§ 8261. Railroad property
The words “property acquired, constructed, or used for railroad business or purposes” as used in this chapter and except as otherwise provided shall include all franchises, rights-of-way, roadbeds, tracks, bridges, stations, terminals, rolling stock, equipment, and all other real and personal property of whatever character used or employed in the operation of a railroad or in conducting its business and shall include all title and interest in such property as owner, lessee, or otherwise.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 32 - Taxation and Finance
Chapter 211 - Corporation Taxes
§ 8121. Formulation and distribution of returns
§ 8123. Time and place of filing
§ 8124. Time for payment of tax
§ 8141. Examination of documents
§ 8142. Examination of officers, agents, and stockholders
§ 8143. Form and service of citation for examination
§ 8145. Failure to appear, be sworn, or testify
§ 8146. Additional tax; refunds
§ 8147. False swearing outside the State
§ 8171. Recovery of taxes and penalties
§ 8211. Rate of tax and time of payment
§ 8241. Annual report required; contents
§ 8242. Reports on fiscal year basis
§ 8281. Railroad operating wholly in State
§ 8282. Road operating within and outside the State
§ 8283. Single or separate appraisals
§ 8284. Appraised value as true value
§ 8285. Defective, insufficient, or invalid appraisals
§ 8286. Property exempt from appraisal
§ 8342. Sufficiency of record and notice
§ 8343. Notice of appraisal; time appraisal in force
§ 8344. Definition of representative; notice
§ 8361. General rules for appeals
§ 8363. Appraisal invalid in part
§ 8394. Petition and hearing for relief from taxes
§ 8396. Reducing tax claims in reorganization plans
§ 8398. Revocation of waiver or compromise upon failure of railroad
§ 8521. Imposition and rate of tax