Vermont Statutes
Chapter 168 - Product Stewardship for Primary Batteries and Rechargeable Batteries
§ 7585. Annual report; plan audit

§ 7585. Annual report; plan audit
(a) Annual report. On or before March 1, 2017 and annually thereafter, a producer or a primary battery stewardship organization shall submit a report to the Secretary that contains the following:
(1) the weight of primary batteries collected by the producer or the primary battery stewardship organization in the prior calendar year;
(2) the estimated percentage, by weight, of rechargeable batteries collected by the producer or the primary battery stewardship organization in the prior calendar year;
(3) the percentage of primary batteries collected in the prior calendar year that are from producers who are not participating in any approved stewardship plan, based on periodic sorting of primary batteries by the reporting producer;
(4) the collection rate achieved in the prior calendar year under the primary battery stewardship plan, including a report of the estimated total sales data by weight for primary batteries sold in the State for the previous three calendar years;
(5) the locations for all collection points set up by the primary battery producers covered by the primary battery stewardship plan and contact information for each location;
(6) examples and description of educational materials used to increase collection;
(7) the manner in which the collected primary batteries were managed;
(8) any material change to the primary battery stewardship plan approved by the Secretary pursuant to section 7586 of this title; and
(9) the cost of implementation of the primary battery stewardship plan, including the costs of collection, recycling, education, and outreach.
(b) Plan audit. After five years of implementation of an approved primary battery stewardship plan, a primary battery producer or primary battery stewardship organization shall hire an independent third party to conduct a one-time audit of the primary battery stewardship plan and plan operation. The auditor shall examine the effectiveness of the primary battery stewardship plan in collecting and recycling primary batteries. The independent auditor shall examine the cost-effectiveness of the plan and compare it to that of collection plans or programs for primary batteries in other jurisdictions. The independent auditor shall submit the results of the audit to the Secretary as part of the annual report required under subsection (a) of this section. (Added 2013, No. 139 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. May 22, 2014.)