§ 8162. Foreign corporations
When a foreign insurance, surety, or guaranty company, or an agent thereof fails to make returns or to pay the taxes as required in this chapter, the Commissioner shall notify the Commissioner of Financial Regulation thereof, who shall thereupon revoke the license of such company and its agents to do business in this State. Notice in writing of such revocation shall be mailed by the Commissioner of Financial Regulation to such company addressed to its principal office or place of business in the United States and to the Commissioner of Taxes. In the discretion of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation, such notice may be sent by mail or otherwise to any or all of the agents of such company residing in this State. The license of foreign loan, mortgage, or investment companies in like manner and for like causes shall be revoked by the Commissioner of Financial Regulation, and like notice thereof shall be given by such Commissioner. (Amended 1989, No. 225 (Adj. Sess.), § 25(b); 1995, No. 180 (Adj. Sess.), § 38(a); 2011, No. 78 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. April 2, 2012.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 32 - Taxation and Finance
Chapter 211 - Corporation Taxes
§ 8121. Formulation and distribution of returns
§ 8123. Time and place of filing
§ 8124. Time for payment of tax
§ 8141. Examination of documents
§ 8142. Examination of officers, agents, and stockholders
§ 8143. Form and service of citation for examination
§ 8145. Failure to appear, be sworn, or testify
§ 8146. Additional tax; refunds
§ 8147. False swearing outside the State
§ 8171. Recovery of taxes and penalties
§ 8211. Rate of tax and time of payment
§ 8241. Annual report required; contents
§ 8242. Reports on fiscal year basis
§ 8281. Railroad operating wholly in State
§ 8282. Road operating within and outside the State
§ 8283. Single or separate appraisals
§ 8284. Appraised value as true value
§ 8285. Defective, insufficient, or invalid appraisals
§ 8286. Property exempt from appraisal
§ 8342. Sufficiency of record and notice
§ 8343. Notice of appraisal; time appraisal in force
§ 8344. Definition of representative; notice
§ 8361. General rules for appeals
§ 8363. Appraisal invalid in part
§ 8394. Petition and hearing for relief from taxes
§ 8396. Reducing tax claims in reorganization plans
§ 8398. Revocation of waiver or compromise upon failure of railroad
§ 8521. Imposition and rate of tax