Vermont Statutes
Chapter 129 - Grand Tax Lists
§ 4111. Abstracts of individual lists

§ 4111. Abstracts of individual lists
(a) Subject to the provisions of section 4341 of this title, on or before May 5, the listers shall arrange in alphabetical order, in a book or books required by law to be furnished for the abstract of individual lists and the grand lists, the names of the various taxpayers and all the data mentioned in section 4152 of this title. The listed valuation of all real and personal estate shall first be set in the appropriate columns therefor marked “valuation.”
(b) Such books shall also contain a certificate, signed by the listers, that according to their best knowledge, information, and belief they have therein set down the listed valuation of all taxable real and personal estate of each person therein named.
(c) Such book shall contain a notice in writing signed by the listers that the contents thereof will become the grand list of such town and of each person therein named, unless cause to the contrary is shown, and that, on or before May 20, as extended by section 4341 of this title, the listers will meet at some place therein designated by them to hear all grievances and make corrections in such list.
(d) Subject to the provisions of section 4341 of this title, on or before May 5, such book shall be lodged in the office of the town clerk for the inspection of the taxpayers in such town. The town clerk shall endorse thereon the time when the book was so lodged in his or her office. Such book when so lodged shall be the abstract of individual lists.
(e) When the listers return the grand list book to the town clerk, they shall notify by first-class mail, on which postage has been prepaid and that has been addressed to their last known address, all affected persons listed as property owners in the grand list book of any change in the appraised value of such property or any change in the allocation of value to the homestead as defined under subdivision 5401(7) of this title or the housesite as defined under subdivision 6061(11) of this title, and also notify them of the amount of such change and of the time and place fixed in the public notice hereinafter provided for, when persons aggrieved may be heard. No notice shall be required for a change solely to reflect a new use value set by the Current Use Advisory Board or the adjustment of that value by the common level of appraisal. Notices shall be mailed at least 14 days before the time fixed for hearing. Such personal notices shall be given in all towns and cities within the State, anything in the charter of any city to the contrary notwithstanding. At the same time, the listers shall post notices in the town clerk’s office and in at least four other public places in the town or, in the case of a city, in such other manner and places as the city charter shall provide, setting forth that they have completed and filed such book as an abstract and the time and place of the meeting for hearing grievances and making corrections. Unless the personal notices required hereby were sent by registered or certified mail, or unless an official certificate of mailing of the same was obtained from the post office, in the case of any controversy subsequently arising, it shall be presumed that the personal notices were not mailed as required.
(f) If the listers discover any error or omission in such abstract, they shall correct the same and shall forthwith give notice thereof in writing by mail, postage prepaid, or by personal delivery to the taxpayer whose list is thus changed, unless such change was made in his or her presence.
(g) A person who feels aggrieved by the action of the listers and desires to be heard by them shall, on or before the day of the grievance meeting, file with them his or her objections in writing and may appear at such grievance meeting in person or by his or her agents or attorneys. No grievance shall be allowed for a change solely to reflect a new use value set by the current use advisory board or the adjustment of that value by the common level of appraisal. Upon the hearing of such grievance, the parties thereto may submit such documentary or sworn evidence as shall be pertinent thereto.
(h) Failure on the part of the listers so to arrange the names of taxpayers in alphabetical order or to perform any of the requirements hereinbefore provided touching the form of the aforesaid abstract of individual lists and grand lists shall not in any manner affect or invalidate the list of any taxpayer, provided it shall contain data which, upon inspection thereof, together with the inventory of the taxpayer, shall disclose taxable property whereon such taxpayer is liable for a tax lawfully laid or assessed. (Amended 1959, No. 87, eff. April 1, 1959; 1971, No. 73, § 6, eff. April 16, 1971; 1983, No. 85, § 3; 1997, No. 71 (Adj. Sess.), § 65, eff. March 11, 1998; 1999, No. 49, § 22b, eff. June 2, 1999; 2003, No. 76 (Adj. Sess.), § 10, eff. Feb. 17, 2004; 2007, No. 205 (Adj. Sess.), § 8.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 32 - Taxation and Finance

Chapter 129 - Grand Tax Lists

§ 4001. Inventory forms

§ 4002. Oath

§ 4003. Distribution of inventories

§ 4004. Return of inventories by individuals

§ 4005. Return by corporations, estates, or fiduciaries

§ 4006. Failure to return inventory

§ 4007. Final disposition of inventories

§ 4008. Willful destruction

§ 4009. Examination of inventories

§ 4010. Inventories in unorganized towns and gores

§ 4041. Examination of property; appraisal

§ 4041a. Reappraisal

§ 4044. Appraisal of personalty on April 1

§ 4045. Appraisal on other than April 1

§ 4046. Notice

§ 4047. Amending tax list

§ 4048. Evaluating real estate of nonresidents

§ 4049. Appraisal of orchard lands

§ 4050. Appraisal in unorganized towns and gores

§ 4051. Basis for appraisals

§ 4052. Contract appraisals; certification

§ 4081. Procedure when inventory properly completed

§ 4082. Taxpayer’s grand list

§ 4084. Procedure upon failure to return correct inventory

§ 4085. Notice to taxpayers on nonreturn of inventory

§ 4086. Omissions in inventory

§ 4088. Contents

§ 4111. Abstracts of individual lists

§ 4112. Legalizing defective or invalid abstracts

§ 4113. Certificate to amended abstract

§ 4114. Certificate of clerk

§ 4115. Notice by listers

§ 4116. Notices posted and published; mail to nonresidents

§ 4151. Grand list of town

§ 4152. Contents

§ 4154. Endorsement of time of reception

§ 4154a. State-owned land

§ 4155. Certificate and attestation—No appeal or suit pending

§ 4156. After appeal and suit determined

§ 4157. Effect of such certificate

§ 4158. Loss or destruction of grand list

§ 4159. Unorganized towns and gores

§ 4181. Form and deposit of abstract

§ 4182. False abstracts

§ 4183. Certification by clerk

§ 4184. Neglect

§ 4221. Time and notice of hearings

§ 4222. Procedure

§ 4223. Evidence; voluntary payment

§ 4224. Amendment; certificate; notice

§ 4261. Correcting omission from grand list

§ 4262. Legalizing defective or invalid grand list

§ 4263. Listers’ certificate

§ 4264. Clerk’s certificate

§ 4265. When grand list not filed within time

§ 4301. Basis for county taxes

§ 4304. Fire district list

§ 4341. Generally

§ 4342. Extensions by the Director