Vermont Statutes
Chapter 129 - Grand Tax Lists
§ 4183. Certification by clerk

§ 4183. Certification by clerk
The clerk to whom such abstract is returned shall compare the same with the grand list and, if he or she finds it correct in every particular, shall so certify on the abstract; and if he or she finds that it is not correct, he or she shall so certify and state wherein and the changes necessary to make it conform to the grand list.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 32 - Taxation and Finance

Chapter 129 - Grand Tax Lists

§ 4001. Inventory forms

§ 4002. Oath

§ 4003. Distribution of inventories

§ 4004. Return of inventories by individuals

§ 4005. Return by corporations, estates, or fiduciaries

§ 4006. Failure to return inventory

§ 4007. Final disposition of inventories

§ 4008. Willful destruction

§ 4009. Examination of inventories

§ 4010. Inventories in unorganized towns and gores

§ 4041. Examination of property; appraisal

§ 4041a. Reappraisal

§ 4044. Appraisal of personalty on April 1

§ 4045. Appraisal on other than April 1

§ 4046. Notice

§ 4047. Amending tax list

§ 4048. Evaluating real estate of nonresidents

§ 4049. Appraisal of orchard lands

§ 4050. Appraisal in unorganized towns and gores

§ 4051. Basis for appraisals

§ 4052. Contract appraisals; certification

§ 4081. Procedure when inventory properly completed

§ 4082. Taxpayer’s grand list

§ 4084. Procedure upon failure to return correct inventory

§ 4085. Notice to taxpayers on nonreturn of inventory

§ 4086. Omissions in inventory

§ 4088. Contents

§ 4111. Abstracts of individual lists

§ 4112. Legalizing defective or invalid abstracts

§ 4113. Certificate to amended abstract

§ 4114. Certificate of clerk

§ 4115. Notice by listers

§ 4116. Notices posted and published; mail to nonresidents

§ 4151. Grand list of town

§ 4152. Contents

§ 4154. Endorsement of time of reception

§ 4154a. State-owned land

§ 4155. Certificate and attestation—No appeal or suit pending

§ 4156. After appeal and suit determined

§ 4157. Effect of such certificate

§ 4158. Loss or destruction of grand list

§ 4159. Unorganized towns and gores

§ 4181. Form and deposit of abstract

§ 4182. False abstracts

§ 4183. Certification by clerk

§ 4184. Neglect

§ 4221. Time and notice of hearings

§ 4222. Procedure

§ 4223. Evidence; voluntary payment

§ 4224. Amendment; certificate; notice

§ 4261. Correcting omission from grand list

§ 4262. Legalizing defective or invalid grand list

§ 4263. Listers’ certificate

§ 4264. Clerk’s certificate

§ 4265. When grand list not filed within time

§ 4301. Basis for county taxes

§ 4304. Fire district list

§ 4341. Generally

§ 4342. Extensions by the Director