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Part A— General
§ 1901. Establishment; officer appointments - There shall be a Capitol police. There shall be a...
§ 1901a. Capitol Police Board - (a) Capitol Police Board; composition; redefining mission(1) PurposeThe purpose of...
§ 1901b. Joint oversight hearings - (a) In GeneralThe Committee on Rules and Administration of the...
§ 1902. Compensation of Chief - The annual rate of pay for the Chief of the...
§ 1903. Chief Administrative Officer - (a) Chief Administrative Officer(1) EstablishmentThere shall be within the United...
§ 1904. Certifying officers - (a) Appointment of certifying officers of the Capitol PoliceThe Chief...
§ 1905. Deposit and use of reimbursements for law enforcement assistance - (a)(1) Any funds received by the Capitol Police as reimbursement...
§ 1905a. Reimbursement for salaries paid for service at Federal Law Enforcement Training Center - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Chief of the...
§ 1905b. Notification of obligation - (a) Beginning on March 15, 2022, the Chief of the...
§ 1906. Disposal of surplus property - (a) In generalWithin the limits of available appropriations, the Capitol...
§ 1907. Transfer of disbursing function - (a) In general(1) Disbursing officerThe Chief of the Capitol Police...
§ 1907a. Authority to transfer amounts between salaries and general expenses - During fiscal year 2014 and any succeeding fiscal year, the...
§ 1907b. Funds available for workers compensation payments - Available balances of expired United States Capitol Police appropriations shall...
§ 1908. Legal representation authority - (a) In general(1) Authorization of representationAny counsel described under paragraph...
§ 1909. Inspector General for the United States Capitol Police - (a) Establishment of OfficeThere is established in the United States...
§ 1910. Report of disbursements - (a) In generalNot later than 60 days after the last...
§ 1911. General Counsel to the Chief of Police and the United States Capitol Police - (1) In generalThere shall be within the United States Capitol...
§ 1912. Volunteer chaplain services - (a) The Chief of the Capitol Police shall have authority...
Part B— Compensation and Other Personnel Matters
§ 1921. Repealed. , , -
§ 1921a. Sole and exclusive authority of Board and Chief to determine rates of pay - (a) In generalThe Capitol Police Board and the Chief of...
§ 1922. Unified payroll administration - Payroll administration for the Capitol Police and civilian support personnel...
§ 1923. Unified schedules of rates of basic pay and leave system - (a) Rates of basic pay(1) The Capitol Police Board shall...
§ 1924. Repealed. , , -
§ 1925. Repealed. , , -
§ 1926. Educational assistance program for employees - (a) EstablishmentIn order to recruit or retain qualified personnel, the...
§ 1927. Bonuses, retention allowances, and additional compensation - (a) Recruitment and relocation bonuses(1) Authorization of paymentThe Capitol Police...
§ 1928. Repealed. , , -
§ 1929. Repealed. , , -
§ 1930. Applicable pay rate upon appointment - (a) In generalNotwithstanding any other provision of law, the rate...
§ 1931. Additional compensation for employees with specialty assignments and proficiencies - (a) Establishment of positionsThe Chief of the Capitol Police may...
§ 1932. Application of premium pay limits on annualized basis - (a) In generalAny limits on the amount of premium pay...
§ 1933. Clarification of authorities regarding certain personnel benefits - (a) No lump-sum payment permitted for unused compensatory time(1) In...
§ 1934. Waiver by Chief of Capitol Police of claims arising out of erroneous payments to officers and employees - (a) Waiver of claimSubject to the joint approval of the...
Part C— Uniform and Arms
§ 1941. Uniform - The Capitol Police Board shall select and regulate the pattern...
§ 1942. Uniform to display United States flag or colors - (a) The uniform of officers and members of the United...
§ 1943. Repealed. , , -
§ 1944. Wearing uniform on duty - The officers, privates, and watchmen of the Capitol police shall,...
Part D— United States Capitol Police Memorial Fund
§ 1951. Establishment of United States Capitol Police Memorial Fund - There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United...
§ 1952. Payments from Fund for families of Detective Gibson and Private First Class Chestnut and certain other United States Capitol Police employees - (a) In generalExcept to the extent used or reserved for...
§ 1953. Tax treatment of Fund - (a) Contributions to FundFor purposes of title 26, any contribution...
§ 1954. Administration by Capitol Police Board - (a) In generalThe Capitol Police Board shall administer and manage...
§ 1961. Policing of Capitol Buildings and Grounds - (a) The Capitol Police shall police the United States Capitol...
§ 1962. Detail of police - The Capitol Police Board is authorized to detail police from...
§ 1963. Protection of grounds - It shall be the duty of the Capitol police on...
§ 1964. Security systems for Capitol buildings and grounds - (a) Design and installation(1) Effective October 1, 1995, the unexpended...
§ 1965. Maintenance of security systems for Capitol buildings and grounds - (a) Effective October 1, 1996, the responsibility for maintenance of...
§ 1965a. Prohibition on use of funds for installation of permanent fencing on Capitol Grounds - None of the funds made available in this or any...
§ 1966. Protection of Members of Congress, officers of Congress, and members of their families - (a) Authority of the Capitol PoliceSubject to the direction of...
§ 1966a. Protection of former Speakers of the House of Representatives - Notwithstanding any other provision of law (except , United States...
§ 1967. Law enforcement authority - (a) ScopeSubject to such regulations as may be prescribed by...
§ 1968. Citation release - (a) In generalThe Chief of the Capitol Police, with the...
§ 1969. Regulation of traffic by Capitol Police Board - (a) Exclusive charge and control of all vehicular and other...
§ 1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies - (a) Assistance(1) In generalExecutive departments and Executive agencies may assist...
§ 1971. Contributions of meals and refreshments during emergency duty - At any time on or after , the United States...
§ 1972. Contributions of comfort and other incidental items and services during emergency duty - In addition to the authority provided under , at any...
§ 1973. Support and maintenance expenditures during emergency duty - At any time on or after , the Capitol Police...
§ 1974. Capitol Police special officers - (a) In generalIn the event of an emergency, as determined...
§ 1975. Overseas travel - (a) DefinitionIn this section, the term “United States” means each...
§ 1975a. Overseas travel to accompany members of House leadership - (a) Travel authorized(1) In generalA member of the Capitol Police...
§ 1976. Acceptance of donations of animals - (a) In generalThe Capitol Police may accept the donation of...
§ 1977. Settlement and payment of tort claims - (a) Federal Tort Claims Act(1) In generalExcept as provided in...
§ 1978. Deployment outside of jurisdiction - (a) Requirements for prior notice and approvalThe Chief of the...
§ 1979. Release of security information - (a) DefinitionIn this section, the term “security information” means information...
§ 1980. Mounted horse unit - (a) The United States Capitol Police may not operate a...
§ 1981. Advance payments - During fiscal year 2008 and each succeeding fiscal year, following...
§ 1982. Acceptance of surplus or obsolete property - Upon notifying the Committees of Appropriations of the House of...