US Code
§ 1970. Assistance by Executive departments and agencies

(a) Assistance(1) In generalExecutive departments and Executive agencies may assist the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties by providing services (including personnel), equipment, and facilities on a temporary and reimbursable basis when requested by the Capitol Police Board or in accordance with paragraph (4) and on a permanent and reimbursable basis upon advance written request of the Capitol Police Board; except that the Department of Defense and the Coast Guard may provide such assistance on a temporary basis without reimbursement when assisting the United States Capitol Police in its duties directly related to protection under sections 1922, 1961, 1966, 1967, and 1969 of this title and sections 5101 to 5107 and 5109 of title 40.11 See References in Text note below. Before making a request under this paragraph, the Capitol Police Board shall consult with appropriate Members of the Senate and House of Representatives in leadership positions, except in an emergency.
(2) ProcurementNo services (including personnel), equipment, or facilities may be ordered, purchased, leased, or otherwise procured for the purposes of carrying out the duties of the United States Capitol Police by persons other than officers or employees of the Federal Government duly authorized by the Chairman of the Capitol Police Board to make such orders, purchases, leases, or procurements.
(3) Expenditures or obligation of fundsNo funds may be expended or obligated for the purpose of carrying out this section other than funds specifically appropriated to the Capitol Police Board or the United States Capitol Police for those purposes with the exception of—(A) expenditures made by the Department of Defense or the Coast Guard from funds appropriated to the Department of Defense or the Coast Guard in providing assistance on a temporary basis to the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties directly related to protection under sections 1922, 1961, 1966, 1967, and 1969 of this title and sections 5101 to 5107 and 5109 of title 40; 1 and
(B) expenditures made by Executive departments and agencies, in providing assistance at the request of the United States Capitol Police in the performance of its duties, and which will be reimbursed by the United States Capitol Police under this section.
(4) Provision of assistanceAssistance under this section shall be provided—(A) consistent with the authority of the Capitol Police under sections 1961 and 1966 of this title;
(B) upon the written request of—(i) the Capitol Police Board; or
(ii) in an emergency—(I) the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate in any matter relating to the Senate;
(II) the Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives in any matter relating to the House of Representatives; or
(III) the Chief of the Capitol Police, if the Chief of the Capitol Police has determined that the provision of assistance is necessary to prevent the significant disruption of governmental function and public order within the United States Capitol Buildings and Grounds, as described in section 1961 1 of this title; and
(C)(i) on a temporary and reimbursable basis;
(ii) on a permanent reimbursable basis upon advance written request of the Capitol Police Board; or
(iii) on a temporary basis without reimbursement by the Department of Defense and the Coast Guard as described under paragraph (1).
(5) RevocationThe Capitol Police Board may revoke a request for assistance provided under paragraph (4)(B)(ii)(III) upon consultation with appropriate Members of the Senate and House of Representatives in leadership positions.
(b) Reports(1) SubmissionWith respect to any fiscal year in which an executive department or executive agency provides assistance under this section, the head of that department or agency shall submit a report not later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year to the Chairman of the Capitol Police Board.
(2) ContentThe report submitted under paragraph (1) shall contain a detailed account of all expenditures made by the Executive department or executive agency in providing assistance under this section during the applicable fiscal year.
(3) SummaryAfter receipt of all reports under paragraph (2) with respect to any fiscal year, the Chairman of the Capitol Police Board shall submit a summary of such reports to the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
(c) Effective dateThis section shall take effect on January 10, 2002, and apply to each fiscal year occurring after such date.