Vermont Statutes
Chapter 168 - Product Stewardship for Primary Batteries and Rechargeable Batteries
§ 7584. Primary battery stewardship plan

§ 7584. Primary battery stewardship plan
(a) Primary battery stewardship plan required. On or before June 1, 2015, each producer selling, offering for sale, distributing, or offering for promotional purposes a primary battery in the State shall individually or as part of a primary battery stewardship organization submit a primary battery stewardship plan to the Secretary for review.
(b) Primary battery stewardship plan; minimum requirements. Each primary battery stewardship plan shall include, at a minimum, all of the following elements:
(1) List of producers and brands. Each primary battery stewardship plan shall list:
(A) all participating producers and contact information for each of the participating producers; and
(B) the brands of primary batteries covered by the plan.
(2) Free collection. Each primary battery stewardship plan shall provide for the collection of primary batteries from consumers at no cost to consumers. A producer shall not refuse the collection of a primary battery based on the brand or producer of the primary battery.
(3) Collection; convenience. Each primary battery stewardship plan shall:
(A) Allow all retailers who meet requirements specified in the plan, all municipalities, and all certified solid waste management facilities to opt to be a collection facility.
(B) Provide, at a minimum, no fewer than two collection facilities in each county in the State that provide for collection throughout the year.
(C) Provide for the acceptance from a consumer of up to 100 batteries per visit. A collection facility may agree to accept more than 100 batteries per visit from a consumer.
(4) Method of disposition. Each primary battery stewardship plan shall include a description of the method that will be used to responsibly manage discarded primary batteries to ensure that the components of the discarded primary batteries, to the extent economically and technically feasible, are recycled.
(5) Roles and responsibilities. A primary battery stewardship plan shall list all key participants in the primary battery collection chain, including:
(A) the number and name of the collection facilities accepting primary batteries under the plan, including the address and contact information for each facility;
(B) the name and contact information of a transporter or contractor collecting primary batteries from collection facilities; and
(C) the name, address, and contact information of the recycling facilities that process the collected primary batteries.
(6) Education and outreach. A primary battery stewardship plan shall include an education and outreach program. The education and outreach program may include mass media advertising in radio or television broadcasts or newspaper publications of general circulation in the State, retail displays, articles in trade and other journals and publications, and other public educational efforts. The education and outreach program shall describe the outreach procedures that will be used to provide notice of the program to businesses, municipalities, certified solid waste management facilities, retailers, wholesalers, and haulers. At a minimum, the education and outreach program shall notify the public of the following:
(A) that there is a free collection program for all primary batteries; and
(B) the location of collection points and how to access the collection program.
(7) Reimbursement. A primary battery stewardship plan shall include a reimbursement procedure that is consistent with the requirements of subchapter 4 of this chapter.
(8) Performance goal; collection rate. A primary battery stewardship plan shall include a collection rate performance goal for the primary batteries subject to the plan. The collection rate includes the estimated total weight of primary batteries that will be sold or offered for sale in the State by the producer or the producers participating in the primary battery stewardship plan.
(c) Implementation. A producer or a primary battery stewardship organization shall include provisions in the plan for the implementation of the program in conjunction with those retailers, municipalities, and certified solid waste management facilities acting as collection facilities under a program. No transportation or recycling cost shall be imposed on retailers, municipalities, or certified solid waste management facilities acting as collection facilities under a program. A producer or a primary battery stewardship organization shall provide retailers, municipalities, and certified solid waste management facilities acting as collection facilities products or equipment for setting up a collection point and for providing for the pickup of collected primary batteries, including arranging for the management of those primary batteries. (Added 2013, No. 139 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. May 22, 2014.)