Vermont Statutes
Chapter 129 - Grand Tax Lists
§ 4182. False abstracts

§ 4182. False abstracts
When a lister or appraiser knowingly makes or returns an incorrect abstract, he or she shall be fined not more than $500.00.

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 32 - Taxation and Finance

Chapter 129 - Grand Tax Lists

§ 4001. Inventory forms

§ 4002. Oath

§ 4003. Distribution of inventories

§ 4004. Return of inventories by individuals

§ 4005. Return by corporations, estates, or fiduciaries

§ 4006. Failure to return inventory

§ 4007. Final disposition of inventories

§ 4008. Willful destruction

§ 4009. Examination of inventories

§ 4010. Inventories in unorganized towns and gores

§ 4041. Examination of property; appraisal

§ 4041a. Reappraisal

§ 4044. Appraisal of personalty on April 1

§ 4045. Appraisal on other than April 1

§ 4046. Notice

§ 4047. Amending tax list

§ 4048. Evaluating real estate of nonresidents

§ 4049. Appraisal of orchard lands

§ 4050. Appraisal in unorganized towns and gores

§ 4051. Basis for appraisals

§ 4052. Contract appraisals; certification

§ 4081. Procedure when inventory properly completed

§ 4082. Taxpayer’s grand list

§ 4084. Procedure upon failure to return correct inventory

§ 4085. Notice to taxpayers on nonreturn of inventory

§ 4086. Omissions in inventory

§ 4088. Contents

§ 4111. Abstracts of individual lists

§ 4112. Legalizing defective or invalid abstracts

§ 4113. Certificate to amended abstract

§ 4114. Certificate of clerk

§ 4115. Notice by listers

§ 4116. Notices posted and published; mail to nonresidents

§ 4151. Grand list of town

§ 4152. Contents

§ 4154. Endorsement of time of reception

§ 4154a. State-owned land

§ 4155. Certificate and attestation—No appeal or suit pending

§ 4156. After appeal and suit determined

§ 4157. Effect of such certificate

§ 4158. Loss or destruction of grand list

§ 4159. Unorganized towns and gores

§ 4181. Form and deposit of abstract

§ 4182. False abstracts

§ 4183. Certification by clerk

§ 4184. Neglect

§ 4221. Time and notice of hearings

§ 4222. Procedure

§ 4223. Evidence; voluntary payment

§ 4224. Amendment; certificate; notice

§ 4261. Correcting omission from grand list

§ 4262. Legalizing defective or invalid grand list

§ 4263. Listers’ certificate

§ 4264. Clerk’s certificate

§ 4265. When grand list not filed within time

§ 4301. Basis for county taxes

§ 4304. Fire district list

§ 4341. Generally

§ 4342. Extensions by the Director