§ 4961. Power of nonjudicial sale
Whether or not a power of sale is contained in a mortgage relating to any property, except for farmland or a dwelling house owned by a natural person, instead of a suit and decree of foreclosure, the mortgagee may, upon breach of mortgage condition, foreclose upon the property without first commencing a foreclosure action or obtaining a foreclosure decree by complying with the terms of this subchapter. No sale under and by virtue of a nonjudicial power of sale shall be valid and effectual to foreclose the mortgage unless the conditions of this subchapter are complied with. (Added 2011, No. 102 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 172 - Foreclosure of Mortgages
§ 4932. Venue; joinder of parties; recording
§ 4934. Supplemental judgment joining parties; recording
§ 4935. Taxes paid by mortgagee
§ 4936. Foreclosure of real or personal property
§ 4938. Effect on bankruptcy proceedings
§ 4941. Decree foreclosing equity of redemption; writ of possession
§ 4945. Judicial sale foreclosure
§ 4947. Foreclosure of equity of redemption; recording
§ 4948. Reinstatement of mortgage prior to sale
§ 4949. Mortgagor’s redemption prior to judicial sale
§ 4953. Conduct and location of sale
§ 4954. Procedure following sale
§ 4961. Power of nonjudicial sale
§ 4962. Notice of intention to foreclose
§ 4963. Publication of notice of sale
§ 4966. Conduct and location of sale
§ 4967. Recording following sale