§ 4965. Service; form
(a)(1) In all cases, unless service is waived under subsection 4966(g) of this title, a copy of the notice of sale shall be served on the mortgagor or his or her representative in interest by:
(A) sending the notice by registered or certified mail addressed to the mortgagor or such representative at his or her last known address, or to such person and address as may be agreed upon in said mortgage, at least 60 days before said sale; or
(B) serving the notice in any manner authorized by the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure.
(2) As used in this section, “mortgagor” shall mean the mortgagor or the then record owner of the mortgaged property.
(b)(1) A copy of the notice of sale shall be sent to any tenant lawfully occupying the mortgaged property and to any person having a recorded interest in the mortgaged property of record which will be foreclosed by the sale, provided that the interest is recorded in the applicable land records prior to the recording of the notice of sale. The notice required by this subsection shall be sent not less than 60 days before the sale. Notice to a tenant shall be sufficient if mailed to the tenant by first class mail at the address specified in the lease, if recorded, or to the occupant at the address of the mortgaged property, if the lease is not recorded.
(2) Compliance with this subsection shall be sufficient with respect to persons entitled to receive notice under subdivision (1) of this subsection, and the failure to give additional notice shall not be grounds to invalidate the sale. Any mortgagor or junior lienholder who refuses to accept or claim mailed or served notice or who frustrates attempts by the mortgagee to give notice of the sale by failing to give or leave a forwarding address or by other acts or omissions shall be deemed to be notified of the sale, provided that such mortgagee shall have made a good faith effort to provide such notice.
(c)(1) The following notice of sale form may be used and may be altered as circumstances require:
To wit: (Legal description of the mortgaged property and in case of partial releases, state exceptions.)
Terms of sale: (State here the amount, if any, to be paid in cash by the purchaser at the time of the sale, and the schedule for payment of the balance.)
The mortgagor and all junior lienholders are entitled to redeem the mortgaged property at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale.
Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at ______
(Signed) ________
Mortgagee (may be signed by mortgagee’s attorney)
______ 20____
(2) This subsection shall not be construed to prevent the use of other forms. A notice of sale shall be sufficient if it fully sets forth the date, time, and place of sale; the town, county, street, or highway and street number, if any, of the mortgaged premises; the date of the mortgage; the volume and page of the recording of the mortgage; the terms of the sale; the statement language required by subdivision (d)(1) of this section; and notice of the right to redeem.
(d)(1) The notice of the sale shall include the following statement: “The mortgagor and all junior lienholders are hereby notified that at any time before the foreclosure sale, the mortgagor and all junior lienholders have a right to petition the Civil Division of the Superior Court for the county in which the mortgaged property is situated, with service upon the mortgagee, and upon such bond as the court may require, to enjoin the scheduled foreclosure sale. Failure to institute such petition and complete service upon the foreclosing party, or the party’s agent, conducting the sale prior to sale shall thereafter bar any action or right of action of the mortgagor or any junior lienholder based on the validity of the foreclosure, the right of the mortgagee to conduct the foreclosure sale, or compliance by the mortgagee with the notice requirements and other conditions of this section. An action to recover damages resulting from the sale of the mortgaged property on the date of the sale may be commenced at any time within one year following the date of the sale, but not thereafter.”
(2) The mortgagor and all junior lienholders shall have the rights contained in the notice provided for in this subsection. (Added 2011, No. 102 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 172 - Foreclosure of Mortgages
§ 4932. Venue; joinder of parties; recording
§ 4934. Supplemental judgment joining parties; recording
§ 4935. Taxes paid by mortgagee
§ 4936. Foreclosure of real or personal property
§ 4938. Effect on bankruptcy proceedings
§ 4941. Decree foreclosing equity of redemption; writ of possession
§ 4945. Judicial sale foreclosure
§ 4947. Foreclosure of equity of redemption; recording
§ 4948. Reinstatement of mortgage prior to sale
§ 4949. Mortgagor’s redemption prior to judicial sale
§ 4953. Conduct and location of sale
§ 4954. Procedure following sale
§ 4961. Power of nonjudicial sale
§ 4962. Notice of intention to foreclose
§ 4963. Publication of notice of sale
§ 4966. Conduct and location of sale
§ 4967. Recording following sale