Executive Order No. 3-20 (No. 15-91) [Recognition and Encouragement of Vermont Minority/Women Business Enterprises Partnership]
WHEREAS, the Vermont Minority/Women Business Enterprises Partnership was mandated to develop a plan to facilitate equal access and maximum opportunity to participate in state contracting procedures for Minority/Women Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) and to ensure nondiscrimination in state contracting programs; and
WHEREAS, the plan presented by the Partnership is the result of deliberations that included consideration of the methods for collecting statewide data and certifying M/WBEs; and
WHEREAS, the plan addressed the provision of technical assistance and outreach programs to broaden the participation of these enterprises in the state’s contracting process; and
WHEREAS, through consultation with technical experts, both in and out of government, the implementation plan is achievable within existing resources of State Agencies and Departments;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, Howard Dean, M.D., by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor, do hereby order the following actions:
1. Agencies and Departments of state government shall adopt and implement the following policy:
The State of Vermont recognizes the important contributions and vital impact which small businesses have on the state’s economy. In this regard, the state prescribes to a free and open bidding process that affords all businesses equal access and opportunity to compete for state contracts for goods and services. The state also recognizes the existence of businesses owned by minorities and women and directs all state agencies and departments to make a good faith effort to encourage these firms to compete for state contracts.
2. The Agency of Development and Community Affairs using existing staff will act as liaison to minority/women businesses.
3. Data on women and minority businesses will be integrated into the state’s vendor list and into the list of awarded contracts.
4. The Purchasing Department will provide outreach to M/WBEs by conducting seminars on “Contracting with State Government.”
This Executive Order shall take effect upon signing.
Dated December 11, 1991.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 3 Appendix - Executive Orders
App 3-1 (No. 13-69) [Planning and Community Services Agency]
App 3-2 (No. 44-72) [Administrative Districts]
App 3-3 (No. 14-78) [Interagency Committee on Rules and Administrative Procedures]
App 3-7 (No. 74-83) [Intergovernmental Consultation System]
App 3-8 (No. 83-84) [Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, Councils and Other Bodies]
App 3-10 (No. 20-86) [Governor’s Commission on Women]
App 3-18 (No. 3-91) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-19 (No. 8-91) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-21 (No. 101-91) [Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, Councils and Other Bodies]
App 3-23 (No. 01-93) [Reversal of Reorganization of Agency of Administration]
App 3-24 (No. 08-93) [Vermont State Craft Center Overview Commission]
App 3-25 (No. 13-93) [Governor’s Council on Affirmative Action; Creation of Program]
App 3-26 (No. 01-94) [Abolition of Department of Taxes and Creation of Department of Revenue]
App 3-27 (No. 05-94) [Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council]
App 3-28 (No. 11-94) [Reimbursement for Members of Governor’s Commission on Women]
App 3-29 (No. 12-94) [Telecommunications Technology Council of Vermont]
App 3-30 (No. 07-95) [Administrative Districts]
App 3-31 (No. 08-95) [Abolition of Certain Boards, Commissions, Councils and Other Bodies]
App 3-35 (No. 09-98) [Vermont Commission on National and Community Service]
App 3-36 (No. 11-98) [Year 2000 Remediation]
App 3-37 (No. 14-98) [Affirmative Action]
App 3-38 (No. 05-99) [Year 2000 Remediation]
App 3-39 (No. 01-00) [Governor’s Development Cabinet]
App 3-40 (No. 04-00) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-41 (No. 02-02) [Establishment of the Governor’s Children and Youth Cabinet]
App 3-42 (No. 08-02) [Interagency Executive Resource Planning Team Established]
App 3-43 (No. 09-02) [Establishment of the Governor’s Workforce Equity and Diversity Council]
App 3-44 (No. 03-03) [Governor’s Jobs Cabinet]
App 3-45 (No. 10-03) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-46 (No. 06-05) [Rescinding Certain Executive Orders]
App 3-47 (No. 06-06) [Vermont State Craft Center Overview Commission]
App 3-49 (No. 09-09) [Vermont State Craft Center Overview Commission]
App 3-50 (No. 10-09) [Rescinding Certain Executive Orders]
App 3-52 (No. 04-10) [Interagency Committee on Administrative Rules]
App 3-53 (No. 09-11) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-58 (No. 03-13) [Governor’s Business Advisory Council on Health Care Financing]
App 3-60 (No. 01-14) [Governor’s Consumer Advisory Council on Health Care Reform]
App 3-61 (No. 02-14) [Governor’s Criminal Justice and Substance Abuse Cabinet]
App 3-62 (No. 03-14) [Governor’s Law Enforcement Officer Coordinating Council]
App 3-63 (No. 04-14) [VtSHARES Coordinating Committee]
App 3-66 (No. 01-15) [Revocation of Certain Executive Orders]
App 3-67 (No. 03-15) [Ban the Box Hiring Policy]
App 3-69 (No. 07-15) [Health in All Policies Task Force]
App 3-72 (No. 02-16) [Disability Employment Working Group]
App 3-73 (No. 03-16) [Publicly Funded Housing for the Homeless]
App 3-74 (No. 04-16) [Vermont Strong License Plates]
App 3-75 (No. 05-16) [Climate Change Considerations in State Procurements]
App 3-76 (No. 01-17) [Governor’s Strategic Goals]
App 3-77 (No. 02-17) [Governor’s Opiate Coordination Council]
App 3-78 (No. 03-17) [Governor’s Government Modernization and Efficiency Team]
App 3-79 (No. 04-17) [Program to Improve Vermont Outcomes Together (PIVOT)]
App 3-80 (No. 08-17) [Transfer of Property in Windsor from BGS to DFW]
App 3-81 (No. 09-17) [Governor’s Opioid Coordination Council]
App 3-82 (No. 15-17) [Governor’s Marijuana Advisory Commission]
App 3-83 (No. 18-17) [Governor’s Cybersecurity Advisory Team]
App 3-84 (No. 19-17) [Executive Code of Ethics]
App 3-85 (No. 06-17) [Creation of the Agency of Digital Services]
App 3-86 (No. 02-18) [Internet Neutrality in State Procurement]
App 3-87 (No. 04-18) [Racial, Ethnic and Cultural Disparity Mitigation]
App 3-88 (No. 03-19) [Justice Reinvestment II Working Group]
App 3-89 (No. 09-19) [Vermont 2020 Complete Count Committee]
App 3-91 (No. 02-20) [Racial Equity Task Force]
App 3-92 (No. 01-21) [Creation of the Agency of Public Safety]
App 3-93 (No. 04-21) [Permitting Modernization Directive]
App 3-94 (No. 06-21) [COVID-19 Post-Emergency Recovery Activities]