Vermont Statutes
Chapter 25 - Limited Liability Companies
§ 4141. Definitions

§ 4141. Definitions
As used in this subchapter:
(1) “Constituent limited liability company” means a constituent organization that is a limited liability company.
(2) “Constituent organization” means an organization that is party to a merger.
(3) “Conversion” means a transaction authorized by sections 4142 through 4147 of this title.
(4) “Converted organization” means the converting organization as it continues in existence after a conversion.
(5) “Converting organization” means the domestic organization that approves a plan of conversion pursuant to section 4144 of this title or the foreign organization that approves a conversion pursuant to the law of its jurisdiction of formation.
(6) “Domestic,” with respect to an organization, means an organization governed as to its internal affairs by the law of this State.
(7) “Domesticated company” means the company that exists after a domesticating foreign limited liability company or limited liability company effects a domestication pursuant to sections 4152 through 4155 of this title.
(8) “Domesticating company” means the company that effects a domestication pursuant to sections 4152 through 4155 of this title.
(9) “General partner” means a partner in a partnership and a general partner in a limited partnership.
(10) “Governing statute” means the statute that governs an organization’s internal affairs.
(11) “Interest holder” means:
(A) a shareholder of a business corporation;
(B) a member of a nonprofit corporation;
(C) a general partner of a general partnership;
(D) a general partner of a limited partnership;
(E) a limited partner of a limited partnership;
(F) a member of a limited liability company;
(G) a shareholder of a general cooperative association;
(H) a member of a limited cooperative association or mutual benefit enterprise;
(I) a member of an unincorporated nonprofit association;
(J) a beneficiary or beneficial owner of a statutory trust, business trust, or common-law business trust; or
(K) any other direct holder of an interest.
(12) “Limited partner” means a limited partner in a limited partnership.
(13) “Limited partnership” means a limited partnership created under chapter 23 of this title, a predecessor law, or comparable law of another jurisdiction.
(14) “Organization”:
(A) means any of the following, whether a domestic or foreign organization, and regardless of whether organized for profit:
(i) a business corporation;
(ii) a nonprofit corporation;
(iii) a general partnership, including a limited liability partnership;
(iv) a limited partnership, including a limited liability limited partnership;
(v) a limited liability company;
(vi) a general cooperative association;
(vii) a limited cooperative association or mutual benefit enterprise;
(viii) an unincorporated nonprofit association;
(ix) a statutory trust, business trust, or common-law business trust; or
(x) any other person that has:
(I) a legal existence separate from any interest holder of that person; or
(II) the power to acquire an interest in real property in its own name; and
(B) does not include:
(i) an individual;
(ii) a trust with a predominantly donative purpose or a charitable trust;
(iii) an association or relationship that is not an organization listed in subdivision (A) of this subdivision (14) and is not a partnership under chapter 22 or 23 of this title, or a similar provision of the law of another jurisdiction;
(iv) a decedent’s estate; or
(v) a government or a governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality.
(15) “Organizational documents” means, whether or not in a record, documents governing the internal affairs of an organization that are binding on all its interest holders, including:
(A) for a domestic or foreign general partnership, its partnership agreement;
(B) for a limited partnership or foreign limited partnership, its certificate of limited partnership and partnership agreement;
(C) for a domestic or foreign limited liability company, its certificate or articles of organization and operating agreement, or comparable records as provided in its governing statute;
(D) for a business trust, its agreement of trust and declaration of trust;
(E) for a domestic or foreign corporation for profit, its certificate or articles of incorporation, bylaws, and other agreements among its shareholders which are authorized by its governing statute, or comparable records as provided in its governing statute; and
(F) for any other organization, the basic records that create the organization and determine its internal governance and the relations among the persons that own it, have an interest in it, or are members of it.
(16) “Partner” includes a general partner and a limited partner.
(17) “Partnership” means a general partnership under chapter 22 of this title, a predecessor law, or comparable law of another jurisdiction.
(18) “Partnership agreement” means an agreement among the partners concerning the partnership or limited partnership.
(19) “Personal liability” means:
(A) any liability for a debt, obligation, or other liability of an organization which is imposed on a person that co-owns, has an interest in, or is a member of the organization:
(i) by the governing statute solely by reason of the person co-owning, having an interest in, or being a member of the organization; or
(ii) by the organization’s organizational documents under a provision of the governing statute authorizing those documents to make one or more specified persons liable for all or specified debts, obligations, or other liabilities of the organization solely by reason of the person or persons co-owning, having an interest in, or being a member of the organization; or
(B) an obligation of an interest holder under the organizational documents of an organization to contribute to the organization.
(20) “Private organizational documents” means organizational documents or portions thereof that are not part of the organization’s public record, if any, and includes:
(A) the bylaws of a business corporation;
(B) the bylaws of a nonprofit corporation;
(C) the partnership agreement of a general partnership;
(D) the partnership agreement of a limited partnership;
(E) the operating agreement of a limited liability company;
(F) the bylaws of a general cooperative association;
(G) the bylaws of a limited cooperative association or mutual benefit enterprise;
(H) the governing principles of an unincorporated nonprofit association; and
(I) the trust instrument of a statutory trust or similar rules of a business trust or common-law business trust.
(21) “Protected agreement” means:
(A) an instrument or agreement evidencing indebtedness of an organization in effect on July 1, 2016 or on the date the organization elects to become subject to this chapter, whichever is earlier;
(B) an agreement that is binding on an organization on July 1, 2016 or on the date the organization elects to become subject to this chapter, whichever is earlier;
(C) the organizational documents of an organization in effect on July 1, 2016 or on the date the organization elects to become subject to this chapter, whichever is earlier; or
(D) an agreement that is binding on any of the directors, officers, general partners, managers, or interest holders of an organization on July 1, 2016 or on the date the organization elects to become subject to this chapter, whichever is earlier.
(22) “Public organizational documents” means the record of organizational documents required to be filed with the Secretary of State to form an organization, and any amendment to or restatement of that record, and includes:
(A) the articles of incorporation of a business corporation;
(B) the articles of incorporation of a nonprofit corporation;
(C) the certificate of limited partnership of a limited partnership;
(D) the certificate of organization of a limited liability company;
(E) the articles of incorporation of a general cooperative association;
(F) the articles of organization of a limited cooperative association or mutual benefit enterprise; and
(G) the certificate of trust of a statutory trust or similar record of a business trust.
(23) “Registered foreign organization” means a foreign organization that is registered to do business in this State pursuant to a record filed by the Secretary of State.
(24) “Surviving organization” means an organization into which one or more other organizations are merged whether the organization preexisted the merger or was created by the merger. (Added 2015, No. 17, § 2; amended 2015, No. 97 (Adj. Sess.), § 43; 2015, No. 157 (Adj. Sess.), § E.3.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 11 - Corporations, Partnerships and Associations

Chapter 25 - Limited Liability Companies

§ 4001. Definitions

§ 4002. Knowledge and notice

§ 4003. Effect of operating agreement; nonwaivable provisions

§ 4004. Supplemental principles of law

§ 4005. Name

§ 4006. Reserved name

§ 4007. Designated office and agent

§ 4008. Change of designated office or agent for service of process

§ 4009. Resignation of agent for service of process

§ 4010. Service of process

§ 4011. Nature of business and powers; governing law

§ 4012. Fees

§ 4021. Limited liability company as legal entity

§ 4022. Organization

§ 4023. Articles of organization

§ 4024. Amendment or restatement of articles of organization

§ 4025. Signing of documents

§ 4026. Filing in Office of Secretary of State

§ 4027. Correcting filed document

§ 4028. Certificate of existence or authorization

§ 4029. Liability for false statement in filed document

§ 4030. Filing by judicial act

§ 4031. Limited liability company property

§ 4032. When property is limited liability company property

§ 4033. Annual report for Secretary of State

§ 4034. Involuntary termination

§ 4041. No agency power of member as member

§ 4042. Liability of members and managers

§ 4051. Becoming a member

§ 4052. Form of contribution

§ 4053. Member’s liability for contributions

§ 4054. Management of limited liability company

§ 4055. Sharing of profits and losses and right to distributions

§ 4056. Limitations on distributions

§ 4057. Liability for unlawful distributions

§ 4058. Information rights

§ 4059. General standards of member’s and manager’s conduct

§ 4060. Reimbursement, indemnification, and insurance

§ 4071. Member’s distributional interest

§ 4072. Transfer of distributional interest

§ 4073. Rights of transferee

§ 4074. Charging order

§ 4075. Power of estate of deceased member

§ 4081. Events causing member’s dissociation

§ 4082. Member’s power to dissociate; wrongful dissociation

§ 4083. Effect of member’s dissociation

§ 4101. Events causing dissolution and winding up of company business

§ 4102. Limited liability company continues after dissolution

§ 4103. Right to wind up limited liability company’s business

§ 4104. Member’s or manager’s power and liability as agent after dissolution

§ 4105. Articles of termination

§ 4106. Distribution of assets in winding up limited liability company’s business

§ 4107. Known claims against dissolved limited liability company

§ 4108. Other claims against dissolved limited liability company

§ 4109. Enforcement of claims against dissolved limited liability company

§ 4111. Law governing foreign limited liability companies

§ 4112. Application for certificate of authority

§ 4113. Activities not constituting transacting business

§ 4114. Issuance of certificate of authority

§ 4115. Amended certificate of authority

§ 4116. Name of foreign limited liability company

§ 4117. Revocation of certificate of authority

§ 4118. Cancellation of authority

§ 4119. Effect of failure to obtain certificate of authority

§ 4120. Action by Attorney General

§ 4121. Election

§ 4122. Designation of controlling foreign law

§ 4123. Scope of designated foreign law

§ 4124. Jurisdiction

§ 4131. Direct action by member

§ 4132. Derivative action

§ 4133. Proper plaintiff

§ 4134. Pleading

§ 4135. Special litigation committee

§ 4136. Proceeds and expenses

§ 4141. Definitions

§ 4142. Conversion authorized

§ 4143. Plan of conversion

§ 4144. Approval of conversion

§ 4145. Amendment or abandonment of plan of conversion

§ 4146. Statement of conversion; effective date of conversion

§ 4147. Effect of conversion

§ 4148. Merger of entities

§ 4149. Action on plan of merger by constituent limited liability company

§ 4150. Filings required for merger; effective date

§ 4151. Effect of merger

§ 4152. Domestication

§ 4153. Action on plan of domestication by domesticating limited liability company

§ 4154. Filings required for domestication; effective date

§ 4155. Effect of domestication

§ 4156. Restrictions on approval of mergers, conversions, and domestications

§ 4157. Subchapter not exclusive

§ 4161. Election

§ 4162. Requirements

§ 4163. Failure to meet requirements

§ 4171. Definitions

§ 4172. Election

§ 4173. Authority; requirements

§ 4174. Multiple roles of members and managers

§ 4175. Consensus formation algorithms and governance processes

§ 4176. Scope of subchapter; other law