§ 8361. General rules for appeals
(a) A party aggrieved, including the State represented by the State Treasurer, on or before February 15 following such an appraisal, may appeal therefrom to a Superior judge designated by the Chief Superior Judge, not excluding themselves, who shall hear such appeal.
(b) In the manner prescribed in this section and within 15 days from the date of notice prescribed in section 8285 of this title, appeals to the Superior judge may be taken from appraisals made agreeably to the provisions of such section 8285. Such proceedings shall be had in relation thereto as are prescribed in this section and section 8362 of this title and shall be heard and determined within 60 days from the date whereon the same are instituted.
(c) Such Superior judge shall appraise at its fair and just value all property required to be appraised by the Commissioner under the provisions of sections 8281-8286, 8321, and 8322 of this title, from the appraisal of which an appeal has been taken. Such appraisal shall be made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and shall stand in lieu of the appraisal made by the Commissioner from which such appeal is taken.
(d) Upon establishing its appraisal, such Superior judge shall notify, in writing, the State Treasurer and the Commissioner of the amount thereof, and a record thereof shall be made by the Commissioner in the book wherein appraisals of railroad property are recorded. Notice in writing shall likewise be given to the person or corporation operating the property thus appraised.
(e) A party aggrieved by any action of the Superior judge may appeal to the Supreme Court. (Amended 1971, No. 185 (Adj. Sess.), § 232, eff. March 29, 1972; 1973, No. 106, § 13, eff. May 25, 1973; 1979, No. 181 (Adj. Sess.), § 19; 1997, No. 156 (Adj. Sess.), § 16, eff. April 29, 1998; 2021, No. 147 (Adj. Sess.), § 29, eff. May 31, 2022.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 32 - Taxation and Finance
Chapter 211 - Corporation Taxes
§ 8121. Formulation and distribution of returns
§ 8123. Time and place of filing
§ 8124. Time for payment of tax
§ 8141. Examination of documents
§ 8142. Examination of officers, agents, and stockholders
§ 8143. Form and service of citation for examination
§ 8145. Failure to appear, be sworn, or testify
§ 8146. Additional tax; refunds
§ 8147. False swearing outside the State
§ 8171. Recovery of taxes and penalties
§ 8211. Rate of tax and time of payment
§ 8241. Annual report required; contents
§ 8242. Reports on fiscal year basis
§ 8281. Railroad operating wholly in State
§ 8282. Road operating within and outside the State
§ 8283. Single or separate appraisals
§ 8284. Appraised value as true value
§ 8285. Defective, insufficient, or invalid appraisals
§ 8286. Property exempt from appraisal
§ 8342. Sufficiency of record and notice
§ 8343. Notice of appraisal; time appraisal in force
§ 8344. Definition of representative; notice
§ 8361. General rules for appeals
§ 8363. Appraisal invalid in part
§ 8394. Petition and hearing for relief from taxes
§ 8396. Reducing tax claims in reorganization plans
§ 8398. Revocation of waiver or compromise upon failure of railroad
§ 8521. Imposition and rate of tax