ukraine make clear its interest in peace and mutual understanding no longer exists.
Vermont looks forward to a time when true people-to-people cooperation can be restored. Until then the State of Vermont shall not engage in any efforts which confer legitimacy upon Russia’s current foreign policy or on a government not freely and democratically elected by the people of Karelia.
6. I further ask the Legislature to rescind J.R.H. 129 adopted by the Legislature in 1990 (R -157. Joint Resolution Relating to Strengthening Ties with the Peoples of Karelia Within the Soviet Union).
7. And I call on any Vermont municipality that has entered into a sister-city/town agreement with a Russian municipality to suspend or terminate such arrangements, until such time as the Russian municipality opposes current Russian policy toward Ukraine and has a government freely and democratically elected by the people of the municipality.
This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing.
Dated March 3, 2022

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 3 Appendix - Executive Orders

Chapter 3 - Executive

App 3-1 (No. 13-69) [Planning and Community Services Agency]

App 3-2 (No. 44-72) [Administrative Districts]

App 3-3 (No. 14-78) [Interagency Committee on Rules and Administrative Procedures]

App 3-4 (No. 21-78) [Transfer of Utility Driver Position From Agency of Human Services to Purchasing Division, Agency of Administration]

App 3-5 (No. 32-79) [Transfer of Clerk B Position From Office of Secretary of State to Division of Public Records, Agency of Administration]

App 3-6 (No. 71-83) [Agencies Required To File Proposed Administrative Rules With Interagency Committee on Administrative Rules]

App 3-7 (No. 74-83) [Intergovernmental Consultation System]

App 3-8 (No. 83-84) [Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, Councils and Other Bodies]

App 3-9 (No. 19-86) [Agencies Required To File Proposed or Emergency Administrative Rules With Interagency Committee on Administrative Rules]

App 3-10 (No. 20-86) [Governor’s Commission on Women]

App 3-11 (No. 35-87) [Abolition of Certain Departments and Divisions and Establishment of the Department of General Services and Department of Finance and Management]

App 3-12 (No. 36-87) [Transfer of Certain Positions and Appropriations From Agency of Environmental Conservation, Department of Water Resources to Department of Labor and Industry]

App 3-13 (No. 45-87) [Transfer of Certain Positions, Functions and Appropriations of Certain Agencies and the Central Support Services Revolving Fund to Department of General Services]

App 3-14 (No. 56-88) [Agencies Required To File Proposed and Emergency Administrative Rules With Interagency Committee on Administrative Rules; Study of Scope of and Limitations on Rulemaking]

App 3-15 (No. 70-89) [Abolition of Office on Aging and Transfer of Functions of Certain Divisions to and Establishment of Department of Rehabilitation and Aging]

App 3-16 (No. 1-91) [Transfer of Duties and Director of Office of Economic Opportunity From Agency of Human Services to Department of Prevention, Assistance, Transition, and Health Access]

App 3-17 (No. 2-91) [Transfer of Duties Relating to Public Drinking Water Program and Positions and Equipment of Division of Environmental Health From Department of Health to Department of Environmental Conservation]

App 3-18 (No. 3-91) [Executive Code of Ethics]

App 3-19 (No. 8-91) [Executive Code of Ethics]

App 3-20 (No. 15-91) [Recognition and Encouragement of Vermont Minority/Women Business Enterprises Partnership]

App 3-21 (No. 101-91) [Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, Councils and Other Bodies]

App 3-22 (No. 3A-92) [Recognition, Structure and Powers of Vermont Center for Geographic Information and Transfer of Functions from Geographic Information Services]

App 3-23 (No. 01-93) [Reversal of Reorganization of Agency of Administration]

App 3-24 (No. 08-93) [Vermont State Craft Center Overview Commission]

App 3-25 (No. 13-93) [Governor’s Council on Affirmative Action; Creation of Program]

App 3-26 (No. 01-94) [Abolition of Department of Taxes and Creation of Department of Revenue]

App 3-27 (No. 05-94) [Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council]

App 3-28 (No. 11-94) [Reimbursement for Members of Governor’s Commission on Women]

App 3-29 (No. 12-94) [Telecommunications Technology Council of Vermont]

App 3-30 (No. 07-95) [Administrative Districts]

App 3-31 (No. 08-95) [Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, Councils and Other Bodies]

App 3-32 (No. 01-96A) [Transfer of Certain Positions and Investments from Agency of Transportation to Department of Public Safety]

App 3-33 (No. 13-96) [Transfer of Functions and Responsibilities from Agency of Administration, Division of State Buildings to Various Agencies]

App 3-34 (No. 05-98) [Establishment of Blue Ribbon Commission on State Government Performance and Work Force Needs]

App 3-35 (No. 09-98) [Vermont Commission on National and Community Service]

App 3-36 (No. 11-98) [Year 2000 Remediation]

App 3-37 (No. 14-98) [Affirmative Action]

App 3-38 (No. 05-99) [Year 2000 Remediation]

App 3-39 (No. 01-00) [Governor’s Development Cabinet]

App 3-40 (No. 04-00) [Executive Code of Ethics]

App 3-41 (No. 02-02) [Establishment of the Governor’s Children and Youth Cabinet]

App 3-42 (No. 08-02) [Interagency Executive Resource Planning Team Established]

App 3-43 (No. 09-02) [Establishment of the Governor’s Workforce Equity and Diversity Council]

App 3-44 (No. 03-03) [Governor’s Jobs Cabinet]

App 3-45 (No. 10-03) [Executive Code of Ethics]

App 3-46 (No. 06-05) [Rescinding Certain Executive Orders]

App 3-47 (No. 06-06) [Vermont State Craft Center Overview Commission]

App 3-48 (No. 01-09) [Merger of Department of Housing and Community Affairs and Department of Economic Development within the Agency of Commerce and Community Development]

App 3-49 (No. 09-09) [Vermont State Craft Center Overview Commission]

App 3-50 (No. 10-09) [Rescinding Certain Executive Orders]

App 3-51 (No. 01-10) [Transfer of Certain Personnel Positions Within State Government to the Department of Human Resources]

App 3-52 (No. 04-10) [Interagency Committee on Administrative Rules]

App 3-53 (No. 09-11) [Executive Code of Ethics]

App 3-54 (No. 01-12) Addendum to Executive Order No. 02-09 [Renaming Vermont Commission on National and Community Service]

App 3-55 (No. 04-12) [Protection of Vermont State Hospital Employees Subject to a Reduction in Force Due to Tropical Storm Irene]

App 3-56 (No. 01-13) [Revocation of Executive Order 3-48 and Renaming the Department of Housing and Community Affairs the Department of Housing and Community Development]

App 3-57 (No. 02-13) [Transfer of Certain Technology Positions to the Department of Information and Innovation]

App 3-58 (No. 03-13) [Governor’s Business Advisory Council on Health Care Financing]

App 3-59 (No. 10-13) [Governor’s Workforce Equity and Diversity Council and Development of an Equal Employment Opportunity Program]

App 3-60 (No. 01-14) [Governor’s Consumer Advisory Council on Health Care Reform]

App 3-61 (No. 02-14) [Governor’s Criminal Justice and Substance Abuse Cabinet]

App 3-62 (No. 03-14) [Governor’s Law Enforcement Officer Coordinating Council]

App 3-63 (No. 04-14) [VtSHARES Coordinating Committee]

App 3-64 (No. 05-14) [Accessibility of Buildings Used for Public Meetings to People with Disabilities]

App 3-65 (No. 07-14) [Transfer of Certain Medicaid Policy Positions to the Agency of Human Services Central Office]

App 3-66 (No. 01-15) [Revocation of Certain Executive Orders]

App 3-67 (No. 03-15) [Ban the Box Hiring Policy]

App 3-68 (No. 06-15) [Transfer of Certain Land and Permanent Easements in the Town of Killington from ANR to VTRANS]

App 3-69 (No. 07-15) [Health in All Policies Task Force]

App 3-72 (No. 02-16) [Disability Employment Working Group]

App 3-73 (No. 03-16) [Publicly Funded Housing for the Homeless]

App 3-74 (No. 04-16) [Vermont Strong License Plates]

App 3-75 (No. 05-16) [Climate Change Considerations in State Procurements]

App 3-76 (No. 01-17) [Governor’s Strategic Goals]

App 3-77 (No. 02-17) [Governor’s Opiate Coordination Council]

App 3-78 (No. 03-17) [Governor’s Government Modernization and Efficiency Team]

App 3-79 (No. 04-17) [Program to Improve Vermont Outcomes Together (PIVOT)]

App 3-80 (No. 08-17) [Transfer of Property in Windsor from BGS to DFW]

App 3-81 (No. 09-17) [Governor’s Opioid Coordination Council]

App 3-82 (No. 15-17) [Governor’s Marijuana Advisory Commission]

App 3-83 (No. 18-17) [Governor’s Cybersecurity Advisory Team]

App 3-84 (No. 19-17) [Executive Code of Ethics]

App 3-85 (No. 06-17) [Creation of the Agency of Digital Services]

App 3-86 (No. 02-18) [Internet Neutrality in State Procurement]

App 3-87 (No. 04-18) [Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Disparity Mitigation]

App 3-88 (No. 03-19) [Justice Reinvestment II Working Group]

App 3-89 (No. 09-19) [Vermont 2020 Complete Count Committee]

App 3-91 (No. 02-20) [Racial Equity Task Force]

App 3-92 (No. 01-21) [Creation of the Agency of Public Safety]

App 3-93 (No. 04-21) [Permitting Modernization Directive]

App 3-94 (No. 06-21) [COVID-19 Post-Emergency Recovery Activities]

App 3-95 (No. 02-22) [Solidarity with the Ukrainian People]

App 3-96 (No. 04-22) [Executive Code of Ethics]