Vermont Statutes
Chapter 63 - Consumer Protection
§ 2461d. Price gouging of petroleum products and heating fuel products

§ 2461d. Price gouging of petroleum products and heating fuel products
(a) Definitions For the purposes of this section:
(1) A “market emergency” shall be declared by the Governor. The market emergency shall continue for 30 days or until terminated by the Governor. The Governor may extend the market emergency for additional 30-day periods. “Market emergency” means any abnormal disruption of any market for petroleum products or heating fuel products, including any actual or threatened shortage in the supply of petroleum products or heating fuel products or any actual or threatened increase in the price of petroleum products or heating fuel products resulting from severe weather, convulsion of nature, supply manipulation, failure or shortage of electric power or other source of energy, strike, civil disorder, act of war, terrorist attack, national or local emergency, or other extraordinary adverse circumstances.
(2) “Petroleum or heating fuel product” means motor fuels, liquefied petroleum gas, fuel oil, kerosene, and wood pellets used for heating or cooking purposes.
(3) “Petroleum or heating fuel-related business” means any producer, supplier, wholesaler, distributor, or retail seller of any petroleum or heating fuel product.
(b) It is an unfair and deceptive act and practice in commerce and a violation of section 2453 of this title for any petroleum or heating fuel-related business during a market emergency or seven days prior thereto to sell or offer to sell any petroleum product or heating fuel product for an amount that represents an unconscionably high price.
(c) A price is unconscionably high if:
(1) the amount charged during the market emergency or seven days prior thereto represents a gross disparity between the price of the petroleum product or heating fuel product charged by the petroleum or heating fuel related business and:
(A) the price at which the same product was sold or offered for sale by that business in the usual course of business immediately prior to the date of the declaration of the market emergency; or
(B) the price at which the same or similar petroleum product or heating fuel product is readily obtainable by the buyer and other buyers in the trade area in which the petroleum- or heating-fuel-related business markets the product; and
(2) the disparity is not substantially attributable to increased prices charged by the petroleum product or heating fuel product suppliers or increased costs due to a market emergency. (Added 2005, No. 210 (Adj. Sess.), § 2.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 9 - Commerce and Trade

Chapter 63 - Consumer Protection

§ 2451. Purpose

§ 2451a. Definitions

§ 2452. Limitation

§ 2453. Practices prohibited; antitrust and consumer protection

§ 2453a. Practices prohibited; criminal antitrust violations

§ 2453b. Retaliation prohibited

§ 2454. Purchase contracts; rescission

§ 2454a. Consumer contracts; automatic renewal

§ 2455. Defenses

§ 2456. Confession of judgment

§ 2457. Evidence of fraud

§ 2458. Restraining prohibited acts

§ 2459. Assurance of discontinuance

§ 2460. Civil investigation

§ 2461. Civil penalty

§ 2461a. Hearing aid violations

§ 2461b. Regulation of propane

§ 2461c. Predatory pricing

§ 2461d. Price gouging of petroleum products and heating fuel products

§ 2461e. Requirements for guaranteed price plans and prepaid contracts

§ 2462. Action by State’s Attorney

§ 2463. Credit billing for certain home solicitation sales

§ 2463a. Choice of law in computer information agreement

§ 2464. Telemarketing transactions

§ 2464a. Prohibited telephone solicitations

§ 2464b. Registration of telemarketers

§ 2464c. Private cause of action

§ 2464d. Telephone preference service

§ 2464e. Robocalls; prohibition; penalty [Effective July 1, 2023]

§ 2465. Antitrust remedies

§ 2465a. Definition of local, local to Vermont, and locally grown or made in Vermont

§ 2465b. Misrepresentation of a floral business as local

§ 2466. Goods and services appearing on telephone bill

§ 2466a. Consumer protections; prescription drugs

§ 2466b. Disclosure of fee for automatic dialing service

§ 2466c. Internet service; network management; Attorney General review and disclosure

§ 2467. Definitions

§ 2468. Warranty

§ 2469. Loaners

§ 2470. Remedies

§ 2470a. Definition

§ 2470b. Unsafe children’s products; prohibition

§ 2470c. Exception

§ 2470d. Penalty; remedies

§ 2470e. Definitions

§ 2470f. Prohibition of lead in children’s products

§ 2470g. Prohibition of lead in jewelry

§ 2470h. Consumer warnings; notification; phase-outs

§ 2470i. Prohibition on removal of labels

§ 2470j. Prohibition on providing substantial assistance

§ 2470k. Violations

§ 2470l. Scope

§ 2470aa. Definitions

§ 2470bb. Applicability

§ 2470cc. Required disclosures; consent

§ 2470dd. Periodic notices

§ 2470ee. Cancellation and termination

§ 2470ff. Maximum length of plan

§ 2470gg. Billing information

§ 2470hh. Violations

§ 2470ii. Definitions

§ 2470jj. Applicability

§ 2470kk. Required disclosures; consent

§ 2470ll. Cancellation and termination

§ 2470mm. Billing information

§ 2470nn. Violations

§ 2471. Definitions

§ 2472. Contracts between paid fundraisers and charitable organizations

§ 2473. Notice of solicitation

§ 2474. Notice not to be used as an endorsement

§ 2475. Solicitations

§ 2476. Bank accounts

§ 2477. Financial report

§ 2478. Records required

§ 2479. Violations

§ 2479a. Truth in advertising and producing musical performances

§ 2480a. Definitions

§ 2480b. Disclosures to consumers

§ 2480c. Charges for certain disclosures by credit reporting agencies

§ 2480d. Procedure in case of disputed accuracy

§ 2480e. Consumer consent

§ 2480f. Violations

§ 2480g. Exemptions

§ 2480h. Security freeze by credit reporting agency; time in effect

§ 2480i. Credit reporting agency duties if security freeze in place

§ 2480j. Persons not required to place security freeze

§ 2480k. Complaints to law enforcement agencies

§ 2480l. Verification of change of consumer’s address for preapproved offers of credit

§ 2480m. Limitations on use of Social Security numbers

§ 2480n. Credit report files of deceased persons

§ 2480o. Definitions

§ 2480p. Electronic payment systems

§ 2480q. Penalties

§ 2480r. Severability

§ 2480aa. Legislative intent; public policy

§ 2480bb. Definitions

§ 2480cc. Required disclosures to payee

§ 2480dd. Approval of transfers of structured settlement payment rights

§ 2480ee. Effects of transfer of structured settlement payment rights

§ 2480ff. Procedure for approval of transfers

§ 2480gg. General provisions; construction

§ 2481a. Definitions

§ 2481b. Required disclosures

§ 2481c. Record-keeping

§ 2481d. Violations

§ 2481w. Unlicensed loan transactions

§ 2481x. Entry fees; games not based on chance

§ 2482a. Definitions

§ 2482b. Requirements for Internet dating services

§ 2482c. Limited immunity

§ 2482d. Violations

§ 2482h. Solicitation; material misrepresentation

§ 2482i. Credit card terminal; finance lease provisions

§ 2482j. Violations

§ 2483. Applicability

§ 2483a. Security freeze for protected consumer; time in effect

§ 2483b. Fees