Vermont Statutes
Chapter 168 - Product Stewardship for Primary Batteries and Rechargeable Batteries
§ 7592. Confidentiality of submitted data

§ 7592. Confidentiality of submitted data
(a) Confidentiality. Reports and data submitted under this chapter shall be available for public inspection and copying, provided that:
(1) Information protected under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, as codified under 9 V.S.A. chapter 143, or under the trade secret exemption under 1 V.S.A. § 317(c)(9) shall be exempt from public inspection and copying under the Public Records Act.
(2) The Secretary may publish information confidential under subdivision (1) of this subsection in a summary or aggregated form that does not directly or indirectly identify individual producers, battery stewards, distributors, or retailers.
(b) Omission of trade secret information. The Secretary may require, as a part of a report submitted under this chapter, that the producer, primary battery stewardship organization, rechargeable battery steward, or rechargeable battery stewardship organization submit a report that does not contain trade secret information and is available for public inspection and review.
(c) Total weight of batteries. The total weight of batteries collected under an approved primary battery stewardship plan is not confidential business information under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, as codified under 9 V.S.A. chapter 143, and shall be subject to inspection and review under the Public Records Act, 1 V.S.A chapter 5, subchapter 3. (Added 2013, No. 139 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. May 22, 2014.)