Executive Order No. 3-51 (No. 01-10) [Transfer of Certain Personnel Positions Within State Government to the Department of Human Resources]
WHEREAS, the Governor, pursuant to 3 V.S.A. § 2001, may make such changes in the organization of the executive branch or in the assignment of functions among its units as he considers necessary for efficient administration; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable to reorganize the departments and divisions of government by better coordinating certain activities and improve the coordination and effectiveness of services to the public; and
WHEREAS, the Governor, pursuant to 3 V.S.A. § 209, may transfer, temporarily or permanently, subordinates of any one department to another, as the needs of the State require and shall “provide for and require a practical working system to insure efficiency and mutual helpfulness among the departments” of State government; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Human Resources is required to provide for centralized human resources management, 3 V.S.A. § 2283(a), and to administer the State of Vermont’s workforce, including personnel administration, labor relations, workforce training, and benefits, 3 V.S.A. § 309et seq.; and
WHEREAS, presently, personnel functions are performed by employees within state agencies and departments who are not subject to the authority of the Department of Human Resources; and
WHEREAS, the State could improve and enhance its ability to provide services to the public through the transfer of all personnel functions and associated positions within agencies and departments to the Department of Human Resources.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, James H. Douglas, by virtue of the power vested in me by 3 V.S.A., chapter 41 as Governor, do hereby:
1. Transfer, effective July 1, 2010, the following positions and incumbents from the Agencies and Departments designated below to the Department of Human Resources:
Position # Position Title and Agency/Department
040518 AoA Human Resource Director
040519 Personnel Administrator D
040520 Personnel Administrator D
Human Services
720005 Human Services Personnel Chief
720020 Personnel Administrator D
720016 HR Coordinator
720009 Personnel Administrator D
720018 HR Coordinator
720026 AHS Personnel Assistant
720017 Corrections Human Resources Administrator
720107 AHS Personnel Assistant
720019 Personnel Administrator B
720023 AHS Personnel Assistant
620004 VVH Human Resources Administrator
620179 Personnel Administrator A
720057 AHS Investigation Chief
720056 AHS Investigator
720055 AHS Investigator
Natural Resources
630071 Agency Human Resources Chief
630017 Human Resources Technician
630016 Personnel Administrator C
860549 AOT Human Resources Chief
860304 AOT Human Resources Manager
860461 Personnel Administrator C
860003 Personnel Administrator D
860685 Personnel Administrator C
860285 Human Resources Administrator
861702 AOT Human Resources Spec III
861263 Personnel Administrator B
860935 Personnel Administrator D
860118 Personnel Administrator D
860275 AOT Investigator
290089 Personnel Administrator C
770187 Education Human Resource Administrator
820429 VT DOL Human Resource Admin
820464 Personnel Administrator C
820087 Administrative Assistant B
320105 Personnel Administrator D
Public Safety
330121 Pub Safety Human Resources Manager
330310 Personnel Administrator C
Liquor Control
310002 Personnel Administrator B
800012 Personnel Administrator A
2. Transfer, effective July 1, 2010, any and all appropriations associated with the above listed positions from the affected Agencies and Departments to the Department of Human Resources.
3. Transfer, effective July 1, 2010, the functions, equipment, supplies and inventory associated with the above listed positions from the affected Agencies and Departments to the Department of Human Resources.
4. Direct the Commissioner of the Department of Human Resources to define the position duties and take appropriate classification actions prior to the effective date of the transfer. The Commissioner shall also take, with the assistance of the Agency Secretaries and Department Commissioners affected by the transfer, any and all necessary actions to organize, plan and effect an orderly transfer and transition.
This Executive Order shall be submitted to the General Assembly pursuant to 3 V.S.A. § 2002(b) and shall take effect on April 16, 2010, unless disapproved by resolution of the General Assembly.
Dated January 14, 2010.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 3 Appendix - Executive Orders
App 3-1 (No. 13-69) [Planning and Community Services Agency]
App 3-2 (No. 44-72) [Administrative Districts]
App 3-3 (No. 14-78) [Interagency Committee on Rules and Administrative Procedures]
App 3-7 (No. 74-83) [Intergovernmental Consultation System]
App 3-8 (No. 83-84) [Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, Councils and Other Bodies]
App 3-10 (No. 20-86) [Governor’s Commission on Women]
App 3-18 (No. 3-91) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-19 (No. 8-91) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-21 (No. 101-91) [Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, Councils and Other Bodies]
App 3-23 (No. 01-93) [Reversal of Reorganization of Agency of Administration]
App 3-24 (No. 08-93) [Vermont State Craft Center Overview Commission]
App 3-25 (No. 13-93) [Governor’s Council on Affirmative Action; Creation of Program]
App 3-26 (No. 01-94) [Abolition of Department of Taxes and Creation of Department of Revenue]
App 3-27 (No. 05-94) [Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council]
App 3-28 (No. 11-94) [Reimbursement for Members of Governor’s Commission on Women]
App 3-29 (No. 12-94) [Telecommunications Technology Council of Vermont]
App 3-30 (No. 07-95) [Administrative Districts]
App 3-31 (No. 08-95) [Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, Councils and Other Bodies]
App 3-35 (No. 09-98) [Vermont Commission on National and Community Service]
App 3-36 (No. 11-98) [Year 2000 Remediation]
App 3-37 (No. 14-98) [Affirmative Action]
App 3-38 (No. 05-99) [Year 2000 Remediation]
App 3-39 (No. 01-00) [Governor’s Development Cabinet]
App 3-40 (No. 04-00) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-41 (No. 02-02) [Establishment of the Governor’s Children and Youth Cabinet]
App 3-42 (No. 08-02) [Interagency Executive Resource Planning Team Established]
App 3-43 (No. 09-02) [Establishment of the Governor’s Workforce Equity and Diversity Council]
App 3-44 (No. 03-03) [Governor’s Jobs Cabinet]
App 3-45 (No. 10-03) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-46 (No. 06-05) [Rescinding Certain Executive Orders]
App 3-47 (No. 06-06) [Vermont State Craft Center Overview Commission]
App 3-49 (No. 09-09) [Vermont State Craft Center Overview Commission]
App 3-50 (No. 10-09) [Rescinding Certain Executive Orders]
App 3-52 (No. 04-10) [Interagency Committee on Administrative Rules]
App 3-53 (No. 09-11) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-58 (No. 03-13) [Governor’s Business Advisory Council on Health Care Financing]
App 3-60 (No. 01-14) [Governor’s Consumer Advisory Council on Health Care Reform]
App 3-61 (No. 02-14) [Governor’s Criminal Justice and Substance Abuse Cabinet]
App 3-62 (No. 03-14) [Governor’s Law Enforcement Officer Coordinating Council]
App 3-63 (No. 04-14) [VtSHARES Coordinating Committee]
App 3-66 (No. 01-15) [Revocation of Certain Executive Orders]
App 3-67 (No. 03-15) [Ban the Box Hiring Policy]
App 3-69 (No. 07-15) [Health in All Policies Task Force]
App 3-72 (No. 02-16) [Disability Employment Working Group]
App 3-73 (No. 03-16) [Publicly Funded Housing for the Homeless]
App 3-74 (No. 04-16) [Vermont Strong License Plates]
App 3-75 (No. 05-16) [Climate Change Considerations in State Procurements]
App 3-76 (No. 01-17) [Governor’s Strategic Goals]
App 3-77 (No. 02-17) [Governor’s Opiate Coordination Council]
App 3-78 (No. 03-17) [Governor’s Government Modernization and Efficiency Team]
App 3-79 (No. 04-17) [Program to Improve Vermont Outcomes Together (PIVOT)]
App 3-80 (No. 08-17) [Transfer of Property in Windsor from BGS to DFW]
App 3-81 (No. 09-17) [Governor’s Opioid Coordination Council]
App 3-82 (No. 15-17) [Governor’s Marijuana Advisory Commission]
App 3-83 (No. 18-17) [Governor’s Cybersecurity Advisory Team]
App 3-84 (No. 19-17) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-85 (No. 06-17) [Creation of the Agency of Digital Services]
App 3-86 (No. 02-18) [Internet Neutrality in State Procurement]
App 3-87 (No. 04-18) [Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Disparity Mitigation]
App 3-88 (No. 03-19) [Justice Reinvestment II Working Group]
App 3-89 (No. 09-19) [Vermont 2020 Complete Count Committee]
App 3-91 (No. 02-20) [Racial Equity Task Force]
App 3-92 (No. 01-21) [Creation of the Agency of Public Safety]
App 3-93 (No. 04-21) [Permitting Modernization Directive]
App 3-94 (No. 06-21) [COVID-19 Post-Emergency Recovery Activities]