§ 4953. Conduct and location of sale
(a) Location. The sale shall be held at the mortgaged property unless another place for sale is directed by the court. At the sale, the mortgaged property shall be sold to the highest bidder in conformance with the terms of sale set forth in the notice of sale.
(b) Adjournments. The public sale may be adjourned one or more times for a total time not exceeding 30 days, without further court order, and without publication or service of a new notice of sale, by announcement of the new sale date to those present at each adjournment or by posting notice of the adjournment in a conspicuous place at the location of the sale. Notice of the new sale date shall also be sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the mortgagor at the mortgagor’s last known address at least five days before the new sale date. The public sale may be adjourned for a period of time in excess of 30 days by agreement of the mortgagor and mortgagee or by order of the court.
(c) Permitted bidders. Any person may bid at the sale. All bidders, except for the mortgagee plaintiff or designee, shall meet the requirements set forth in the notice of sale in order to bid at the sale. (Added 2011, No. 102 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 172 - Foreclosure of Mortgages
§ 4932. Venue; joinder of parties; recording
§ 4934. Supplemental judgment joining parties; recording
§ 4935. Taxes paid by mortgagee
§ 4936. Foreclosure of real or personal property
§ 4938. Effect on bankruptcy proceedings
§ 4941. Decree foreclosing equity of redemption; writ of possession
§ 4945. Judicial sale foreclosure
§ 4947. Foreclosure of equity of redemption; recording
§ 4948. Reinstatement of mortgage prior to sale
§ 4949. Mortgagor’s redemption prior to judicial sale
§ 4953. Conduct and location of sale
§ 4954. Procedure following sale
§ 4961. Power of nonjudicial sale
§ 4962. Notice of intention to foreclose
§ 4963. Publication of notice of sale
§ 4966. Conduct and location of sale
§ 4967. Recording following sale